Wednesday, June 8, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 43 (I'm NOT a merchant!)


26 Sigmarzeit, 2499, Übersreik

It's the last Backertag - Baking Day - of the month of Sigmar. It is late in the night, almost morning. The bakers are already at work, making their doughs and lighting their ovens. Soon all of Übersreik shall be awash with the smells of newly baked bread.

I have not written in some time. My poor journal. It's not for lack of want, but for lack of time. Every day is a flurry of activity. Matters of my house, matters of commerce, matters of my army. Only one of those tasks would be enough to keep a man busy. Two would push him to the brink. Three... three would make the poor man work well into the night, then get up at sunrise. At least seven days a week, often eight.

It is fortunate that I need little in the way of sleep. Four hours is mor than sufficient, I can get by with three if need be. I think it is related to the elixir, though I cannot say for sure. Perhaps the tonics Thesalva has been feeding me are to blame. I equally cannot say for sure. But let's not look a gift horse in the mouth...

I'm sitting in the study of my Übersreik manor. Not the old townhouse, but the manor of the previous Baron of Grausee - Gray Lake - and the Graf of  Witwental - Widow's Vale. It's a far more suitable residence for a noble lord, spacious and freshly appointed - and located in the Morgenseite (aka "the Hill") district, rather than the Artisan's quarter.

Speaking of titles: My liege, Gregor von Schadelfaust, Graf of Witwental, lies dead, as does all his kin, claimed by the plague that grips Grausee. He was a fine fellow, but one man's loss is another man's gain. And in this case, my gain. I, Wigmar von Liberungen, is now the Baron of Grausee, Graf of Witwental, and Meister Hoher Wachter von Übersreik - Lord High Protector of Übersreik.

With these titles come the Übersreik manor, the Grausee residence, and the Höhewacht Tower deep in the Grey Mountains. And the rich farmlands of the Grausee. And the hills of the Widow's Vale. And various tax rights and privileges. Including a seat on the Reikland Diet!

Truly I've taken the step up into the upper league of peers!

4 Sommerzeit, 2499, Übersreik

The second battalion is coming together nicely. We mostly have the men, and most of the materiel. Now they must be trained and made ready. They seem so weak and lost when I compared them to the men that went to war with me last year. But soon we shall make men and warriors of them!

The specialist corps is also filling out nicely. No longer do my pistoleers exist mostly on paper. No longer are my veteran sergeants bright-eyed amateurs. No longer. Now the specialists are either veterans in my employ, veterans of other wars and companies, or young men of promise and character.

I've made an effort to "sell" the town council another two battalions. With the Reiksguard gone and orks on the horizon, they need more than the city guard to defend the walls. Come to think of it the orks could be good for business if they don't get defeated too quickly. Not that I'd let any greenskin live, I'm to much of a Reiklander for that, but still, they could be good for business.

8 Sommerzeit, 2499, Übersreik

Adler von Übersreik, Händler und Anbieter (Traders and Suppliers) is formally established. It is a consortium of my mercantile interests, hidden behind several layers of proxy owners, lawyers, and bankiers.

As this is my personal journal, I shall not go into detail. Suffice to say that I've borrowed enormous sums to get us going, hoping that my approaching to business will help me to great profits. I'm not sure why I'm so optimistic. Things never turn out as well as you hope for. But without optimism and risk-seeking no profit can be made...

17 Sommerzeit, 2449, Übersreik

Ready or not, here we come.

Orks have been reported in the Grey Lady Pass. The army is already mustered outside the city. We will march into the mountains the day after tomorrow.

On one hand the terrain will be a hindrance for large-scale maneuvers. On the other hand it's ideal for the defense. Massed gunfire backed by artillery can hold valleys and passes better than most.

We shall soon see who comes out on to: Wigmar or the ork. I'm betting on Wigmar.

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