Saturday, March 27, 2021


Bögenhafen is the largest town in the Vorbergland, the fertile strip of territory between the Reikwald Forest and the Grey Mountains. It is bustling and cosmopolitan, with as many merchants from Bretonnia, the Wasteland, Wissenland, Middenland, and beyond as hailing from Reikland. Because of this, it is a hub of trade full to bursting with busy folk going about their business, working hard, hustling, seeking always to line their pockets and get ahead.

Bögenhafen has a population of about 20,000 and sits at the last point on the river Bögen where it is navigable by large, river-going vessels. The town acts as a local market center, with goods from Altdorf, Nuln, and Marienburg coming by river to be traded for local wool, wine, lead, and silver brought down from the mountains. Trade is the primary source of revenue for the town. As such, mercantile interests dominate the political life, and the real power in Bögenhafen lies in the hands of just four wealthy families: the Haagens, the Ruggbroders, the Steinhägers, and the Teugens.

By day the streets are packed with teeming throngs of people: Humans, Dwarfs, Halflings, and even the occasional Elf or Ogre. During Schaffenfest the town grows busier, its population massively swollen by the influx of traders, speculators, and ne’er do-wells, all in search of a quick score or an easy mark. Seclusion is a precious rarity, reserved only for the town’s wealthiest denizens, safe in the luxurious placidity of the Adel Ring. 

By comparison, at night when the thick mists rise from the River Bögen, the town adopts an eerie, unpleasant aspect. Tendrils of fog swirl through the alleys and avenues, shrouding all in a darkling haze. Only the very brave, or the very foolish, venture into the veiled night, and not all of those return. Nonetheless, one certainty in Bögenhafen is this: if there is a profit to be made, someone will take the risk!

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