Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Items: Shield of the Elder Wight Lord


This shield was looted from the Great Enchanter's hoard. Its origins are unknown, but it does have a certain Norscan (or even Chaos Wastes) aesthetic. When held by any Undead or Chaos creature or a character with MR 1+, the shield glows blue, and the twisted face of a Wight Lord can be seen, wordlessly screaming at an unseen barrier that is keeping it locked inside the metal.

Powers: The Wight Shield, a formidable magical artifact, bestows 3 AP, even against attacks that bypass non-magic armor. It possesses the unique ability to Parry any ranged attack, including magic missiles (it can oc also parry melee attacks). This is achieved through an opposed WS (+30 instead of the +20 normal shields provide) vs. BS/Spellcasting test, showcasing its unparalleled defensive capabilities.

Holding the shield grants the wielder an extra Toughness Bonus resistance to cold-based attacks and also makes him immune to non-magical cold (so you won't freeze to death in winter, but you could starve to death or drown in icy water). Any non-magical melee weapon wielded by the shield's wielder is considered magical.

Furthermore, the shield bestows the user with a unique power over the Undead. It enables the user to employ their Social skills on any Undead, even those devoid of morality, as if they were living beings. While the Undead may not always be cooperative, they will at least consider the shield's owner's input before making a decision. Mindless Undead will make simple choices, such as attacking or stepping aside, while Intelligent Undead can make more complex decisions.

Finally, the Wight Lord may be released from the shield. Make an opposed WP test at +20. If successful, the Wight Lord will obey the shield's owner before returning to the shield once the fight is over. On a failure, it makes a single attack that cannot be defended against, then returns to the shield. On a critical failure, it breaks free and tries to murder the shield's owner.

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