Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Who is Wigmar Heck?


Wigmar heck was born in the trade town of Stimmingen in 2475 to Dagna and Eldwin Heck. He had 5 brothers and two sisters. His father, both sisters, and his younger brother died of the plague. His mother jumped into the River Ober shortly after.

Wigmar was adopted by his uncle, Heller Heck, at the age of 5. His brother Kurt, age 7, was also taken into the same household. The older brothers, Josef (10) and Adler (12) went elsewhere. Wigmar and Kurt moved to nearby Dunkelberg and never really saw their siblings again.

That's the story Wigmar knew. But then he met Josef again many years after and the brother had a different tale to tell: Dagna and Eldwin were not Wigmar's birth parents. He had been adopted as an infant. Indeed, several of Wigmar's siblings were actually adoptees. A rather common practice truth be told, but not one Wigmar had contemplated.

So who is Wigmar Heck? Who are his real parents? Why was he given up? Is he actually related to Kastor Liberung?

Uncle Heller could possibly know something. But he's up in Ostland. Heller had three daughters Wigmar grew up alongside. Maybe they have some info? Sounds like a long shot.

Maybe Adler, the oldest of the brothers could have some information. But Josef has no idea where he might be now. 

What about the people of Stimmigen? Could they know something? Maybe, but it's been nearly twenty years and a lot of people passed away from the plague back then.

Also see this post.

Classical and Magick

Classical is the langue of scholars and priests (pretty much the Latin of the Old World). Nobles around the Old World also learn a bit of Classical but don't use it much - knowing some Classical is a sign of good breeding. It originates from the ancient civilization that existed in the Tilean region before the time of Sigmar. Classical has had a widespread influence on many of the Old World's languages, with many words, especially related to the sciences and the gods, being borrowed. The Classical alphabet is also the basis of almost every Old World alphabet (except that of Kislev).

Magick is the unified language of magic, if such a thing can be said to exist, codified some two hundred years ago by the Colleges of Magic. It uses the Classical alphabet and grammatical structure as its foundation but is heavily influenced by the incomprehensible language of the elves of Ulthuan. Initially, only wizards trained in the high arts at Altdorf University knew how to read and write it but its use has spread to other parts of the Old World. Magick is fast becoming the "official" language of magic-users.

NPC companions

Companions are a special type of NPC that can be recruited into the party on a permanent (or at least long-term) basis. Other NPCs can join too of course but they aren't as important. Companions typically have special skills and underlying motivations that make them suitable for the life of an adventurer. Not all companions are created equal. Some have a larger part to play and even have fate/resolve to spend. Not as much as PCs but more than lesser NPCs 😅 

Companions do not track XP as PCs do. Instead, they start with whatever stats the GM deems them to have, and then develop at a slower pace than player characters do. Some of them have completed careers and are pretty advanced already. For example, Anna de Vedenza is a Physician (ex-Scholar), and Ulfberth is a Mercenary (ex-Berserker).

The best way to improve a companion is to interact with them. Learn their backgrounds, uncover their motivations, and help them accomplish tasks that matter to them. Each NPC has a little (or big) story arc that will unlock their potential. This interaction needs to take place over time when it's natural. It's not possible to just force some dialogue and be done with it.

Companions are generally inclined towards loyalty to the group but not all of them are equally loyal by nature. Treating companions well, giving them opportunities, and following their story arcs will generally improve their loyalty. Some companions like each other and will be more motivated by the presence of the other (A&A for example). The opposite is also true (Thesalva is not a great fan of Annika).

There are of course also XP rewards for PCs for following companion story arcs!

Monday, March 29, 2021


It is said that all roads and rivers lead to Altdorf, the largest, richest city of the Empire. It stands proudly at the confluence of the mighty Reik and Talabec rivers, as well as at the end of many major trade routes, and is easily the wealthiest city in the Empire. This ensures it is always expanding and renewing, with fresh, wide-eyed hopefuls arriving daily, and more commissions for new bridges, buildings, and engineering marvels presented weekly to the city’s burgomeisters than most cities consider in a year. 

Today, Altdorf is a city of majestic bridges, countless docks, mismatched islands, enormous tenements, and seemingly endless hordes of people: one cannot traverse its crooked streets without becoming intimately familiar with complete strangers. Because it draws merchants and diplomats from across the Old World (and beyond), it is also surprisingly cosmopolitan; not only do folk of all ranks, species, creeds, and backgrounds rub shoulders freely, but even wizards are a common sight, rarely receiving more hostility than a wary glance or muttered blessing. 

Always surprising outsiders, a populous Elf quarter thrives near the Reiksport—Altdorf’s deep-water harbor and shipyard—founded by High Elf merchant princes trading up the Reik from Marienburg over a century ago. The old alliance between the Empire and Dwarfs has stood since Sigmar’s time and ensures many Dwarf clans also reside there in tight-knit communities, some having toiled on the city’s stonework for untold generations, though their stubborn natures preclude them from ever calling Altdorf home. There is even a healthy Halfling population, with most earning their crusts serving fine food and better ales in Altdorf’s hostelries, many of which are guarded by the city’s sizeable Ogre population. 

No one knows exactly how many people live inside Altdorf's towering white walls: the last headcount was twenty years ago and said two hundred thousand. There is no reason to believe this number hasn't swelled. Nuln, the Empire's second-largest city, has no more than half of Altdorf's population (a century ago, the cities were more equal in size and prestige). Of all the cities of the Old World, only Marienburg has more citizens.

The Altdorf citizenry is known for being uniquely vocal and prone to rioting at any imagined slight, especially if it involves new taxes. Even seemingly trivial actions of the local burgomeisters and nobles can earn their ire, but the fact that many of their protests are entirely fair does not lessen the crown’s fervor in quashing any rebellious rabbles that may take to the streets.

Emperor Lutipold I holds court in Altdorf, the capital of the Reikland and the Empire as a whole. He is little involved in the daily affairs of the city, spending most of his time secluded in the Imperial Palace with his wife and two children, Crown Prince Karl-Franz and Princess Isadora.

Altdorf is a renowned center for learning. The sons and daughters of wealthy households matriculate at the University of Altdorf, often with little regard to academic ability; those with scholarly potential but without the financial clout to match it often find their way to the High Temple of Verena, for the Goddess of Wisdom, always has space for those blessed with intellect. The famed Imperial Engineers’ School—founded by Tilean genius Leonardo da Miragliano—also lies within Altdorf’s walls.

Part of the University but an entity unto itself: The Colleges of Magic. Founded over two centuries ago at the behest of Emperor Magnus the Pious, the colleges are guided by the principles and precepts of the elven Loremaster Teclis. The colleges are charged with training magically gifted citizens to channel their dangerous talents in the defense of the Empire.

Altdorf is also the beating heart of the Cult of Sigmar. Over two thousand five hundred years ago, Sigmar was born, raised, and eventually crowned as the first emperor within the boundaries of modern Altdorf, and fittingly the city now boasts more Sigmarite temples and holy sites than all the other cities of the Empire combined. Indeed, it is often said that one cannot throw a heretic without hitting a temple of Sigmar in the city.

Saturday, March 27, 2021


Bögenhafen is the largest town in the Vorbergland, the fertile strip of territory between the Reikwald Forest and the Grey Mountains. It is bustling and cosmopolitan, with as many merchants from Bretonnia, the Wasteland, Wissenland, Middenland, and beyond as hailing from Reikland. Because of this, it is a hub of trade full to bursting with busy folk going about their business, working hard, hustling, seeking always to line their pockets and get ahead.

Bögenhafen has a population of about 20,000 and sits at the last point on the river Bögen where it is navigable by large, river-going vessels. The town acts as a local market center, with goods from Altdorf, Nuln, and Marienburg coming by river to be traded for local wool, wine, lead, and silver brought down from the mountains. Trade is the primary source of revenue for the town. As such, mercantile interests dominate the political life, and the real power in Bögenhafen lies in the hands of just four wealthy families: the Haagens, the Ruggbroders, the SteinhÀgers, and the Teugens.

By day the streets are packed with teeming throngs of people: Humans, Dwarfs, Halflings, and even the occasional Elf or Ogre. During Schaffenfest the town grows busier, its population massively swollen by the influx of traders, speculators, and ne’er do-wells, all in search of a quick score or an easy mark. Seclusion is a precious rarity, reserved only for the town’s wealthiest denizens, safe in the luxurious placidity of the Adel Ring. 

By comparison, at night when the thick mists rise from the River Bögen, the town adopts an eerie, unpleasant aspect. Tendrils of fog swirl through the alleys and avenues, shrouding all in a darkling haze. Only the very brave, or the very foolish, venture into the veiled night, and not all of those return. Nonetheless, one certainty in Bögenhafen is this: if there is a profit to be made, someone will take the risk!

Weissbruck and the Weissbruck Canal

Fire on the river

The trip to Bögenhafen involves traveling the full length of the Weissbruck Canal from outside Altdorf to Weissbruck, where it joins the River Bögen. Barges enter the great lock at the entrance of the canal by the quiet village of Lethov on the very edge of the Altdorf Flats. Here the toll of 2 GC is paid and the barge passes through to the canal itself.

The 60-mile Weissbruck Canal was completed in 2462 IC to carry coal and iron from the mines at Delfgruber directly to Altdorf, avoiding the heavy tolls in Carroburg. Originally designed to accommodate narrow barges towed by horses, the owners have since opened the canal to barges of all kinds to increase toll revenues. However, as the canal is only 25ft wide at its narrowest point, and given the average Reik barge is some 23ft wide, the canal is far too narrow for two larger barges to pass side-by-side. To remedy this, an expensive refit began 20 years ago to widen the canal to at least 50ft in key sections to provide ‘passing places’. It was already this wide by the berthing points and locks, but these were too infrequent to ensure jams were not a daily occurrence. 

Today, all the original berthing points have inns adjacent, which are broadly similar in layout to the Coach and Horses Inn. House Gruber of Weissbruck manages the canal on behalf of the three noble houses who own it in equal parts: Gruber, Holzkrug, and Holswig-Schleistein. There is an 18/– toll per barge to enter the canal, or 2 GC for barges over 12ft wide, collected at either the Reiksport or Weissbruck end. There are no further toll points along the canal itself.

Weissbruck is a swiftly growing town on the River Bögen. It is ruled by the recently ennobled House Gruber, a family that may be rich because of its deep mines in the Skaag Hills, but has little in the way of status. Less than a century ago, Wiessbruck was just another small farming and fishing village, but with the opening of the nearby mines and the construction of the canal, it has expanded rapidly. 

It is now a bustling merchant town with a population that's quickly growing towards 2000, and the sound of construction rings everywhere as new buildings expand the outskirts to all sides. Warehouses line the canal and river banks, storing coal and iron ore from the nearby mines, wool and wine from Bögenhafen, and all manner of goods from Altdorf, Carroburg, and the Vorbergland Canals.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 6 (Altdorf to Bögenhafen)

Good times

7 Pflugzeit

Went to the docks to arrange for transportation. Ran into Josef, my brother. Hadn't seen him since I was 5 or 6. That's when our parents died and we got adopted by different families. He was taken in by the Quartjins and I went to Uncle. 

What are the odds for such a meeting? Not as small as you'd think. The Quartjins were river folk and my brother is the first mate of a river barge, the Berebeli, so meeting him on the docks of Altdorf...unlikely but hardly impossible. 

Arranged for transportation up to Bögenhafen by way of the Weissbruck canal. It's by far the easiest and cheapest way for all of us to get to Lock, Stock, and Barl - and my rightful birthright. We'll gather some supplies and our gear and meet Josef in the morning.

8 Pflugzeit

Got up early and got to the docks before the crowds grew too thick. What a waste. Captain Vinck, the owner and master of the Berebeli, was nowhere to be found. A ship - even a river barge - can't sail without a captain. Josef sent two men to look for the man. Apparently, he's got a fondness for drink and women. What man doesn't?


While we waited a pair of riders came down along the docks. Dressed pretty and riding fancy coursers in matching grey. One of them, a young lad in livery, came aboard, looking for Wigmar Heck. Offered to pass along the message. 

When he was gone, I broke the seal. An invitation from Professor Emeritus of Justice, Lady Bova von Dunkelberg, University of Altdorf, College of Orell. With nothing else to do, I took Ulfberth with me and went to say hello.

We found the College of Orell next to the Temple of Verena and the Great Library. Bova von Dunkelberg turned out to be an elderly lady with long grey hair, a tight black dress, and cold eyes. A former professor of law, an initiate of Verena - and a witch-hunter. Of the same Order (apparently there are several) as Peter Baden-VĂŒrt, the guy we found swinging from the white oak.

Fortunately, we weren't in any kind of trouble. She'd gotten a letter from Duke GĂŒnter von Etzel and just wanted to get our first-hand accounts of the Drinker priest and the skin-changers. Paid us a gold coin each and said her Order would pay well for detailed accounts of encounters with monsters and mutants.

Before we left we checked for any references to von Liberung. Had half expected it to be a hoax but it's real. We found the Liberung coat of arms a black "mountain" on a while field, with the iron cross in black in one corner. Baronett von Liberung received a fief up by Ubersreik, no more than 20 miles from town, 80 or so years ago. The fief has to be there still, with my 20.000 gold.


When we got back there was still no captain. The crew knew he'd left a brothel late at night, going back to the Berebeli. But he never showed and no one had seen him after. Got this feeling we might never see the good captain again. A feeling that was reinforced when Josef told us two men - a short fat one with watery eyes, and a tall thin one with a crooked nose - had been asking about one Kastor Liberung down by the docks. No "von" and no "Wigmar." Kastor. Liberung. Time to go.

Josef left a word with the dockmaster and off we went, down the river, crossing beneath the great walls of the city, marveling at the great war-fleet of the Empire that has never seen the sea, and down to the canal. We crossed the first lock and immediately went ashore. The canal is wide enough for only one barge at a time so boats have to wait their turn. And there is no traveling at night.

Almost forgot. Josef told me something I didn't know: I'm adopted. Not by Uncle. That I knew already. But by Mother and Father. Several of us kids were. Josef knew, he was 9 or 10 when they died. But I was a little boy and no one had told me. Does that mean I'm actually related to Kastor Liberung? The resemblance is uncanny.

Knives in the dark

Lady Isolde played at the local river inn - not too different from coaching inns, but catering to river-folk - and we had a great time. Got attacked during the night though. Two men tried to climb aboard. Thank Sigmar for Thesalva. She sleeps little and sees in the dark as well as men do during the day. She shot an arrow through the neck of the first man and put one in the back of the other. I shot him in the head for good measure and that was that.

Fished the corpse out of the canal and had a good look at both. Definitely, the two rascals who had been at the Altdorf docks, asking for Liberung. Probably came across in a small boat. Save a few coins there was nothing to find, leaving us not much wiser.

9-11 Pflugzeit

After the attack, nothing much happened. Took us three days to reach Weisbruck. Moved Lady Isolde into the main cabin. Thesalva started teaching Janna - Isolde's maid - how to kill people with blade and bow. Had the girl running ragged but the poor thing didn't seem to mind. Not sure how that will turn out but it's a sight to see for sure. Worked on my blade skills with Philippe and trying to figure out some bayonet moves with the rifle. Gotta be careful though. Easy to ruin a good gun by using it like a spear and club!

Also had some fun with "Anna" and Annika. In the process we got the grimoire to open. We couldn't before but then suddenly it opened without Annika actually doing anything. Anyway. It's important to understand what Kastor Liberung was up to so opening the book was a good first step. But it's written in Magick, which is similar to Classical but not the same. And of course, no one but wizards can read Magick...looks like we'll need to find us a spell-caster who's willing to take a few coins to keep things quiet.


Long story short: We cleared the last lock and got into the River Bögen. We tied up for the night and decided to have some fun. The river-folk and Ulfberth to the Black Gold Inn and the high-born to the Trumpet Inn. It was a grand experience. Had to bribe the innkeep a bit but once Isolde got going...full house and much fun to be had. She really is very talented. The way her fiery hair shines in the firelight,  eyes sparkling, and that voice...she's much too good for some country knight or the other.

Made a new friend: Adolphus Kuftsos, a mean-looking bounty hunter out looking for one Kastor Liberung. Had been for some time. Kastor is wanted for questioning in Nuln of all places. Something to do with kidnapping several people several years ago, including a member of the wrong kind of family: one with the resources to pay for justice. Kastor definitely isn't my twin - he's got to be a bit older than I am - but could still be my brother.

Adolphus admitted to being a bit confused. I looked like Kastor and used the Liberung name but there was a lot about me that didn't make any sense. Which was why he hadn't made any moves. That and the party of strongmen in my company. Before we said goodbye he had one other tidbit to offer: the two dead men were friends of Kastor. So why did they come with knives in the dark to murder him? Yet another mystery. Kuftsos is also headed for Bögenhafen. Might meet him again.

This Liberung business is getting stranger with every passing day.

12-15 Pflugzeit

Spent four days sailing up the river Bögen from Weissbruck to Bögenhafen. The weather wasn't great but we had a steady northwesterly push us steadily against the current. Not much happened. Weapons practice, carnal pleasures - I'm not paying for that ever again - and watching an elf turn a servant into a killer. Thesalva is something special that's for sure. Her skill with bow and blade, the way she dresses like a man. It's easy to forget the woman underneath - until she puts on a dress and you smell her hair.  

Each night spent in a different village, eating and drinking, and watching Isolde work her magic on the crowd.

And then we were there, on the docks of Bögenhafen.

Monday, March 15, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 5 (Spring in Altdorf)

1-4 Pflugzeit

Spring has come to Altdorf. Warm winds and sunlight - with wine and music to go with it. I've got my new clothes and a pair of fine pistols in a finely crafted leather rig. It sure is good to be a von Liberung in the capital of the world's greatest nation!

We got the Prince's wine cellar open. I knew that the Bretonnian would come in handy. He's got deft fingers and knows how to get in touch with the right people. The wine is excellent. It's also solved a bit of a problem: how to pay the servants who have begun filtering back to the mansion. There is the doorman, but there is also a halfling cook, some maids, and I don't know who the rest are. The servants kind of blend into the background. Like the rugs, tapestries, and furniture. Only they are people. Little people, but still people. I could get used to this. Anyway. Philippe takes care of the boring bits. Sells a  few bottles for coin. The prince will hardly notice. Nothing to it.

Speaking fo the Prince: I knew I and the name from somewhere. The von Tassenincks are the Elector Counts of Ostland! That's where the Griffins were going. I've no idea who this Hergard is though. One of the Count's sons, perhaps? Who else would warrant the title of Prince? Duke von Etzel sure knows a lot of people for a Bretonnian-born fellow living deep in the Drakwald.

The music is excellent too. Lady Isolde is giving performances every night and she just keeps getting better. Must have been a bit nervous that first time. We've been to some upper-class places and she's held a little concert at the house. She's radiant, I must say. This life really agrees with her. Haven't bedded her yet. It's the lady professor that keeps me busy at night. And sometimes during the day. If she was ten years younger - and talked a lot less about how women are equal (I think she means better) to men - she'd be perfect.

5 Pflugzeit

Annika MĂŒller came down from Unfer. 

I was really happy to see my blonde miller friend. She seemed happy to see me too, ready for another go at the feather beds of Altdorf. Introduced her to my new dark-haired friend, the FraĂŒlein Professor Necromancer. They got along fabulously at first sight. A woman of science and a woman of witchcraft. One dark, one fair (can't decide which color I like better). Anna and Annika. And only one Wigmar between the two of them. But they shared amicably. Not sure what I had expected but I hadn't really expected that. I'm a young man. I can do this.

The miller's wife is definitely a witch or hedge wizard of some sort. She didn't really deny it when I asked her. She admitted to brewing potions and making charms. But she did not - and the lady was most adamant about this - engage in spellcraft. She could but she didn't. It was too dangerous (I wouldn't know) and also illegal (that bit I was aware of). Burning at the stake kind of illegal. I guess being an unlicensed magic-user is kind of a big deal if you get caught by the witch-hunters.

Annika did confirm that the strange book I found in the secret compartment of Kastor's traveling case is indeed a wizard's grimoire. And the wooden case does indeed contain the ingredients of spellcasting. I wasn't surprised. But I still don't know for sure if my brother was a wizard or if he was carrying this for some other purpose.

6 Pflugzeit

What a day. 

Got a tip that some strange-looking elves were snooping around. Not those city elves but some mean-looking warriors from out in the woods. Could it be Iarin and his merry band? I can't be sure but I'd rather not take any chances.

Had a visit from Captain Polder of the City Watch. I think I convinced him of our honorable character and good intentions. I also tipped him about the elves. He said he'd look into it. Didn't want no kithband warriors in his district. 

Much as I enjoy city life at the Prince's expense: maybe it's time to make for Bögenhafen?

Monday, March 8, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 4 (On the road to Altdorf)

30th Jahrdrung

The weirdness didn't stop with my twin. Soon after we were attacked by yet another mutant emerging from the forest. This one a pin-headed brute with a hatchet, possibly the one who had murdered my brother. Thesalva shot it in the mouth. I cut it in two with a blast from my new blunderbuss, just to be sure.

Next, we got to meet Sergeant Magnus Pflaster of Altdorf. Imperial road warden no less. A good name that, Magnus. A bit dark of skin for a Reiklander though. Tilean blood in his veins. The good sergeant was on a special mission to find his sister, Anita. Their family was Verenans, you see. Keen to send even their daughters to school. She was a doctor and professor theosomething of the University of Altdorf. Wanted for necromancy, no less. He was trying to bring her back and clear her name before the witch-hunters came looking. 

We became concerned that the death screams of horses inside the forest might be related to the sister. So we went into the woods after Thesalva has switched to a dress more appropriate for forestry. Into the green, we went, me and her, Pflaster and his four men. Found us some beastmen, which we killed with shot, arrow, and steel. One of the roadwardens didn't make it out. A few of the beastmen may have run away.

We continued south to Sudengard after clearing the road. Stopping briefly in the village of Holaken, to alert Baron Ranachfels of what had happened. Sergeant Pflaster headed north again to seek his sister. I promised to look for her along the road. before we departed I wrote a letter to Annika MĂŒller, asking her to join us in Altdorf. And to bring Ulfberth is he was still around.

Sudengard was a pleasant surprise. Larger and more sophisticated than Neue Etzel. Duke von Etzel had arranged for accommodations at a fine inn. Dined with Thesalva. Strolled after supper. Guess who we ran into? Ulfberth, the Norse. He'd gotten drunk and owed some money. Settled his bills and got him out of the stocks. Think I have a new friend.

Finally got around to opening the secret compartment in Liberunga's case. It held a purse of gold. Always welcome. A book bound in metal, locked, without a lock. A grimoire? And case within the case containing numerous pouches and vials and more. A wizard's spell components? 

I've decided. This is my chance. I'm Wigmar von Liberung now, and I intend to claim my inheritance. I know the papers say "Kaster" but I'm no Kastor. I'll figure out the details later.

31th Jahrdrung

We spent the day on the road. Ulfberth slept on the back. I continued teaching Thesalva Reikspiel. She knows a fair number of words by now but not enough to speak much. I think she understands some of what I say. Clever girl. Give it a few weeks and she'll be gossiping with the maids. Not that we have any.

We stopped at the Seven Spokes. Either that or arrive in Altdorf after the gates are closed. No point, that. Guess who we ran into? Anita Pflaster, the sergeant's sister. She was older than I had imagined. Maybe thirty (or more?). Ancient. But in fine shape. On account of a privileged life in the city with no childbirths to her name. I convinced her to come back to Altdorft with us. Altdorf and then Bögenhafen-Ubersreik. Her name is Anna de Vedenza now. After the city in Tilea.

Bumped into some strongmen working for the witch-hunters. They were already on Anna's heels. Fortunately, they were all brawn and no brains. Couldn't see a lady hiding in plain sight. All the more reason for her to come with us. No way she'll make it to Middenheim.

Offered passage to a young lady, Isolde von Strudeldorf, her maid and bodyguard. Red-gold hair, sparkling green eyes, supple as a willow. Much younger than Anna. Of an age more appropriate for von Liberung. But there is surely a Lord Father and an angry husband-to-be. Enchanting voice, clever fingers. Quite the singer and lute player it turned out. Running off to Altdorf in search of freedom and fame. She'll find neither without guidance.

And Phillipe Descartes. Middle-aged soldier-turned-gambler. Bretonnian. I invited him along too. What a merry band von Liberung is assembling.

32th Jahrdrung

We arrived in Altdorf around noon. Took another two hours to reach the house of Prince von Tasseninck where my Duke had arranged for lodging. Only to find it closed and boarded up, the servants sent home. Only a single watchman to guard the premises. I convinced him to let us in.

The only noteworthy thing to happen that night: Anna. Her age didn't show at all. Quite the contrary. Come to think of it, the most pleasurable company has been Helga, Annika, and now Anna. Hardly young wenches any of them.

33th Jahrdrung

Spent the day shopping. A pair of matching pistols and a pistol belt. A dress for my new friend, Anna of Tilea. Can't have her looking like either a scullery maid or a university professor on the run! Cost me two fortunes it did. Another fortune I spent on the von Liberung wardrobe. What I had taken from Kastor's travel case might have been fashionable up in Middenheim, but in Altdorf, it was quaint and old-fashioned. Life lesson: When the merchants see you're a man of means they charge you extra, and you have to smile and accept it!

Made love under one of Altdorf's bridges. Felt almost like cheating on Isolde. I imagine that sort of thing is what she's yearning for. Good thing there are more bridges and evenings to come.


Lady Isolde's performed at an Altdorf inn on the spring equinox. I spent more money setting it up than she earned but it was totally worth it. The girl IS rather talented. And her temperament is not well suited to a life as the wife of a petty noble in the countryside (as a baronet-to-be I say that will all possible respect).

Thursday, March 4, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 3 (Dinner with Duke von Etzel)

29th Jahrdrung

The Duke's coach was quite something. Black as night, lacquered, and polished. Like looking into a mirror it was. Gold trim and the family crest of the von Etzels. The interior was as spacious as it was luxurious. We even had a servant to serve drinks. Was a bit surprised at how modern and well-maintained it was. The castle was old and the village decrepit. The coach was exactly the opposite.

The trip was fast and uneventful. Not much was said. With Thesalva not speaking and word of Reikspeil and the servant only talking when spoken to. The seats were good though, the schnapps excellent. I may have dozed off.

Duke GĂŒnther von Etzel greeted us when we arrived. He was a big man, vital and rugged, with a jawline right out of a painting. Servants - and guards - ushered us from his presence. We were assigned lavish rooms - a far cry from the cell I "slept" in last. I freshened up and put on my good shirt. Had a few drinks while I waited for dinner.

It was dinner for four. The Duke, Emmanuel Giscard, myself, and Thesalva. No ladies, save the elf. I can understand why a questing knight might not bring along his wife, but why no lady at the Duke's side?. My lady was in a black-and-purple dress that must have cost a purse full of gold. She was a fine sight but she needs to eat more or she'll never fill out those Empire dresses.

The Duke spoke of many things. He'd grown up in Brettonia of all places. His grandfather had gone there on business and never returned. Something about a Brettonian woman. The plague hit the Eztels hard years ago, around the same time Neue Eztel was nearly wiped off the map. When Duke Adalwolf died from a festering wound ten years ago, GĂŒnther (he was born Gilbert but changed it when he came to Etzel) was his closest living relative. 

Some years later, the plague claimed the Duke's wife and children. He hasn't remarried. That explains the lack of a lady at the table. Dead women don't eat dinner. Instead, he has dedicated his life to science and progress, whatever that means. To the betterment of mankind. Didn't quite understand what he meant but it includes fighting disease and death. Seems like an impossible fight to win.

Herr Emmanuel excused himself early. The conversation got even stranger then. The elf I shot is still alive. The Duke keeps him in the castle. He seems to think elves are more resistant to disease than humans. By studying the elf he hopes to learn something. Not sure how elves not getting sick applies to humans. But I'm neither a noble more a scientist, so what do I know of such things.

After the Duke had withdrawn for the night, I danced with Thesalva on the carpeted floor in front of the fireplace. The Duke keeps fine musicians. She smelled better than ever. I slept better than I had in a long time.

30th Jahrdrung

We rode in the Duke's coach towards Altdorf. First, we had to backtrack to the main road, then we sped south. Just the two of us, the manservant, and two coachmen. It promised to be a couple of uneventful days but nothing could be further from the truth.

A few hours into our journey, we came across a tree, felled across the road. A man, a mutant really, was feasting on the flesh of a fallen coachman. We killed it then proceeded around the bend in the road on foot. More mutants and a wrecked coach. Between the two of us, we shot them all dead.

That's when things got really strange...I'm not sure how to put this. We found a man in the bushes. One of the coach passengers. He was dead like the rest. Ax blow to the back of the skull. When we flipped him over...he was me. It was looking in the mirror. Like he was a twin I didn't know I had.

He had some papers on him. Kastor Liberung was his name. On his way to the town of Bögenhafen to meet with some solicitors. He's got a fief and a fortune waiting for him in Ubersreik. Sounds almost too good to be true. But a title and twenty thousand crowns? I have to think about this.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Rules of the Game pt. 4 (Experience)

The following changes to Experience are intended to keep the game running for a long time without exhausting all the interesting advancement options.


Leaving a career through a career exit:
  • Completed: 100 XP (requires taking all char advances -5% and all relevant skills/talents)
  • Incomplete: 200 XP (the GM might charge extra - or completely disallow - if you're just "passing through")
Entering a new basic career:
  • Within class: 100 XP (a soldier becoming a mercenary)
  • Other class: 200 XP (a soldier becoming a scribe)


Once you get beyond +10% the cost goes up, as show in this list:
  • +5%: 100 XP
  • +10%: 100 XP
  • +15%: 150 XP
  • +20%: 200 XP
  • +25%: 250 XP
  • +30%: 300 XP
  • +35%: 350 XP
  • +40%: 400 XP


Added a +30% mastery option.

  • Basic skill: 100 XP
  • Advanced: 200 XP
  • +10%: 100 XP
  • +20%: 200 XP
  • +30%: 300 XP


The list of talents will be expanded and organized into 3 Tiers, each with a different cost.

Some talents can be taken multiple times by purchasing them at higher tiers. Pay the cost of the higher tier.

  • Tier 1: 100 XP
  • Tier 2: 200 XP
  • Tier 3: 300 XP