Monday, March 8, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 4 (On the road to Altdorf)

30th Jahrdrung

The weirdness didn't stop with my twin. Soon after we were attacked by yet another mutant emerging from the forest. This one a pin-headed brute with a hatchet, possibly the one who had murdered my brother. Thesalva shot it in the mouth. I cut it in two with a blast from my new blunderbuss, just to be sure.

Next, we got to meet Sergeant Magnus Pflaster of Altdorf. Imperial road warden no less. A good name that, Magnus. A bit dark of skin for a Reiklander though. Tilean blood in his veins. The good sergeant was on a special mission to find his sister, Anita. Their family was Verenans, you see. Keen to send even their daughters to school. She was a doctor and professor theosomething of the University of Altdorf. Wanted for necromancy, no less. He was trying to bring her back and clear her name before the witch-hunters came looking. 

We became concerned that the death screams of horses inside the forest might be related to the sister. So we went into the woods after Thesalva has switched to a dress more appropriate for forestry. Into the green, we went, me and her, Pflaster and his four men. Found us some beastmen, which we killed with shot, arrow, and steel. One of the roadwardens didn't make it out. A few of the beastmen may have run away.

We continued south to Sudengard after clearing the road. Stopping briefly in the village of Holaken, to alert Baron Ranachfels of what had happened. Sergeant Pflaster headed north again to seek his sister. I promised to look for her along the road. before we departed I wrote a letter to Annika Müller, asking her to join us in Altdorf. And to bring Ulfberth is he was still around.

Sudengard was a pleasant surprise. Larger and more sophisticated than Neue Etzel. Duke von Etzel had arranged for accommodations at a fine inn. Dined with Thesalva. Strolled after supper. Guess who we ran into? Ulfberth, the Norse. He'd gotten drunk and owed some money. Settled his bills and got him out of the stocks. Think I have a new friend.

Finally got around to opening the secret compartment in Liberunga's case. It held a purse of gold. Always welcome. A book bound in metal, locked, without a lock. A grimoire? And case within the case containing numerous pouches and vials and more. A wizard's spell components? 

I've decided. This is my chance. I'm Wigmar von Liberung now, and I intend to claim my inheritance. I know the papers say "Kaster" but I'm no Kastor. I'll figure out the details later.

31th Jahrdrung

We spent the day on the road. Ulfberth slept on the back. I continued teaching Thesalva Reikspiel. She knows a fair number of words by now but not enough to speak much. I think she understands some of what I say. Clever girl. Give it a few weeks and she'll be gossiping with the maids. Not that we have any.

We stopped at the Seven Spokes. Either that or arrive in Altdorf after the gates are closed. No point, that. Guess who we ran into? Anita Pflaster, the sergeant's sister. She was older than I had imagined. Maybe thirty (or more?). Ancient. But in fine shape. On account of a privileged life in the city with no childbirths to her name. I convinced her to come back to Altdorft with us. Altdorf and then Bögenhafen-Ubersreik. Her name is Anna de Vedenza now. After the city in Tilea.

Bumped into some strongmen working for the witch-hunters. They were already on Anna's heels. Fortunately, they were all brawn and no brains. Couldn't see a lady hiding in plain sight. All the more reason for her to come with us. No way she'll make it to Middenheim.

Offered passage to a young lady, Isolde von Strudeldorf, her maid and bodyguard. Red-gold hair, sparkling green eyes, supple as a willow. Much younger than Anna. Of an age more appropriate for von Liberung. But there is surely a Lord Father and an angry husband-to-be. Enchanting voice, clever fingers. Quite the singer and lute player it turned out. Running off to Altdorf in search of freedom and fame. She'll find neither without guidance.

And Phillipe Descartes. Middle-aged soldier-turned-gambler. Bretonnian. I invited him along too. What a merry band von Liberung is assembling.

32th Jahrdrung

We arrived in Altdorf around noon. Took another two hours to reach the house of Prince von Tasseninck where my Duke had arranged for lodging. Only to find it closed and boarded up, the servants sent home. Only a single watchman to guard the premises. I convinced him to let us in.

The only noteworthy thing to happen that night: Anna. Her age didn't show at all. Quite the contrary. Come to think of it, the most pleasurable company has been Helga, Annika, and now Anna. Hardly young wenches any of them.

33th Jahrdrung

Spent the day shopping. A pair of matching pistols and a pistol belt. A dress for my new friend, Anna of Tilea. Can't have her looking like either a scullery maid or a university professor on the run! Cost me two fortunes it did. Another fortune I spent on the von Liberung wardrobe. What I had taken from Kastor's travel case might have been fashionable up in Middenheim, but in Altdorf, it was quaint and old-fashioned. Life lesson: When the merchants see you're a man of means they charge you extra, and you have to smile and accept it!

Made love under one of Altdorf's bridges. Felt almost like cheating on Isolde. I imagine that sort of thing is what she's yearning for. Good thing there are more bridges and evenings to come.


Lady Isolde's performed at an Altdorf inn on the spring equinox. I spent more money setting it up than she earned but it was totally worth it. The girl IS rather talented. And her temperament is not well suited to a life as the wife of a petty noble in the countryside (as a baronet-to-be I say that will all possible respect).

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