Monday, March 15, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 5 (Spring in Altdorf)

1-4 Pflugzeit

Spring has come to Altdorf. Warm winds and sunlight - with wine and music to go with it. I've got my new clothes and a pair of fine pistols in a finely crafted leather rig. It sure is good to be a von Liberung in the capital of the world's greatest nation!

We got the Prince's wine cellar open. I knew that the Bretonnian would come in handy. He's got deft fingers and knows how to get in touch with the right people. The wine is excellent. It's also solved a bit of a problem: how to pay the servants who have begun filtering back to the mansion. There is the doorman, but there is also a halfling cook, some maids, and I don't know who the rest are. The servants kind of blend into the background. Like the rugs, tapestries, and furniture. Only they are people. Little people, but still people. I could get used to this. Anyway. Philippe takes care of the boring bits. Sells a  few bottles for coin. The prince will hardly notice. Nothing to it.

Speaking fo the Prince: I knew I and the name from somewhere. The von Tassenincks are the Elector Counts of Ostland! That's where the Griffins were going. I've no idea who this Hergard is though. One of the Count's sons, perhaps? Who else would warrant the title of Prince? Duke von Etzel sure knows a lot of people for a Bretonnian-born fellow living deep in the Drakwald.

The music is excellent too. Lady Isolde is giving performances every night and she just keeps getting better. Must have been a bit nervous that first time. We've been to some upper-class places and she's held a little concert at the house. She's radiant, I must say. This life really agrees with her. Haven't bedded her yet. It's the lady professor that keeps me busy at night. And sometimes during the day. If she was ten years younger - and talked a lot less about how women are equal (I think she means better) to men - she'd be perfect.

5 Pflugzeit

Annika Müller came down from Unfer. 

I was really happy to see my blonde miller friend. She seemed happy to see me too, ready for another go at the feather beds of Altdorf. Introduced her to my new dark-haired friend, the Fraülein Professor Necromancer. They got along fabulously at first sight. A woman of science and a woman of witchcraft. One dark, one fair (can't decide which color I like better). Anna and Annika. And only one Wigmar between the two of them. But they shared amicably. Not sure what I had expected but I hadn't really expected that. I'm a young man. I can do this.

The miller's wife is definitely a witch or hedge wizard of some sort. She didn't really deny it when I asked her. She admitted to brewing potions and making charms. But she did not - and the lady was most adamant about this - engage in spellcraft. She could but she didn't. It was too dangerous (I wouldn't know) and also illegal (that bit I was aware of). Burning at the stake kind of illegal. I guess being an unlicensed magic-user is kind of a big deal if you get caught by the witch-hunters.

Annika did confirm that the strange book I found in the secret compartment of Kastor's traveling case is indeed a wizard's grimoire. And the wooden case does indeed contain the ingredients of spellcasting. I wasn't surprised. But I still don't know for sure if my brother was a wizard or if he was carrying this for some other purpose.

6 Pflugzeit

What a day. 

Got a tip that some strange-looking elves were snooping around. Not those city elves but some mean-looking warriors from out in the woods. Could it be Iarin and his merry band? I can't be sure but I'd rather not take any chances.

Had a visit from Captain Polder of the City Watch. I think I convinced him of our honorable character and good intentions. I also tipped him about the elves. He said he'd look into it. Didn't want no kithband warriors in his district. 

Much as I enjoy city life at the Prince's expense: maybe it's time to make for Bögenhafen?

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