Thursday, June 6, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 86 (An Emir, a slave girl, and a leopard-headed goddess walk into a bar)


29 Nachhexen 2502

Al-Adiz, Northern coast of Araby

I continue to acquaint myself with this strange land's history, customs, peoples, and gods. Despite reading many books on the subject and speaking at length with Ankh, I've come to realize this place is so much more. Ankh's knowledge is either extremely old or brief, so it cannot convey the full picture. As for those books... many were probably written based on hearsay or, at best, second-hand accounts.

Adapting to the local ways, I've managed to forge a cordial bond with Mulek ibn-Aharat al-Aswara, the Emir of Al-Adiz. Though not a devout follower, he has his own unique way of worshipping the sun , which indirectly aligns with Ankh's beliefs. A nobleman and a scholar, he has graciously granted me rights to the old Knights Panther fort, a testament to our growing understanding.

I have also recruited into my service a former slave of his, Nafira, blessed by the Moon (and whatever or whoever gives women their shapes). She is another obvious plant, to be sure, but a welcome one at that, as she has tribal roots and recognizes Anhk—and Akh—for what they truly are.

And now, Ankh, my guide and companion, has taken up residence in the Oasis of the White Palm, a place of great significance. From there, he embarks on a mission to lead the tribes back to the light of the Sun and Moon. But there's more to his story, for he has set off into the deep desert, promising a return with new revelations.

Emir Mulek deserves a second mention, as he is the man who set me on the path to Bastheth, the leopard-headed goddess of Al-Adiz. Into her cave, I descended, braving many dangers and temptations along the way until I stood before her sanctum in all my glory. There she abased herself before me, and in the Light of God, we were united, with her High Priestess, the lovely Nadia, who is both the least and the first, bearing witness.

As an aside, I am now technically married four times: to my no-quite-late wife, to Katrina Todbringer, to that waif from Barboza, whose name momentarily escapes me, and to Bastheth herself. But I have heard no objections from either gods or men, so I do consider it in accordance with the Law of the Land and God both.

PS I must admit that I rather like it here in Araby. So much so that going back to Nordland in winter seems somewhat less appealing lately.

PPS Araby is far larger than we have accounted for. It is composed of numerous lesser realms, all beholden to the Great Sultan, stretching from the Dead Lands in the east, all along the endless miles of coast to the Southlands—with the Great Desert in the middle.

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