Thursday, June 13, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 87 (Arabyan nights)


11 Jahrdrung 2502

Al-Adiz, Northern coast of Araby

My somewhat impromptu Arabyan expedition continues. 

Bastheth has been introduced to my traveling companions. A somewhat mixed reaction, as expected. I think some of my near and dear actually feel a little threatened by my fourth wife. I cannot blame them; it is rare for mortals to brush shoulders with powers such as hers. When we leave, Nadia will represent her, and all will be well, I shall think.

Speaking of Bastheth, when we return to the north, a conversation with the grandmaster of the Knight's Panther is in order. There are enigmatic secrets and concealed truths here, waiting to be unveiled. If handled with finesse, we could amass a legion of loyal warriors to our cause.

I have further secured the allegiance of Emir Mulek by marrying two of his daughters, the fiery and adventurous Fatimeh and the somewhat more timid Hemeth. Both are flowers of the desert, to be sure, but these are political marriages, nothing more. Fatimeh will travel north with us, and Hemeth will remain behind.

Hakim is making arrangements to set up the production of fine wooden goods here in Al-Adiz—with the Emir's blessings, of course. There is plenty of cheap labor to be had here. All we need are some wood and a few masters and journeymen to oversee the proceedings. To that end, I have detached some good men from the crew to get things started. At the very least, they can arrange for shops and tools and take on apprentices. And have a look at the old castle, see what wooden fittings need replacing.

Ankh has ventured deep into the desert, his actions shrouded in mystery. He remains distant, unresponsive even to his high priest. His absence at this critical juncture leaves the faithful in a precarious position. His swift return is of utmost importance.

Spoke to the Emir and his Fakir, a most amicable chap by the name of Fidez, about the past, but more importantly, about the future of Al-Adiz once Ankh returns from the desert. The river shall flow once more, and the lands will rejoice.

Thesalva is en route with the Everchild, but we must not tarry. Nordland awaits its lord, and our departure is imminent. However, the Child will be secure in Al-Adiz, under Thesalva's vigilant watch, shielded by sturdy walls and the Emir's guards. Rest assured, arrangements for her return to Ulthuan will be expedited.

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