Wednesday, June 19, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 88 (Scourge of the Bjorling Coast)


12 Jahrdrung 2502

Departing Al-Adiz. Winds favorable, omens good. Eonir, the elf envoy, will remain behind with my wife Hemeth and wait for the child and Thes.

17 Jahrdrung 2502

Somewhere west of Estalia

We have passed Estalia and are turning northeast. Winds are still favorable. Company enjoyable too. My wife (Fatimeh, the spirited one), my court illustrator, and my personal dancer adjusting well. Good to be back at sea.

22 Jahrdrung 2502

Northern coast of Bretonnia

Our journey continues in an easterly direction, then north, then finally east again. Will be home soon.

28 Jahrdrung 2502

Dietershafen, Nordland

The guns of Dietershafen saluted us as we passed by.

30 Jahrdrung 2502

Neue Lieberungen, Nordland

I have returned. I have summoned the court to me. They are still holed up in Salzenmund, eagerly awaiting word of my victorious arrival.

4 Pflugzeit 2502

Neue Lieberungen, Nordland

Departure. Heaving due east, then north, as the wind dictates.

12 Pflugzeit 2502

Bjorling Coast, Norsca

We have followed the coast east for some days, seeing few warships and dealing with only minor settlements. Poor sport, lousy loot.

17 Pflugzeit 2502

Vidborg, Bjorling Coast, Norsca

Decimated a Norscan war fleet off Vidborg. The elves are very eager to get ashore and deal with the enemy up close. I have committed some of my marines to land action as well. Cannot be seen as cowardly or weak before the Naggarothi.

20 Pflugzeit 2502

Skjold, Bjorling Coast, Norsca

Mission to Norsca is a great success. We have scoured the Bjorling Coast, first decimating their war fleet off Vidborg, and then sacking the town of Skjold, slaying the Bjorling "king" in the process. Less Chaos and corruption here than last year, but more booty and freed thralls. The fleet can continue reaving without their Prince for a few weeks more, but there is likely little materially to be gained.

In other news, Hertzen now occasionally speaks when prompted. Bella is... somewhat unhinged. When given a chance, she will absolutely abuse her considerable magical might for her own entertainment. But she is my dear sister, so I will allow her some leeway.

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