Saturday, March 27, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 6 (Altdorf to Bögenhafen)

Good times

7 Pflugzeit

Went to the docks to arrange for transportation. Ran into Josef, my brother. Hadn't seen him since I was 5 or 6. That's when our parents died and we got adopted by different families. He was taken in by the Quartjins and I went to Uncle. 

What are the odds for such a meeting? Not as small as you'd think. The Quartjins were river folk and my brother is the first mate of a river barge, the Berebeli, so meeting him on the docks of Altdorf...unlikely but hardly impossible. 

Arranged for transportation up to Bögenhafen by way of the Weissbruck canal. It's by far the easiest and cheapest way for all of us to get to Lock, Stock, and Barl - and my rightful birthright. We'll gather some supplies and our gear and meet Josef in the morning.

8 Pflugzeit

Got up early and got to the docks before the crowds grew too thick. What a waste. Captain Vinck, the owner and master of the Berebeli, was nowhere to be found. A ship - even a river barge - can't sail without a captain. Josef sent two men to look for the man. Apparently, he's got a fondness for drink and women. What man doesn't?


While we waited a pair of riders came down along the docks. Dressed pretty and riding fancy coursers in matching grey. One of them, a young lad in livery, came aboard, looking for Wigmar Heck. Offered to pass along the message. 

When he was gone, I broke the seal. An invitation from Professor Emeritus of Justice, Lady Bova von Dunkelberg, University of Altdorf, College of Orell. With nothing else to do, I took Ulfberth with me and went to say hello.

We found the College of Orell next to the Temple of Verena and the Great Library. Bova von Dunkelberg turned out to be an elderly lady with long grey hair, a tight black dress, and cold eyes. A former professor of law, an initiate of Verena - and a witch-hunter. Of the same Order (apparently there are several) as Peter Baden-Vürt, the guy we found swinging from the white oak.

Fortunately, we weren't in any kind of trouble. She'd gotten a letter from Duke Günter von Etzel and just wanted to get our first-hand accounts of the Drinker priest and the skin-changers. Paid us a gold coin each and said her Order would pay well for detailed accounts of encounters with monsters and mutants.

Before we left we checked for any references to von Liberung. Had half expected it to be a hoax but it's real. We found the Liberung coat of arms a black "mountain" on a while field, with the iron cross in black in one corner. Baronett von Liberung received a fief up by Ubersreik, no more than 20 miles from town, 80 or so years ago. The fief has to be there still, with my 20.000 gold.


When we got back there was still no captain. The crew knew he'd left a brothel late at night, going back to the Berebeli. But he never showed and no one had seen him after. Got this feeling we might never see the good captain again. A feeling that was reinforced when Josef told us two men - a short fat one with watery eyes, and a tall thin one with a crooked nose - had been asking about one Kastor Liberung down by the docks. No "von" and no "Wigmar." Kastor. Liberung. Time to go.

Josef left a word with the dockmaster and off we went, down the river, crossing beneath the great walls of the city, marveling at the great war-fleet of the Empire that has never seen the sea, and down to the canal. We crossed the first lock and immediately went ashore. The canal is wide enough for only one barge at a time so boats have to wait their turn. And there is no traveling at night.

Almost forgot. Josef told me something I didn't know: I'm adopted. Not by Uncle. That I knew already. But by Mother and Father. Several of us kids were. Josef knew, he was 9 or 10 when they died. But I was a little boy and no one had told me. Does that mean I'm actually related to Kastor Liberung? The resemblance is uncanny.

Knives in the dark

Lady Isolde played at the local river inn - not too different from coaching inns, but catering to river-folk - and we had a great time. Got attacked during the night though. Two men tried to climb aboard. Thank Sigmar for Thesalva. She sleeps little and sees in the dark as well as men do during the day. She shot an arrow through the neck of the first man and put one in the back of the other. I shot him in the head for good measure and that was that.

Fished the corpse out of the canal and had a good look at both. Definitely, the two rascals who had been at the Altdorf docks, asking for Liberung. Probably came across in a small boat. Save a few coins there was nothing to find, leaving us not much wiser.

9-11 Pflugzeit

After the attack, nothing much happened. Took us three days to reach Weisbruck. Moved Lady Isolde into the main cabin. Thesalva started teaching Janna - Isolde's maid - how to kill people with blade and bow. Had the girl running ragged but the poor thing didn't seem to mind. Not sure how that will turn out but it's a sight to see for sure. Worked on my blade skills with Philippe and trying to figure out some bayonet moves with the rifle. Gotta be careful though. Easy to ruin a good gun by using it like a spear and club!

Also had some fun with "Anna" and Annika. In the process we got the grimoire to open. We couldn't before but then suddenly it opened without Annika actually doing anything. Anyway. It's important to understand what Kastor Liberung was up to so opening the book was a good first step. But it's written in Magick, which is similar to Classical but not the same. And of course, no one but wizards can read Magick...looks like we'll need to find us a spell-caster who's willing to take a few coins to keep things quiet.


Long story short: We cleared the last lock and got into the River Bögen. We tied up for the night and decided to have some fun. The river-folk and Ulfberth to the Black Gold Inn and the high-born to the Trumpet Inn. It was a grand experience. Had to bribe the innkeep a bit but once Isolde got going...full house and much fun to be had. She really is very talented. The way her fiery hair shines in the firelight,  eyes sparkling, and that voice...she's much too good for some country knight or the other.

Made a new friend: Adolphus Kuftsos, a mean-looking bounty hunter out looking for one Kastor Liberung. Had been for some time. Kastor is wanted for questioning in Nuln of all places. Something to do with kidnapping several people several years ago, including a member of the wrong kind of family: one with the resources to pay for justice. Kastor definitely isn't my twin - he's got to be a bit older than I am - but could still be my brother.

Adolphus admitted to being a bit confused. I looked like Kastor and used the Liberung name but there was a lot about me that didn't make any sense. Which was why he hadn't made any moves. That and the party of strongmen in my company. Before we said goodbye he had one other tidbit to offer: the two dead men were friends of Kastor. So why did they come with knives in the dark to murder him? Yet another mystery. Kuftsos is also headed for Bögenhafen. Might meet him again.

This Liberung business is getting stranger with every passing day.

12-15 Pflugzeit

Spent four days sailing up the river Bögen from Weissbruck to Bögenhafen. The weather wasn't great but we had a steady northwesterly push us steadily against the current. Not much happened. Weapons practice, carnal pleasures - I'm not paying for that ever again - and watching an elf turn a servant into a killer. Thesalva is something special that's for sure. Her skill with bow and blade, the way she dresses like a man. It's easy to forget the woman underneath - until she puts on a dress and you smell her hair.  

Each night spent in a different village, eating and drinking, and watching Isolde work her magic on the crowd.

And then we were there, on the docks of Bögenhafen.

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