Saturday, June 8, 2024

Ships: Barbozan prizes


Check for possible errors - notes are, as always, pretty sketchy, and the GM's handwriting is atrocious...

Ships added to the navy roster:

The following ships were captured in Barboza

Light of Ankh (Bretonnian Galleon, formerly Chaos Moon)

Great Carrack (Greatship/Galleon size but mostly for cargo)

Ulthuan scout catamaran (no direct comparison to human ships)

Tilean Galleass (3-masted galleass w/massive mortar)

Tilean Galley (2-masted gun galley)

Tilean Galley (2-masted gun galley)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Arabyan Dhow (Cog equivalent)

Arabyan Dhow (Cog equivalent)

Arabyan Dhow (Cog equivalent)

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