Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Rules of the Game pt. 4 (Experience)

The following changes to Experience are intended to keep the game running for a long time without exhausting all the interesting advancement options.


Leaving a career through a career exit:
  • Completed: 100 XP (requires taking all char advances -5% and all relevant skills/talents)
  • Incomplete: 200 XP (the GM might charge extra - or completely disallow - if you're just "passing through")
Entering a new basic career:
  • Within class: 100 XP (a soldier becoming a mercenary)
  • Other class: 200 XP (a soldier becoming a scribe)


Once you get beyond +10% the cost goes up, as show in this list:
  • +5%: 100 XP
  • +10%: 100 XP
  • +15%: 150 XP
  • +20%: 200 XP
  • +25%: 250 XP
  • +30%: 300 XP
  • +35%: 350 XP
  • +40%: 400 XP


Added a +30% mastery option.

  • Basic skill: 100 XP
  • Advanced: 200 XP
  • +10%: 100 XP
  • +20%: 200 XP
  • +30%: 300 XP


The list of talents will be expanded and organized into 3 Tiers, each with a different cost.

Some talents can be taken multiple times by purchasing them at higher tiers. Pay the cost of the higher tier.

  • Tier 1: 100 XP
  • Tier 2: 200 XP
  • Tier 3: 300 XP

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