Wednesday, June 8, 2022

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 44 (Orks like Bretonnians too)


19 Sommerzeit, 2449, Übersreik

We march. Into the Grey Lady Pass we go. In the lowlands summer is in full swing. In the high mountains the snow still lies thick. But the pass to Bretonnia is open.

Near enough two full battalions of infantry, a company of mounted specialists of various stripes, their attending batteries and engineer support, and the fleet of wagons needed to move it all.

Ulf is with me, commanding his company. Doppler the second. I have Anna (Halmstadt minds his tower) and Annika both. And Thes. I even brought Fräulein Nacht for additional magical and moral support. Ankh has gone with the Shallyans to Grausee to cleanse it (the Grandfather has been implicated - fumigation and blessings are called for).

22 Sommerzeit, 2449, Barony of Teufental/Grey Lady Pass

No sign of the ork yet. We turn towards Karak Azgaraz. The 1st Battalion under Ulfberth remains as a holding force just east of Tallerhoff. The lake secures one flank and if the ork comes it must wade a river to get to my men.

23 Sommerzeit, 2449, Barony of Teufental/Grey Lady Pass

Brief battle against a holding force of orks. They were well positioned among the high ground and hard to get at with only a narrow winding road to follow. My sharpshooters were invaluable, keeping them pinned until mortars could be set up. Elevation too steep for effective cannon-fire.

25 Sommerzeit, 2449, Karak Azgaraz

The citadel still stands. Only minimal ork activity. The 2nd battalion under Doppler will remain to reinforce the troops of Nuln. My own men are the less experienced ones, though I find our gun drills and battle order superior to that of the Nulnites. I'm sure they are perfectly fine infantry, but as gunners they lack experience.

29 Sommerzeit, 2449, Karak Azgaraz

Spent a couple of days with the dwarfs then rode at speed back to Ulfberth. My personal wagons and the galloper guns slow us down and we took nearly two days instead of one. On the other hand, we used three full days on the day up.

Tomorrow I march west towards Bretonnia with my companions and the mounted troops. Ulfberth will remain in the blocking position.

31 Sommerzeit, 2449, Barony of Teufental/Grey Lady Pass

Just east of Tequelle we found the pass completely blocked by a landslide so great as to nearly defy description. An entire mountain had fallen and created a hill of stone and gravel hundreds of meters tall. Explains why we've seen zero traffic coming from Parravon.

Took Thes to the top. Found the remains of an ork high up, but no sign of an army. On the other side a pubble had started to form. In a few years there will be a great lake. Maybe the dam will burst and the Pass - and Übersreik - will be swept away?

At any rate the pass is shut. I'll borrow more money to buy donkeys. I'm sure we can find a way for them over and greatly profit.

I go to KA again to speak to the dwarfs. There are old roads up there, leading to Parravon. If we are lucky they are still in good enough shape to take wagons. If not, we shall have to fix them.

6 Vorgeheim, 2449, Karak Azgaraz

The king of the dwarfs agrees to grant us trading rights. I'm going to borrow even more money to buy wagons. With the pass blocked, I should get them for cheap, if timed right. Then we'll reopen the old roads and profit. Surely there will be profit.

Tomorrow we march towards Parravon. Too look for orks and to assess the road.

9 Vorgeheim, 2449, Montfort/Parravon

Roads are not too bad. Had to make some repairs in a few locations, but nothing major. Wagons can come this way. But it's steep, byt the gods it's steep in places. One prancing pony away from disaster so to speak. The men are holding up well enough, but I'm sure they dread the return trip. Getting those cannons back up will be hell...

Orks have been through the area some weeks ago, killing and looting as they go. We found a couple of survivors in Montfort, the first village we came across. Laetitia, a teenage girl, very pretty (if dirty and near starved). Much too fine for a place like this, as confirmed by her gold locket (it had a miniature portrait of her mother, Antigone inside). And her corpulent, dim-witted companion, Giscard.

12 Vorgeheim, 2449, Durak Way/Parravon

The Bretonnians have not kept their part of the road up to standards. It more like a rutted path through the woods. Were ti not for the wagons we could go faster, but no. Gunners without powder, shot, and cannon support are as good as dead.

Met some elven scouts, led by Alvar Oakleaf. They confirmed the presence of a force of orks, possibly 2000 strong, to the west. They had come down the same way we have, and made for Parravon...

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