Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Classical and Magick

Classical is the langue of scholars and priests (pretty much the Latin of the Old World). Nobles around the Old World also learn a bit of Classical but don't use it much - knowing some Classical is a sign of good breeding. It originates from the ancient civilization that existed in the Tilean region before the time of Sigmar. Classical has had a widespread influence on many of the Old World's languages, with many words, especially related to the sciences and the gods, being borrowed. The Classical alphabet is also the basis of almost every Old World alphabet (except that of Kislev).

Magick is the unified language of magic, if such a thing can be said to exist, codified some two hundred years ago by the Colleges of Magic. It uses the Classical alphabet and grammatical structure as its foundation but is heavily influenced by the incomprehensible language of the elves of Ulthuan. Initially, only wizards trained in the high arts at Altdorf University knew how to read and write it but its use has spread to other parts of the Old World. Magick is fast becoming the "official" language of magic-users.

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