Wednesday, June 19, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 88 (Scourge of the Bjorling Coast)


12 Jahrdrung 2502

Departing Al-Adiz. Winds favorable, omens good. Eonir, the elf envoy, will remain behind with my wife Hemeth and wait for the child and Thes.

17 Jahrdrung 2502

Somewhere west of Estalia

We have passed Estalia and are turning northeast. Winds are still favorable. Company enjoyable too. My wife (Fatimeh, the spirited one), my court illustrator, and my personal dancer adjusting well. Good to be back at sea.

22 Jahrdrung 2502

Northern coast of Bretonnia

Our journey continues in an easterly direction, then north, then finally east again. Will be home soon.

28 Jahrdrung 2502

Dietershafen, Nordland

The guns of Dietershafen saluted us as we passed by.

30 Jahrdrung 2502

Neue Lieberungen, Nordland

I have returned. I have summoned the court to me. They are still holed up in Salzenmund, eagerly awaiting word of my victorious arrival.

4 Pflugzeit 2502

Neue Lieberungen, Nordland

Departure. Heaving due east, then north, as the wind dictates.

12 Pflugzeit 2502

Bjorling Coast, Norsca

We have followed the coast east for some days, seeing few warships and dealing with only minor settlements. Poor sport, lousy loot.

17 Pflugzeit 2502

Vidborg, Bjorling Coast, Norsca

Decimated a Norscan war fleet off Vidborg. The elves are very eager to get ashore and deal with the enemy up close. I have committed some of my marines to land action as well. Cannot be seen as cowardly or weak before the Naggarothi.

20 Pflugzeit 2502

Skjold, Bjorling Coast, Norsca

Mission to Norsca is a great success. We have scoured the Bjorling Coast, first decimating their war fleet off Vidborg, and then sacking the town of Skjold, slaying the Bjorling "king" in the process. Less Chaos and corruption here than last year, but more booty and freed thralls. The fleet can continue reaving without their Prince for a few weeks more, but there is likely little materially to be gained.

In other news, Hertzen now occasionally speaks when prompted. Bella is... somewhat unhinged. When given a chance, she will absolutely abuse her considerable magical might for her own entertainment. But she is my dear sister, so I will allow her some leeway.

Characters & locations of the Bjorling coast


Viborg: A trading town some distance east of Skjold. The site of a fierce naval battle.

Skjold: The great city of the Bjorling kings. Situated atop a cliff overlooking a deep, sheltered fjord.

Ulfric Grondel: The late king of the Bjorlings.

Ygrid: A woman of Skjold, taken as a "ship wife" (thrall) by Ulfberth. Slavery is forbidden in the Empire, but surely a Norscan in Norsca must abide by Norscan traditions and laws???

Ynfrit: A fair maiden (only one part of that is true) of Skjold. Taken in by Wigmar.

Characters: Ynfrit, Bloody Flower of the Skraelings


Ynfrit of the Skraelings, captured (or freed, whichever way you want to look at it) during the sack of Skjold, the "great city" of the Bjorling kings. 

The omens were favorable, and she did not have to take the plunge (which in Skjold is better than in Kemperbad, perhaps even better than in Middenheim). She did, however, have to fly down to the ship, carried by Wigmar's magic... quite an experience for a girl not used to magic.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Characters: Al-Adiz residents



Mulek ibn-Aharat al-Aswara, Emir of Al-Adiz: Ruler of the city and the surrounding lands. Vassal to the Sultan of All Araby. Seems concerned about his city, its security, and its prosperity. Has the looks of a warrior but is getting long in the tooth. Courteous and generous. Four wives.

Akul the Bull, Harbor Master of the Third Port of Al-Adiz: This obese man oversees the third harbor reserved for foreign traders (the first port is military, the second for true believers). He's as corrupt as he is fat but too clever to take bribes directly. Indeed, he gives a token gift to all visitors while his henchmen collect hard gold from whoever comes to port. 

Wigmar has not had direct contact but has received an ornate water pipe as a welcoming gift. It's unlikely that common visitors get this treatment. Then again, by looking at the Spirit, you can tell its owner is someone special.

Muthmet the Black, Captain of the Guard: A towering figure, his dark skin betrays his Southern origins. He holds the power of life and death over foreigners in the city, a stark reminder of the strict laws that govern Al-Adiz. His presence alone is a testament to the city's commitment to order and security. 

Again, not a man Wigmar has been in direct contact with.

Hakim ibn-Alim al-Hakk, Master of the Emporium of Heavenly Delights: This darkly handsome man in his late 40s or early 50s is the primary owner and chief operator of one of the dozen or so major merchant companies in Al-Adiz. Wigmar chose to call upon Hakim specifically because "the omens were favorable."

Sekhmet: The illegitimate daughter of Hakim, she was once the least of his servants. Now, she serves Wigmar, her new master. A budding artist, her journey from the shadows to the forefront of the story is just beginning. 

Nafira: Curvaceous slave girl. Tribal origins. Unknown how she came to be a slave. The only person to mention Akh. Formerly owned by Emir Mulek.

Bastheth: Local minor "goddess" that dwells in a magic cave near Al-Adiz. Bastheth is both a woman and a leopard - and sometimes both at the same time.

Nadia: Voice of Bastheth. Recently promoted. Helped oversee the rite of marriage. Kislevite roots.

Fidez: An elderly gentleman and scholar of Al-Adiz. Also, a fakir (sorcerer). His faith is on the pragmatic side of the scale.

Fatimeh: Daughter of the Emir. Rather adventurous. Will come north.

Hemeth: Daughter of the Emir. Rather timid. Will stay in Al-Adiz.

Hashan: Desert dweller, tribal leader, accompanied Thesalva to the Dead Lands.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 87 (Arabyan nights)


11 Jahrdrung 2502

Al-Adiz, Northern coast of Araby

My somewhat impromptu Arabyan expedition continues. 

Bastheth has been introduced to my traveling companions. A somewhat mixed reaction, as expected. I think some of my near and dear actually feel a little threatened by my fourth wife. I cannot blame them; it is rare for mortals to brush shoulders with powers such as hers. When we leave, Nadia will represent her, and all will be well, I shall think.

Speaking of Bastheth, when we return to the north, a conversation with the grandmaster of the Knight's Panther is in order. There are enigmatic secrets and concealed truths here, waiting to be unveiled. If handled with finesse, we could amass a legion of loyal warriors to our cause.

I have further secured the allegiance of Emir Mulek by marrying two of his daughters, the fiery and adventurous Fatimeh and the somewhat more timid Hemeth. Both are flowers of the desert, to be sure, but these are political marriages, nothing more. Fatimeh will travel north with us, and Hemeth will remain behind.

Hakim is making arrangements to set up the production of fine wooden goods here in Al-Adiz—with the Emir's blessings, of course. There is plenty of cheap labor to be had here. All we need are some wood and a few masters and journeymen to oversee the proceedings. To that end, I have detached some good men from the crew to get things started. At the very least, they can arrange for shops and tools and take on apprentices. And have a look at the old castle, see what wooden fittings need replacing.

Ankh has ventured deep into the desert, his actions shrouded in mystery. He remains distant, unresponsive even to his high priest. His absence at this critical juncture leaves the faithful in a precarious position. His swift return is of utmost importance.

Spoke to the Emir and his Fakir, a most amicable chap by the name of Fidez, about the past, but more importantly, about the future of Al-Adiz once Ankh returns from the desert. The river shall flow once more, and the lands will rejoice.

Thesalva is en route with the Everchild, but we must not tarry. Nordland awaits its lord, and our departure is imminent. However, the Child will be secure in Al-Adiz, under Thesalva's vigilant watch, shielded by sturdy walls and the Emir's guards. Rest assured, arrangements for her return to Ulthuan will be expedited.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Characters: Wigmar's household


Karl-Franz (KF): Wigmar's stay-at-home sommellier. Trained by Thesalva in the art of killing by blade and poison. Something of a Shadowmancer.

Jakop Grind: Wigmar's travelling sommelier.

Esme: Wigmar's personal Strigany maid

Rene: Wigmar's personal Strigany maid

Sabine: Wigmar's personal Strigany maid

Anton Schürmann: Headmaster of the orphan school

Ulli Jenk: Engineer, chief of canal design and building. Young but driven. Balding before his years. Hollow-cheeked.

Items: Shield of the Elder Wight Lord


This shield was looted from the Great Enchanter's hoard. Its origins are unknown, but it does have a certain Norscan (or even Chaos Wastes) aesthetic. When held by any Undead or Chaos creature or a character with MR 1+, the shield glows blue, and the twisted face of a Wight Lord can be seen, wordlessly screaming at an unseen barrier that is keeping it locked inside the metal.

Powers: The Wight Shield, a formidable magical artifact, bestows 3 AP, even against attacks that bypass non-magic armor. It possesses the unique ability to Parry any ranged attack, including magic missiles (it can oc also parry melee attacks). This is achieved through an opposed WS (+30 instead of the +20 normal shields provide) vs. BS/Spellcasting test, showcasing its unparalleled defensive capabilities.

Holding the shield grants the wielder an extra Toughness Bonus resistance to cold-based attacks and also makes him immune to non-magical cold (so you won't freeze to death in winter, but you could starve to death or drown in icy water). Any non-magical melee weapon wielded by the shield's wielder is considered magical.

Furthermore, the shield bestows the user with a unique power over the Undead. It enables the user to employ their Social skills on any Undead, even those devoid of morality, as if they were living beings. While the Undead may not always be cooperative, they will at least consider the shield's owner's input before making a decision. Mindless Undead will make simple choices, such as attacking or stepping aside, while Intelligent Undead can make more complex decisions.

Finally, the Wight Lord may be released from the shield. Make an opposed WP test at +20. If successful, the Wight Lord will obey the shield's owner before returning to the shield once the fight is over. On a failure, it makes a single attack that cannot be defended against, then returns to the shield. On a critical failure, it breaks free and tries to murder the shield's owner.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Characters: Elena Valeria Ferraz y Villar de Barboza


Elena Valeria Ferraz y Villar de Barboza is the daughter of the late pirate captain Alvaro Ferraz and the late Maria Villar of Bilbali. The former hailed from what passes for a noble bloodline in Barboza, and the latter was a woman from a good Bilbali family who was offered to Alvaro in marriage, most likely to stop him from attacking their ships and holdings.

Wigmar married the girl during his stay in Barboza to further cement his hold on the pirate city. Though she seems pleasant enough, he's only spent a short amount of time with Elena, so it's hard to say much about her. Hopefully, Wigmar will have time to stop by from time to time to ensure the start of a new and long-lasting dynasty.

Ships: Barbozan prizes


Check for possible errors - notes are, as always, pretty sketchy, and the GM's handwriting is atrocious...

Ships added to the navy roster:

The following ships were captured in Barboza

Light of Ankh (Bretonnian Galleon, formerly Chaos Moon)

Great Carrack (Greatship/Galleon size but mostly for cargo)

Ulthuan scout catamaran (no direct comparison to human ships)

Tilean Galleass (3-masted galleass w/massive mortar)

Tilean Galley (2-masted gun galley)

Tilean Galley (2-masted gun galley)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Estalian Caravel (Cog equivalent)

Arabyan Dhow (Cog equivalent)

Arabyan Dhow (Cog equivalent)

Arabyan Dhow (Cog equivalent)

Friday, June 7, 2024

Lore of Shadow (Grey Magic)

Draft 1: Additional spells might be added, and some spells might be slightly tweaked.

Lore of Shadow (Grey Magic)

The Lore of Shadow is the magic of concealment, illusion, confusion, and occasionally unseen death. It is based on the manipulation of Ulgu, the Grey Wind of Magic. Its Magisters are called Grey Wizards but are also commonly known as illusionists. They are a secretive and somewhat eccentric group, prone to isolating themselves, although some Grey Wizards prefer to hide in plain sight.

Lore Skill: Stealth

MR 1


MR: 1

CT: Half action

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: Unit of alcoholic beverage (+5)* or being at least mildly intoxicated yourself (+5)

Range: Short

Target: 1 creature

Duration: MR rounds

Description: The target must take an opposed Spellcasting vs Willpower Test (+0) or become bewildered.

The degree of bewilderment depends on the degree of success:

·         0-3 Befuddled: Actual normally, but can only take a single Move or Half action each round.

·         4-6 Confused: Either run in a random direction, as determined by the GM, or move slowly around and do something inconsequential. Can defend using reactions but cannot attack or cast spells.

·         7-8 Enraged: Attack the nearest character, friend or foe, with an all-out attack. If the nearest character is out of reach, move as fast as possible and engage in melee combat (making a charge attack if possible).

·         9+ Dumbfounded: The bewildered character is utterly dumbfounded and cannot take any actions, including reactions (parry,  dodge, or counterspell).

Dark Whispers

MR: 1

CT: Move action

Difficulty: Normal (+0)

Components: A drop of your own blood brought to your lips (+5)* or knowledge of the target’s fears/darkest desires (+5)

Range: Close

Target: 1 creature

Duration: MR rounds

Description: You whisper dark words that cause the target to become Unsettled (-10 to all tests) for MR rounds unless it succeeds at an opposed Spellcasting vs. Willpower test.

The target must be able to hear you speak (both loud noises and silence effects could thus render this spell impossible to use) but need not understand your words.

This spell can be cast as a Move action, so you can also attack during the same round if desired, but the limit to casting only a single spell per round still applies.

Shadow Cloak

MR: 1

CT: Half action

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A piece of charcoal (+5)* or the cloak you’re wearing (+5)

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: MRx10 minutes

Description: You gain a +20% bonus to Stealth.

The spell immediately ends if you make any noise, including speaking, casting another spell, or failing a stealth check.

Static Illusion

MR: 1

CT: Full + Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)


Range: Medium

Target: Small AoE

Duration: MR minutes

Description: This spell works like Lesser Illsuion, except it can only provide a static, unchanging image and/or repetitive sounds.



MR: 2

CT: Full + Half action

Difficulty: Normal (+0)

Components: A lock of hair from a member of the race you are impersonating (+5)* or a doll infused with a drop of blood from the person you are impersonating (+10)

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: MR x 10 minutes

Description: You can take on the appearance (including clothing, armor, and so on) of any other living, humanoid creature (Human, Elf, Orc, etc.).

If you want to look like a specific individual, the test becomes Difficult (-20) if you’re intimately familiar with that person or Hard (-40) if you’re not.

Otherwise, you look like an undistinguished member of the same race. The spell does not disguise your voice, only your appearance. For instance, you may look like an orc, but it’s best to keep your mouth shut around greenskins if you can't speak the Goblin tongue.

Should you somehow act in a suspicious manner, viewers are allowed an Intelligence test to see through the illusion.

Lesser Illusion

MR: 2

CT: Full + Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0)


Range: Medium

Target: Small AoE

Duration: MR minutes

Description: This is the lesser version of True Illusion. The effect is the same, but the range, duration, and area of effect are reduced.

Obfuscate Actions

MR: 2

CT: Half action

Difficulty: Normal (+0)

Components: A sketch of your illusory action (+5)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: MR rounds

Description: This spell allows you to perform an act while appearing to do something different. For example, you can seem to all eyes to be doing nothing when you are actually pilfering someone’s pocket. Or maybe you want to appear like you’re humming a tune when you’re actually casting another spell.

Observers are allowed an Intelligence test to see through the illusion, with the difficulty linked to how different the illusory and actual actions are.

If your action affects someone else directly, the target of that action becomes instantly aware if it’s something overt like an attack, but must pass an Intelligence test if it's something more subtle.

If cast successfully, the spell also disguises the act of casting the spell.

Pall of Darkness

MR: 2

CT: Full + Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0)


Range: Medium

Target: Large AoE

Duration: MR rounds

Description: You create a swirling area of impenetrable darkness anywhere within range. No one (you included) can see within the area of effect, even with Night Vision (Blindsight works normally). In addition, those within the area (again, you included) can only take a Half action each round unless they make a successful Willpower test at the start of their turn.

Shroud of Invisibility

MR: 2

CT: Full

Difficulty: Normal (+0)

Components: A gossamer shroud (+2)

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: MR minutes

Description: You shroud yourself with magic and disappear from sight.

While invisible, you automatically pass any Stealth check that is opposed entirely by vision, such as hiding without moving. If you move around, you instead get a +40 bonus on Stealth checks.

If you are detected, the spell remains in effect, but you can now be targeted by the person who sensed you, but you get a free reaction against every attack, with a +20 bonus.

Attacking while invisible gives a +20 bonus to WS (if a melee attack), and the target cannot defend using a reaction (both melee and missile). Once you attack, the spell ends.


Dread Aspect

MR: 3

CT: Half

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)

Components: A shred of cloth taken from a powerful undead creature (+10)

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: MR minutes

Description: You make yourself look like a nightmare creature of purest dread.

You cause Terror in all Humanoid creatures that you are engaged with.

Shadow Knives

MR: 3

CT: Half

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)

Components: A knife of cold-forged iron (+10)

Range: Medium

Target: Up to MR targets

Duration: Instant

Description: You conjure MR magic missiles and hurl them at one or more opponents. Shadow knives do 1d10+3+MR damage, and ignore non-magic armor is ignored.

Shadow Steed

MR: 3

CT: Full

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)

Components: The hoof of a horse that died during the night (+10)

Range: Close

Target: 1 shadow steed

Duration: MR hours

Description: You conjure a steed of shadows and dreams, which you can ride using your Loer of Shadow skill instead of ride. The steed will carry you tirelessly until the spell ends or the first light of dawn.

If you get 3+ MoS you can bring a passenger on the steed, otherwise it's limited to you only.

True Illusion

MR: 3

CT: Full + Half

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)


Range: Long

Target: Large AoE

Duration: MRx10 minutes

Description: You create an illusion that is a nearly perfect simulation of reality, complete with sight, sound, and smell. You can make the affected look like anything.

You must spend a half action each round maintaining the illusion. Furthermore, you cannot cast any other spells, and the illusion disappears immediately.

Viewers may be allowed an Intelligence test to see through the illusion if they have cause to suspect it’s a trick, so the more natural you make it look, the better.

The precise effects of the illusion are up to the GM to determine and should follow the guidelines of common sense.

Universal ConfusIon

MR: 3

CT: Half

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)

Components: The preserved eyes of a Chimera (+10)

Range: Medium

Target: Large AoE

Duration: MR rounds

Description: All targets within the AoE must make a WP test or suffer the effects of the Bewilder spell.


Demi-Shadow Monsters

MR: 4

CT: Full action

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)


Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: Instantaneous


You conjure MR half-real creatures from the Realm of Shadows. The creatures are equivalent to wights in all regards, but their semi-real nature means any damage they do after Toughness and Armour is halved.

Gray Death

MR: 4

CT: Full action

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)


Range: Medium

Target: You

Duration: 4 rounds

Description: The air becomes heavy with noxious fumes that nauseate and eventually suffocate whoever is caught in the area of effect.

·         Round 1: The target must take a Toughness test or become Fatigued.

·         Round 2: The target must take a Toughness test or become Stunned.

·         Round 3: The target must take a Toughness test or become Unconscious.

·         Round 4: The target must take a Toughness test or die.

The spell only works in darkness or shadow and is countered by sunlight or equivalent magic.

Programmed Illusion

MR: 4

CT: Full + Half action

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)


Range: Long

Target: Large AoE

Duration: MRx10 minutes

Description: This spell is identical to True Illusion, but you do not need to spend any actions to maintain the illusion. You must decide beforehand if the illusion will move or change throughout its duration.

Greater Shroud

MR: 4

CT: Full action

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)


Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: AS Shroud of Invisibility, but you can affect an additional MR creatures.

Shadow Walk

MR: 4

CT: Full action

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)


Range: Self

Target: MRx100 yards

Duration: MR rounds

Description: Each round, while the spell lasts, you can step from one shadow (or patch of darkness) to another by using yor Move action, instantly disappearing and reappearing by crossing the Realm of Shadows.

This is an excellent way to bypass obstacles or enemies and gain a tactical advantage (gain a +20 bonus to any attack made against a creature you have advantage over).

The Realm of Shadows is a parallel dimension to the waking world, filled with thirsting shadows, fevered dreams, and ancient horror. It is not the same place as the Realm of Chaos, although the two are easily mistaken.


Realm of Shadows

MR: 5

CT: 3 half actions taken over 3 consecutive rounds

Difficulty: Hard (-40)

Components: A vial of distilled shadow (+10)* or a

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: You step sideways through the veil between worlds into the Realm of Shadows (or vice versa). This is similar to how the Shadow Walk spell functions, but you do not immediately exit. Instead, you remain in the Realm until you decide to leave by casting this spell again.

Storm of Shadows

MR: 5

CT: Full

Difficulty: Hard (-40)


Range: Long

Target: Large AoE

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: The spell works the same as Shadow Knives, but every eligible target is struck by MR knives.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 86 (An Emir, a slave girl, and a leopard-headed goddess walk into a bar)


29 Nachhexen 2502

Al-Adiz, Northern coast of Araby

I continue to acquaint myself with this strange land's history, customs, peoples, and gods. Despite reading many books on the subject and speaking at length with Ankh, I've come to realize this place is so much more. Ankh's knowledge is either extremely old or brief, so it cannot convey the full picture. As for those books... many were probably written based on hearsay or, at best, second-hand accounts.

Adapting to the local ways, I've managed to forge a cordial bond with Mulek ibn-Aharat al-Aswara, the Emir of Al-Adiz. Though not a devout follower, he has his own unique way of worshipping the sun , which indirectly aligns with Ankh's beliefs. A nobleman and a scholar, he has graciously granted me rights to the old Knights Panther fort, a testament to our growing understanding.

I have also recruited into my service a former slave of his, Nafira, blessed by the Moon (and whatever or whoever gives women their shapes). She is another obvious plant, to be sure, but a welcome one at that, as she has tribal roots and recognizes Anhk—and Akh—for what they truly are.

And now, Ankh, my guide and companion, has taken up residence in the Oasis of the White Palm, a place of great significance. From there, he embarks on a mission to lead the tribes back to the light of the Sun and Moon. But there's more to his story, for he has set off into the deep desert, promising a return with new revelations.

Emir Mulek deserves a second mention, as he is the man who set me on the path to Bastheth, the leopard-headed goddess of Al-Adiz. Into her cave, I descended, braving many dangers and temptations along the way until I stood before her sanctum in all my glory. There she abased herself before me, and in the Light of God, we were united, with her High Priestess, the lovely Nadia, who is both the least and the first, bearing witness.

As an aside, I am now technically married four times: to my no-quite-late wife, to Katrina Todbringer, to that waif from Barboza, whose name momentarily escapes me, and to Bastheth herself. But I have heard no objections from either gods or men, so I do consider it in accordance with the Law of the Land and God both.

PS I must admit that I rather like it here in Araby. So much so that going back to Nordland in winter seems somewhat less appealing lately.

PPS Araby is far larger than we have accounted for. It is composed of numerous lesser realms, all beholden to the Great Sultan, stretching from the Dead Lands in the east, all along the endless miles of coast to the Southlands—with the Great Desert in the middle.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Locations: Cavern of the Leopard Goddess


Bastheth's sanctum is located in a magic cave in the broken hills south of Al-Adiz. At the heart of the vast cavern lies a beautiful pool where the goddess hangs out with her leopards, favored servants, and, lately, also Wigmar.

Like the daemon-haunted cave in the Axe Bite Pass, it is a nexus of magical energies. Unlike the one in Axe Bit Pass, it is neither daemon-haunted nor a gateway to other times and places (as far as Wigmar knows, anyway).

Characters: Flowers of the desert


Even in the desert, it sometimes rains... and then you get flowers such as these.

Nadia (left): High Priestess (newly appointed, formerly the lowest of the low) of Bastheth.

Nafira (center): Former slave girl. Tribal origins. A follower of Akh.

Sekhmet (right): The illegitimate daughter of Hakim. Something of an artist herself.

Also featured here: