Thursday, September 30, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 29 (Taking the plunge - a Kemperbad love story)

25 Brauzeit

In hindsight, our stay in the city of Kemperbad was largely irrelevant in terms of our quest and the advancement of the House of Liberungen. But I must say that of all the places I've visited Kemperbad ranks very high indeed. The place is clean and relatively orderly (unless you run afoul with the local crime gangs), the food is excellent, and the brandy second to none. It's a place where you can find all manner of goods, thing you'd normally have to go to Marienburg or Altdorf or Nuln to find. If I'm not much mistaken there is also a sizeable black market.

Anyway. After making friends with herr Otto, a surprisingly young and common-looking leader of one of the dock-gangs, we entered the city above. Took one of the damnable basket-elevators instead of the 1113 steps to the top. Our mission: to search for information about Hertzen. We quickly learned she had come through the place about two months prior. Then we didn't learn much more, which was frustrating, but probably due to the fact there wasn't much more to be learned.

26 Brauzeit

Made contact with Franz Helgmar Füller, a prominent merchant (I forget to ask what he traded with) an member of the Council of Thirteen (an ominous name for a city council if you ask me). Fortunately he seemed a tad bit nicer than the councilmen from Grissenwald (after that town and Bögenhafen I'm unlikely to ever trust a councilman again) and we didn't have to kill him or burn anything down. He had some additional intel on Hertzen, that she was well connected and respected, but ultimately nothing of importance. There was little to go on with regards to the Red Crown or any other cult. If we started randomly seizing people or inciting violence it would lead to... the plunge.

Let me explain: In Kemperbad, there are none of the Emperor's "unfortunates" and no overfilled prisoners either. Instead, these people take the "plunge," which is jumping off the cliff into the Reik below (trust me, no one can survive that fall). There is a marvelous inn called "The Plunge" that sits right next to the spot where the majority of mercy killings and executions take place. You can't see them do the actually jump (or be tossed) but you have a marvelous view of the plunge. Meanwhile you can enjoy a good meal and some fine wine and brandy.

28 Brauzeit

Much of the previous day is gone from my memory. Otto took me, Thesalva, and Ulfberth slumming in the city above. Shoved us all the good brandy spots. Woke up in the courtyard of a townhouse. Had to pick Thes down from the roof. I've never seen a drunk woman on a roof look that good. Must have been a grand night about town.

29 Brauzeit

I'm felt much better today. 

Went to the temple of Verena to check up on the von Wittgenstein family. It's an old family, with a small barony sitting on the western bank of the Reik, not too far upstream from Kemperbad. A big old castle on a bluff overlooking the river, a village called Wittgendrof (very original name) nearby. We rode past the place coming down the river, but with the rain and everything you could hardly see across the Reik. I probably wouldn't have noticed anyway: there must be a hundred old castles along the Reik.

The current ruler is Baroness von Wittgenstein, the widow of Baron Ludwig (Dagmar's great-grandson). They have three adult children, Gotthard, Margritte, and Kurt. The Wittgenstein lands lie fully within the Markgraviate of Mackenstein but the family owes allegiance directly to the Kurfürst (Elector-Count) of Reikland (who happens to be the Emperor Lutipold I).

30 Brauzeit

My blood was up today. No idea why. Ended up in a big old quarrel with Vincenzo, another crime boss (this one from Tilea). Fortunately, things settled down before the killing began. We got confirmation that Herzten had passed this way almost tow months ago with a small barge and an even smaller river boat. Here party counted twenty or more people. They had a big oak casket bound with iron bands and carrying handles. A curious thing to bring into the wilds. 

31 Brauzeit

Finally managed to extricate myself from Kemperbad. We're on a mission here but somehow we've wasted a week doing nothing much of anything. Gotta love the place. I'll look into acquiring a small house in the city. Or I can stay at the Plunge when I'm in town.

Up the locks we went, into the calmer, but still spirited River Stir. A few days upriver we'll reach Unterbaum and another set of locks. That's where we'll debark and head into the hills.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 28 (The old tower)

Totally not the Inquisition's rowboat

23 Brauzeit

Came across a small island in the middle of the Reik. It was getting dark (and still raining orks and goblins) so we docked in the backwater behind a stone jetty. Came across a couple of dwarfs all too eager to book passage - Kemperbad or elsewhere, just off the island. Their overseer was not impressed and threatened expulsion from the guild and worse. The workers were convinced something evil was afoot. the overseer insisted nothing of the sort was happening.

The tower the dwarfs were building was part of a chain of new signal towers ordered by the Emperor, running from Nuln to Altdorf. They used a system of powerful lights and reflective mirrors to signal further and more accurately than the old signal fires.

Long story short: the new tower was built atop and older structure. I became convinced there was a way inside but we could not find it. Not until I discovered the disturbed graves for five people. One of the dwarfs had looted the graves and something had awoken inside to tower...

Armed with five special keys taken from the dead I was able to get inside. And behold the secret laboratory and library of a long-dead wizard. We found the gruesome remains of the missing dwarfs, half-eaten and badly decomposed. I was set upon by a foul undead creature (it had another type of key that opened a secret door to the outside). Perhaps the tower's original occupant, perhaps someone else. Put it to rest, looted the place, and sealed it behind us.

After looking through some old papers I've come to belive that the owner of the tower, one Dagmar von Wittgenstein, was after the very same thing we're going to the Baden/Barren Hills to claim. A coincidence? I think not.

25 Brauzeit

It finally stopped raining. We reached Kemberbad in bright sunshine. And what a sight it was: a wall of rock, a cliff as steep as any I've seen running along the entire north-eastern  side of the Reik. The white houses of Kemperbad on the top, a vast network of docks built on wooden pillars below. As we drew nearer we heard the roar of the River Stir running swift and white though a gorge, spilling into the Reik. A series of locks running from the Reik, past the rapids, so that rive boats and barges can more towards the distant eastern lands. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 27 (Along the Reik)


15 Brauzeit

Rode through Nuln on our ay north. Stopped by the castle to pay my respects. Found the Kurfürstin dressed and ready to ride. Going to visit her ancestral lands up by Meissen.

Before she parted wats she showed me a decree made by the glorious Emperor Lutipold I, long may he reign. There are no mutants. They don't exist. They are human like us, citizens of the empire. They are unfortunates that must be cared for an protected. Emmanuelle wasn't too impressed. I'm not sure what to think. I've met more than a few mutants and none of them were even remotely redeemable.

17 Brauzeit

Shot a fine stag in the woods east of the road. Technically poaching but what's a couple of servings of venison among nobles?

Brought it to the Red Griffon Coaching Inn and had a meal prepared. Sitting before the fire with Ulf on one side and Thes on the other, with my own sun-priest talking about how Ankh-Akh first taught men to hunt (according to Ankh-Akh anything good was given to Man by Ankh-Akh)… this is the life. 

22 Brauzeit

Spent the night in the town of Arthdorf (yes, that's it's real name) on the bank of the Reik and continued north the day after in pouring rain. It's been getting progressively colder and wetter sine we left Nuln. The charm of being on the road again has been well and truly strangled.

Later in the day we came across a brightly painted river boat drifting close to the bank, either caught on something underwater or in a backwater. We could not see any crew but the craft itself looked undamaged.

We sent Ulfberth swimming. He's our only swimmer (I have this vague idea that maybe Thesalva can swim if she really needs to but doesn't want to). He got dragged down by something. Blood and ink in the water. He resurfaced and made his way to the boat. We were attacked by a harpy or some such. I shot it quickly lest the rain ruin my powered. It fell into the river and was gone. Ulf slew a couple of unfortunates aboard the barge that tried to murder him. One had a beaked face, the other fur. Not mutants but river pirates. For which the penalty is death.

Found a crewmember alive: Renate Hausier, a young woman of (in my opinion) obvious strigany heritage. She insisted she was nothing but a good Stirlander far from home. The boat belonged to her family. her uncle, now dead, had been the captain. The other crew were also family members, cousins or whatever.

The poor girl couldn't run the boat alone so we decided to go to Kemperbad with her. Ankh will take the horses. He's a big boy. If something happens he can take care of himself.

Monday, September 27, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 26 (Cursed treasure)


8 Brauzeit

It's been a busy few days. 

The good news first: Thesalva will live thanks to Ankh-Akh. Ulfberth is busy recruiting soldiers and I have the credit needed to get them equipped. We're waiting for the bronze cannon. The rest has been delivered.

The bad news: The dwarfs are getting worse. The first of them has died. Ankh is looking after them but even he can't find a means to cure them.

The weird: The mighty Elector-Countess of Nuln had me whip one of the court ladies with a skaven tail before showing the girl the pleasurable ways of the flash. Then the esteemed lady joined in herself. I should not have written this but I could not in good conscience skip it. If von Liebwitz had been a commoner this would have been a perversion. But because she's a Kurfürstin it's just good fun. Oh, and the girl will be sent to Liberungen. I cannot do anything but accept.

Tomorrow we leave Nuln proper for calmer pastures. Von Liebwitz has lent us a manor just south of the city. There the dwarves can recover in the fresh country air. Plus I now have in my employ seventy armed dwarfs, two score human foot, and a smattering of engineers, gunners, and other specialists hired in the city. Soon to be armed with cannon. Nobles and city councils typically don't like too many strange armies camping inside the walls.

9 Brauzeit

I quite like it down by Nuln. The weather has turned again and we're enjoying fine autumn days in the sun and cool nights. I should get me an estate here. Then I could enjoy the country life and ride in to Nuln whenever I felt like it.

On to more somber matters: three more dwarfs have died and no cure in sight. Got them separated from the others. More are feeling ill. Only dwarfs have been affected. Curious that.

10 Brauzeit

Sergeant Gort, an Ostlander veteran I've just hired, made me aware that one of the dwarf corpses had been disturbed. Someone had cut the dead dwarf open and ripped out his insides. Gruesome. I ordered the corpses burnt. Burial traditions be damned - these a plague victims, not the honored dead.

11 Brauzeit

Caught us the culprit. One of our new men. He cut up the dwarf to look for treasure. That old folk tale again: dwarfs eating gold and gems. Only this time it was true. The dwarf had gold in his belly. My gold, taken from Hertzen.

The tale became stranger still: the soldier had in turn eaten the gold and was now quite ill. The first human to fall victim to the illness. We hanged him and tossed him on the pyre. Then I made a discovery: where the dwarfs had been burned we found the remnants of fool's gold. Could it be that Etelka Hertzen had used magic to turn fool's gold into true gold? Indistinguishable from the real thing unless thrown into the fire? Another thing Hertzen owes me for.

The mystery thus solved we had the other sick dwarves put to the question. They admitted eating gold - describing a hunger they could not resist. We got the gold out them them without anyone else dying and that was that.

15 Brauzeit

I'm taking Ulf, Thes, and Ank to Kemperbad. We'll go by road, I think. It'll be like the old days. Me, my friends, and the darkly overgrown ruts they call roads in the Empire. We'll have rain and cold, get attacked by mutants, drink heavily, and dance to the fiddle. A grand adventure.

I've given my orders and directions to Greathammer, Blackaxe, and Gort. They are to remain at the manor, drill, and wait for the cannon to be delivered. Then they will march to Liberungen and report to Lady Isolde.

Etelka Herzen, I'm coming for you.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 25 (Countess most fine)


2 Brauzeit cont.

A most dashing rescue commenced. I was forced to shoot one fleeing cultist dead in the middle of the palace. This caused some amount of chaos but with the captain vouching for me we managed to reach the chambers of Emmanuelle von Liebwitz, Kurfürstin von Wissenland, Gräfin von Nuln, and Herzogin von Meissen the Elector Countess of the Grand Province of Wissenland. None too soon I might add.

I quickly stated my business and convinced her of my good intentions towards Nuln and it's ruler. All present parties were ordered to strip, myself included, and inspected for physical signs of corruption. None were found, so were were safe for the time being. A similar check was extended to all servants, guards, retainers, and members of the household.

Emmanuelle von Liebwitz is a quite agreeable woman. Attractive despite her years (it must be said she doesn't look a day older than thirty, if that), clever, witty, and dare I say, playful. I'd like to think of that night as the start of a long and fruitful friendship. Did we make sweet love on that night? I would never tell and neither would the guards and servants present in the room. Let's leave it at that.

3 Brauzeit

I got a fine seal on a ribbon from my new friend, Herr Junker, the Master of the Seal. It's good for the duration of my stay, no need to get it renewed. Brought a warrant for the ogre's release to the prison and had him released. He was very happy to get out. I offered him a place in my household and he gladly accepted.

After attending some other business, which included checking up on my dwarfs (doing fine - although that would soon change) and First Magister Frimm (who had some rather interesting names for me, including the name of the guard that had tried to murder me, a courtier named Mautzer that had already been checked, and Gregor, envoy - I guess ambassador - form the Moot), before meeting Wolfgang Hertz, the chief of rat-catchers (I guess someone must have such a title in a city as big and rat-infested as Nuln).

One more thing: I had little success with the local dwarfs when I tried to rouse them. Cowards and drunkards the lot of them. Told them as much to their bearded little faces. Only a single dwarf, Sturm Blackaxe joined my cause - and that was because he found my shaming of the city dwarfs amusing rather than for any great love for my cause. Dwarfs.

I would have liked nothing better than to never set foot in the sewers but von Liberungen leads from the front. Into the sewers I went with a few choice companions and Rick watching the exit (he was too big to fit). We went down during the night as it seemed the most likely time to catch the skaven about. Long story short: we found and killed a single rat-man but found no sign of their lair. Not a complete was but rather disappointing.

4 Brauzeit

After a good scrub I returned to my dear Emmanuelle von Liebwitz in the early hours of the morning (more like noon) to present her with my findings: rats in the pantry so to speak. And who do I find in her chamber but another rat? The vile cultist (though I readily admit a most well-trained and handsome man) named by Frimm: Freiherr Mautzer. I called him out. He tried to slink away but the countess would have none of it: a duel would determine right or wrong in this matter. Long and short steels, bare chests, to the death. We fought on the balcony and he was quite the swordsman but Philippe - curse his name - has trained me well and I ran the bastard through and threw him from the balcony.

Note to self: check up on the halfling envoy.

I spent some time in von Liebwitz's charming company, sharing with her my idea: dam the river, divert water into the sewers, flush out the rat-men. She was not as exited as I had hoped. Something something great damage to the city, something something unhappy rich people. I suppose I see her point: if it was my mansion filling with sewage from below I would be most cross.

At the same time, she wanted dead rat-men and their tails to prove it. I had not the heart to tell her no, so into the sewers once more. But before that I took the opportunity to see to my other affairs. My credit was starting to dry up but with with Master of the Seal on my side my writ with Nacht's seal regained its power. Recruitment resumed, the flow of equipment resumed, the innkeeper didn't toss out into the streets, and everyone was happy again. Except Greathammer's dwarfs who had contracted some disease and were therefore of no use.

The city dwarves, however, did come through this time. The head of a skaven, put on a tavern table, was what convinced them to stop drinking and moaning, and grab their arms and don their armor. They may be cowards and weaklings, hardly worthy of being dwarfs, but they have not forgotten the old enemies like we humans have.

5 Brauzeit

On the 5th of the Brewing Month, while the rest of Nuln was busy with Market Day, we descended into the bowels of the city. Von Liberungen, his loyal Thesalva and other henchmen, a contingent of city dwarves (and the Blackaxe), a trio of rat-catchers to guide us. Funny how the rat-catchers had known about the skaven all along but told no one. Because no one wanted to listen. At best you'd get ignored, ridiculed, or chased out of town. At worst you'd get arrested for inciting unrest. Harsh penalties for that in any city.

We rummage around for hours not fading a single rat-man. All day into the evening. It was not until I diverted from the main party with Thesalva and subsequently got a little bit lost that we ran into trouble. It was very dark to begin with and with no daylight we were almost blind. Even Thesalva could hardly see. We stumbled into a pocket of foul fumes we had avoided earlier and bumped into a few skaven. We slew them quickly and stumbled out of the areas, eyes stinging, throats raw.

That's when I realized: the skaven were using the fumes to hide. No one could live within the could of gas so the rat-catchers avoided them. The entrance to their lair lay within. I also most cleverly deduced another fact: the rat-men had used gas on Rock to knock him out. That's why he had fainted. My streak of brilliance did not end with that: I used my lantern to set fire to the gas, burning it away and giving us safe passage.

I'll not bore you with details of the battle that followed. Suffice to say than I and Thesalva took point and slew many rat-men in the pitch-black tunnels. They only light we had was from rocks the skaven carried around their necks, charms that produced a fait green-tinged illumination. Enough for Thesalva and the rats to see by, but not for me. Something wonderful happened then: Ankh-Akh save my actions and knew they were just and he knew my heart was good and so he sent me light to see by.

Wounds we took aplenty. Beautiful Thesalva was felled by cruel blades of pitted iron. I fought with the strength of an ogre to keep our assailants at bay, waiting for the dwarves to come to our aid. They finally did when we were both hovering near Morr's door. I put and end to the skaven menace by tossing an entire satchel of grenades down the main hallway. It collapsed, burying the rat-men forever. With my last bit of strength I hauled my dying sea-elf princess to safety.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 24 (Murder most foul)

33 Erenzeit

We entered Nuln some time after noon on the last day before the autumn equinox. It was a good time to enter, hardly any delay to get past the throng of commoners waiting to pass through Südtor, the southern gate. The Faulestad was anything but lazy, swarming with people of the lower classes about their business.

Took us most of the day to get to Der Halbinsel. Had a very good conversation with First Magister Felix Frimm based on some papers we had liberated from Hertzen. Fortunately he was not in any way in league with the villain, just an unfortunate business associated scrupulously duped and exploited. Frimm was kind enough to arrange for a small warehouse on the docks in the dwarf quarter. Left Greathammer and his men there to guard the treasure and get some rest.

Then on to the Vine & Grape. Can't have a baronet sleeping in no warehouse. The inn was full but my gentleman captain convinced them to arrange for accommodations. Ulfberth is a good man to have around and not just for killing. He's also good for beating people up - or scaring innkeepers.

Mittherbst, 2498

I have no real memories of the autumn equinox. I had intended to visit the gunsmith but got out of bed late and then got distracted by Joanna. Then someone mentioned today was the two month anniversary of my wedding and there was toasting and cheering. One thing led to another and lots of schnapps. Celebrating my newfound dwarfs and chests of gold. At some points everything blurred together: flesh, drink, and gold. I could get used to being filthy rich.

1 Brauzeit

First really chilly day. Wind and a light drizzle coming from the north. Summer is definitely over but down in the south we're as likely as not to have fine weather for another month. Nuln is so much nicer than Middenland.

Had another chat with Herr Frimm. Some boring business stuff. Names and numbers mostly. Potential associates of Hertzen's and such. That's when he informed my that Waldermar von Wilderstein had been murdered. Richter - Rich - the eunuch ogre had stabbed him and thrown him from the tower. The murderer was locked up in the Iron Keep awaiting execution.

My good friend von Wilderstein dead? At the heads of his own servant? It made no sense and I determined to get to the bottom of the case. No thanks to the city watch I quickly determined that the ogre most certainly hadn't done it. Unknown assailants had come up from the sewers through a narrow tunnel they had dug. They had murdered the master gunmaker and somehow gotten past the ogre. But there was more afoot. Money was mission. Schematics and prototypes also, including the breech-gun. Who knows what else they might have taken.

I did contemplate diving straight into the much so to speak but decided against it. After Bögenhafen I've become rather unhappy with sewers. Besides, the culprits would be long gone and Nuln has such extensive sewers I figured we needed aid from the local rat-catchers to find our way. No need to ruin my boots for nothing.

Popped by the prison to have a chat with the ogre. The guards were not very agreeable but then again it's their job not to be. Herr Feigel, the prison's director, was most helpful however. I was able to question Rick - and have the director promise to put his execution on hold for the time being. The ogre told a rather different tale: a sudden assault by black-clad assassins, fighting to defending his master, smashing the puny things to bloody pulp, then suddenly feeling nauseated and dizzy, then nothing. When he woke up the master was dead and the city watch had him arrested.

2 Brauzeit

Brought Ulfberth up to the castle. A gentleman must have his gentleman's gentleman at his side. Lacking that a Norscan captain of guards will do just fine. We had a good time going uphill, enjoying the sights and sounds, and sampling a few small taverns. Long story short: we got to see Captain von Grethold (despite lacking the seal of the day) and convinced him of my good intentions towards Nuln and the Kurfürstin. I told him of the gunsmith and the wrongly accused ogre. One thing led to another and soon we were deep inside the castle where the good captain showed something recovered from the sewers: a rat-like mutant, badly mangled, as if an ogre had grabbed it by the head and squeezed...

I wasn't convinced the thing really was a mutant though. It looked too much like a miniature version of the huge rat-mutant that rampaged through the Schaffenfest before I shot it dead. It looked altogether too much like the vile rat-men Uncle's housekeeper used to scare us kids with. Perhaps the Empire has it wrong and the housekeeper has it right: maybe the skaven aren't gone from the world.

On my way back to Ulfberth I was attacked by one of the guards. Completely out of the blue. No warning, just a flashing blade that came within an inch of ending my life - it instead hit the finest armor-steel the Empire has to offer. I put the villain down of course. That's when things went south: a daemon-snake attacked me, quick as a viper and fangs dripping venom. For the second time in minutes I was nearly slain but the gods willed it differently and I sent the foul think back to the Abyss.

Chaos cultists within the castle? Was no place safe? The Elector-Countess might be in danger!

Friday, September 24, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 23 (Anybody home?)


26 Erenzeit cont.

Into the forested hills we went, accompanied by Gorim Greathammer and a few of his lads, following the trail the dwarves had used to move the coal they mined to Grissenwald. No goblins we met. The wizard's tower wasn't much of a tower. More like a squat, round fortress. Built on a small bluff of stone, sturdy walls of finely fitted granite, no windows on the lower floor, metal bars across the ones on the top. A dome of bronze, enough for many cannon, wasted as tiling material. To reach the single door - a foot think and set with iron bands - you had to brave an exposed ramp covered by a gallery of firing slits. In short, you'd need an army to take the place, and that's not accounting for the the resident sorceress and her apprentice.

Fortunately, no one was home. Except the halfling chef, "Dumpling" Hayfoot. He didn't want to let us in - can't say I blame him - and even if he wanted to he didn't have the means. He was essentially locked inside while his mistress was away...

We did manage to force entry. Climbing the walls and braving the slippery roof, we got a hatch open. After securing the halfling - who I proclaim free of any blame - we set about exploring Hertzen's abode, her library, workshop, observatory, and more.

Interrupted by the arrival of a large group of goblins, far too many for us to fight. We made ready to haul everybody up the wall and inside - we could still not open the door - when Greathammer reluctantly admitted to having built the place. But being a dwarf he felt honor-bound not to betray his employer. 

I pointed out she was a witch and a heretic. That didn't make much of an impression. The goblins probably being in league with Hertzen did more, I think. And the idea that she'd somehow tricked the dwarves out of their mine and the cold that surely lay hidden within. What can I say? Dwarves and gold. There was talk of reclaiming the mine and staying behind. Had to talk some sense into him.

With a little help from some coal dust we found a way into the mines. Not built by the dwarves but dug later. In the old mines we found slaves, local farmers, travelers and traders, captives from the von Grissenwald estate. No gold did we find: the stupid goblins were mining not gold, but fool's gold! We freed the slaves but didn't push our luck - the goblins had a troll guarding the mine entrance. Not equipped to deal with that while keeping the civilians safe.

I was also able to locate Hertzen's secret sanctuary - the place where she kept her dark artifacts and terrible summon circle - and several chest brimming with gold. All my well-founded suspicions were confirmed. The woman was indeed the devil-worshipper I was sure she was. And a well-connected and well-resourced one. Very dangerous.

Some of the besiegers left the tower, perhaps to investigate the mines. Seizing the moment, we sallied during the night, killing many goblins, until the remaining greenskins fled. No sign of a warlord or the troll.

27 Erenzeit

The day after, the dwarves left to bring more of their kind - and wagons to carry away the stuff we'd confiscated. They returned late in the day and we loaded up the wagons. No sign of goblins.

28 Erenzeit

The next morning we set fire to the tower to deny it to the enemy, then we marched towards Nuln. The goblins did not try to oppose our righteous march.

30 Erenzeit

We reached Winkelhausen. We had a little feast which Dumpling cooked for us. I offered the poor soul a place in my household. I'm getting soft-hearted, offering my home and heart to all that I meet. Not just the insanely alluring women but now also plum halfling women pretending to be men so they can be chefs. Where will this end? A dwarf mistress?

32 Erenzeit

Marching with wagons along forest roads is slow going. We didn't quite make Nuln before nightfall and were forced to spend the night in the village of Kreuzungstad, just outside the city walls.

Spent the evening in Ankh-akh's company. Found him a woman able to handle a man of his size. Then we had a good chat about his sun-god. Ankh sure has a lot of rules and commandments associated with his worship. He's also two-gods-in-one: sun god during the day, guardian of the dead at night. Some of his tenets are mindboggling and contradictory.

I would not have given this outlandish faith much consideration were it not for what happened upon our return to the inn: the world seemed frozen, we found some of our dwarves dead in the courtyard, and then we were set upon by a shadow-daemon. Were it not for the light and blessings of the sun god I'm sure I would have died there, just outside Nuln, my soul and flesh both eaten. Instead we unveiled the creature and battled it unit it lay dead and we stood victorious. It's flesh burned to nothing by the light of Ankh-akh and the world started moving again. I shall not dismiss the power of Ankh-akh again, not think him a quaint, powerless god. He's got real power.

A most disturbing encounter - little did I know it was only the beginning of a very tumultuous visit to Nuln.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 22 (The Tragic Tale of Grissenwald)


18 Erenzeit

We didn't get far yesterday. On account of a really late start. Spent the night in the village of Arzchel (and yes, it sounds a lot like asshole when you say it). A most unremarkable place but take note: the local do NOT like ass-jokes at their expense.

Today we reached a quaint little place called Winkelhausen. You'd think all the houses were built with funny angles. But alas, it was just like most little villages in the Reikwald. In the evening we took part in a local celebration. They set fire to a wicker-man which got me on edge. But we found no sign of corruption or drinker-worship so let it pass.

19 Erenzeit

We stopped to rest in the village of something or the other near the Black Hills. Thesalva did a thing - or said a thing - to Joanna that made the strigany girl blush and slap my dear elf. I wonder what that was about but it got me exited.

20 Erenzeit

We arrived in Grissenwald during a downpour after surviving a small goblin ambush among the trees of the Black Hills. I had no idea there were goblins this close to Nuln but I suppose it's like everywhere else: after a while, the little greenskins sneak back in.

I took an instant dislike of the place. For such a largish town situated on the Reik and the Grissen it seemed too quiet and too run-down. Too few people about, and the local dwarf community consigned to a shanty-town outside the walls. Worse than Schrabwald really. I suppose I have misjudge the position of dwarfs in Imperial society - every time I go somewhere they seem poor, downtrodden, and with little spirit left in them.

We set out to locate Etelka Hertzen. She was indeed known to the locals, but not as a vile sorceress and cultist, but an upstanding citizen that had the support of both the town's Bürgerrat and the local lord, Graf Faust von Grissenwald. At any rate she didn't live in the town but in her own place up in the goblin-infested hills. Of course she was.

Note to self: Sometimes it seems Wigmar von Liberungen is one of few people who is a good judge of character in the whole of the Empire!

22 Erenzeit

Speaking of the Graf he'd not been heard from in some time. So we mustered an expedition to clear out the goblins, determine the fate of the graf, and visit the sorceress's forest manor. My own men, a few adventurous spirits from the town, a contingent of half-trained militia I got directly from the guard-captain rather than the insipid council, and some very grumpy dwarven miners led by a grimy fellow named Gorim Greathammer.

The battle that followed was a resounding victory for von Liberungen. The militia broke and ran, but between the dwarves and my own companions we were able to carry the day. The dwarfs had 3 killed, the militia about 10 (an impressive feat given how little they fought), and I lost none. Fifty or more goblins lay dead, some survivors fleeing into the woods.

We found the graf's manor half burned to the ground with no survivors to be found. At the time I did not see how goblins, however many, have the means and will to breach a sturdy gate and stout walls defended by valiant Reiklanders. Perhaps treachery? Cowardice? Vile magic?

23 Erenzeit

There was a victory celebration in town the day after our victory. Locals, dwarfs, and foreigners all came to celebrate as friends. During the night, while the town was distracted, goblins snuck over the walls, murdered the entire city council, set fire to the Rathaus, and escaped with a lot of silverware and valuable objects. We tried to help, but I was too drunk and the darkness made hitting the little gobos even harder. Got a few, but alas, it was too little, too late.

24 Erenzeit

The day after the attack an upstanding citizen, a baker by trade, had the courage to tell von Liberungen that the bad witch had probably left the area some time ago, along with her apprentice, a ruddy fellow named Ernst Heidelmann. They had bought bread and cakes and sailed downriver, possibly towards Kemperbad, aboard a small river barge. Furthermore, he named the Bürgerrat as accomplishes of Hertzen, swearing that he'd seen them engage in unholy practices. I guess the Gods work in mysterious ways, sending greenskins to punish the wicked!

26 Erenzeit

I've convinced the dwarfs, about eighty of them, to join me in Liberungen. There is nothing for them here, not even their coal mine, which they sold to Hertzen. We'll march together to Nuln and they can then escort my guns back while I pursue the sorceress.

While we waited for the dwarfs to pack up and get ready I decided, against the advice of my fellows, to investigate the witch's tower. Be careful, they said. Let us return with a wizard of our own, they said. I said, no, let us be brave and investigate this place, lest evil befall the locals. Their courage restored by the justness of our cause, we proceeded into the forested hills, moving carefully in case the goblins were watching the trails...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Araby & the Old World


An ancient realm of Men, Araby is a strange and exotic country, ruled by powerful sultans and desert sheiks. Araby is located south of the Old World, west of Nehekhara and northwest of the Southlands' rainforests. It rises across vast expanses of desert, and we find its cities on the Coast of Araby, to the west, to the northern borders of the Southlands.

The Arabyans are a strange bunch, where the divide between man and woman, rich and poor are even sharper than in the Old World. They worship both a nameless (called "el" or simply "THE" by the Arabyans, though they will sometimes use el-ilah meaning "THE GOD" when talking to outsiders) monotheistic god (abhorrent in the eyes of all Old Worlders) that exist beyond the ken of mortals and never interfere directly in the affairs of the world (so basically not really a god), and a bewildering array of otherworldly spirits called genies (Old Worlders know them for what they are: daemons).

The Old World has a long history of violent interaction with Araby. Many years ago the Arabyans were steadily expanding their influence in the southern parts of the Old World, practically conquering Estalia and invading Bretonnia, Tilea, and the Border Princes. Eventually, the Kings of Bretonnia and the Emperors of the Reik became concerned the foreigners would overrun the entire Old World. In an unusual display of cooperation, a series of great military expeditions were mounted against the defenders, eventually driving them from the Old World. Much of the fighting was conducted by knightly orders led by noble sons and large numbers of Tilean mercenaries, all paid for by the great lords of the Old World.

The Knights Panther were famously founded during this period and spearheaded the counter invasion of Araby. It well well for a time but eventually the northerners were driven into the sea. Nowadays there is more trade than war but the conflict between the north and south have never completely ceased. The Knights Panther, for example, still continue to raid the coastlands and skirmish at sea with Arabyan corsairs.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 21 (Slow Boat to Nuln)

26 Nachgeheim

We left Übersreik for Nuln towards the end of Nachgeheim in splendid autumn weather. Myself, Ulfberth, Thesalva, Ankh-akh - and Joanna. Joanna sounds a lot like a boring old Reikland name - shouldn't strigany have exotic names like Alexa or Zabrina? I wonder if all strigany hate river travel or if it's just my strigany?

Annika was with her mistress, Fräulein Nacht, watching over her as she slept in Halmstadt's tower. Oh, and Anna is with them also. The amber wizard sort of figured out she was a little witch and took her under his wing. Probably not a permanent arrangement - she's not the same kind of wizard he is. She may have to go to Altdorf to be properly trained. If so I'll miss her terribly - but I can visit and we'll play on feather mattresses and have secret meetings under bridges.

Isolde and Emmaretta stayed at home. Both are pregnant now. One carries my heir, the other a bastard. Each shall have their use and place.

30 Nachgeheim

We followed the Grey Lady and Ober-Stimmigen canals, making good progress and reaching Stimmigen after four days on the water. This was the town I lived as a little boy, before Father passed and Mother jumped into the river. I remember little of the place other than it being a big place. It's not, I assure you dear journal. Hardly worthy of being called a town.

Not much of note happened, but we did have a nice evening slumming in some taverns. One of the  tavern owners, an older but still attractive woman, showed me an old painting of Sigmar. She thought he looked a lot like me. There was some resemblance but I think she was after my gold, my cock, or both. Kind of flattered though. It also raises an interesting question: what did Sigmar look like? I've seen a hundred different versions - there is probably one for every artist or would-be painter and sculptor.

3 Erenzeit

We reached Dunkelberg six days later after some holdups due to a malfunctioning lock. This is where I lived with Uncle and learned to soldier under Malthus. I was tempted to look up the von Dunkelberg's but did not.

Spent a couple of days on dry land to let Joanna get a breather. That did the trick and she was more fun in two days than the last ten. Had to find another barge but there are plenty to be had.

11 Erenzeit

Not entirely sure about the date. Could have been a day sooner or later. But no matter.

We followed the Upper Grissen to the entrance of the new Empress Emmanuelle canal and followed to where it reaches the Reik just downstream of Nuln. In doing so we bypassed Grissenwald but we'll go there by land (Joanna will appreciate firm ground under her feet) as soon as my affairs in the city are settled.

Had a busy few days in Nuln. Arranged for rooms at the Vine & Grape, a rather fine establishment near the river in the Kafuman District. Rather expensive though - if it gets too expensive I'll try to have Nacht pay for it though I should probably try to pay for my own food, drink, and lodging. We'll see what the final tab is.

Placed my order for guns and cannon through a man called First Magister Frimm. And elderly solicitor-turned-civil servant whose job it is to oversee mercantile affairs on Der Halbinsel (the Peninsula)m the part of Nuln situated on the tongue of land between the Aver river and the Upper Reik.

I then went to see the eccentric master gunmaker Waldemar von Wilderstein and his queer-looking eunuch ogre manservant. Purchased a fine set of pistols, an equally fine if not finer long rifle (what to call it? Nuln long rifle? Wildersteiner?), and a marvelous five-barreled repeating pistol. Never seen such a contraption before. I've heard about them, none of it very reassuring, but the master maker told me his guns were better. We shall see.

I also spent a 1000 gold, mine or the Corwn's depending on how things work out, to fund Wilderstein's research into better powders and what he called "breech-locks." If it can be made to work it will revolutionize gunmaking. if not I'll be none the worse for wear.

17 Erenzeit

We left Nuln with the sun at our backs and a warm breeze coming down from the Grey Mountains. It should take no more than two days, three if we sleep late, to reach Grissenwald. 

Finally we'll give Etelka Hertzen what she deserves: the blood eagle.

Monday, September 20, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 20 (White wedding, Red Crown)


It's been too long since I last wrote. I scarcely know where to start. With the wedding? The Emmanuelle Nacht affair? The thing about Bova? The strigany? Nuln and the things that lurk below? Grissenwald and the filth we found there? The River Reik? Kemperbad? The madness in the Baden Hills?

How about I start with why I didn't write. At first, I didn't have the inclination. Then I truly didn't have the time. By the time I rode for Nuln I had put the journal out of my mind. Now I sit here by lamplight, unable to sleep, trying to remember the order of things, what happened when, and where. Strange how quickly memory fades, even when the events were horrifying, momentous.

16 Vorgeheim, 2498

The month before the wedding was filled with a million little tasks around the fief. Had to set some things right personally.

Halmstad came to visit. We made plans for the future. He thinks I'm frightfully impatient, telling me that the seeds we sow now will take years, even decades to fully blossom. I want everyone to have potatoes for everyone right away: he tells me we can get a small harvest before year's end but that the buds will then need to sleep in cold and dark for a while before they can be replanted. In the meantime, I have given every peasant family a piglet to go with the few potatoes they've stolen from my field.

I think it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship that will outlast me.

24 Vorgeheim, 2498

Herr Müller arrived from the North and started working right away. A fine chap that. The mill won't be ready for this year's harvest so the peasants will have to go to Graustadt. But next year we'll have five times the yield or more and our own mill.

Geheimnistag, 2498

I was married to Isolde von Strudeldrof  in the Cathedral of Sigmar in Übersreik exactly one month after midsummer, on Geheimnistag. She was a splendid sight in a white gown brought up from Altdorf with a tiara of silver set with diamonds - the wedding gift from Nacht - on her head. I had Prince Hergard von Tasseninck as my best man. Guests aplenty, including Isolde's father and brother - and Herr Halmstad who decided to come after all. All of it paid with Imperial Gold. I couldn't have been more proud.

For three days we feasted. Then the guests went home and things returned to normal. Back on the estate we continue the celebration and the newly arrived strigany joined in. They are a strange folk. We hardly known each other but they seem bound to me by bonds of tradition and blood. Got offered another "wife," a girl even younger than then one I already had, but I opted to keep Johanna.

16 Nachgeheim, 2498

They tried to murder Fraulein Nacht in the month after the wedding. By chance, I was in Übersreik to discuss with the Envoy a great plan of mine: to muster a battalion of fine soldiers, mercenaries in name, but loyal to the Crown should it require aid with the Jungfreunds. 

A poison most foul - Red Sap - was given to her by an unfaithful servant. The sap was more than poison, it was an unholy brew of warpstone, sorcery, and only the Gods know what. Wizards have no means to detect it and no way to resist its foul effect: to either kill or the Dark Gods willing, turn you into a monstrous mutant.

I was able to get to the bottom of it: Red Crown cultists were behind it, a band of thugs as vile as any we met in Bögenhafen. Linked, I think, to the Order of Seven in Bögenhafen. Beholden to the same foul powers as the Purple Hand, but not allies.

I got to the bottom of the situation by my wits and many allies, bringing the enemy out into the open by using myself as bait, dealing with them most severely for their crimes against man and Empire. Oh, and I got reacquainted with Frau Bova von Dunkelberg. Handed her the ring-leader and promised to start writing to her again.  

Nacht proved tougher than most and with Halmstadt's aid, we were able to save her life. Unfortunately, she had to leave Übersreik immediately to get healed. Something to do with magic and the power of the tower. Worse, she had no time to issue me with the needed documentation. 

Fearing the Jungfreunds might make a move, sooner rather than later, I decided to go anyway. As soon as Nacht is back on her feet she’ll thank me for my foresight and determination. To Nuln and a hundred guns, four cannon, and some other paraphernalia.

Nehekhara, the Lands of the Dead

Nagash, from back in the day

Nehekhara (which according to Ankh-Akh means the "the Great Land along the River of Life" or some such) is known in the Old World as the "Lands of the Dead." Imperial scholars are vaguely aware (though they have no inkling at its true age and greatness) that it was the site of a mighty and far-flung human civilization. It's currently the homeland of the Tomb Kings (which most Reiklanders will have heard of but don't really understand).

Located within the deep south of the Old World, Nehekhara stretches across the expanses of the lands and valleys between the Great Desert of Araby to the west, the Bitter Sea to the east, the rugged arid plains of the Badlands to the north, and the steaming jungles of the Southlands. Whilst the land of Nehekhara was once fertile, populous, and prosperous, it is now a desolate kingdom of barren wasteland sand searing deserts.

Nehekhara's true misfortune began with Settra, known by many godly titles such as Settra the Imperishable, the King of Kings, High King of Nehekhara, Lord of the Earth, Monarch of the Sky, Ruler of the Four Horizons, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Great Hawk of the Heavens, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's legions, and much more.

Having gained the favor of the Nehekharan gods by sacrificing all his many children, he set out to conquer all the lands of the world. Many were his conquest but in the end, Settra realized that no one could conquer everything in just the span of a single lifetime, no matter how greatly extended. And moreover, what use would it be ruling the world if he one day had to die, heirless? 

So it was that Settra set out to conquer death. For the first time, Settra knew defeat, for death would not be denied. But perhaps, his sorcerer-priests told him, it might be possible to bring him back to life if he was properly preserved. Thus began the Nehekhara tradition of interring dead kings and their retainers within great pyramids and mausoleums.

The end of Nehekhara came at the hands of another: Nagash, known by such names as Great Necromancer, the Great Betrayer, the Usurper, the Undying King, the Supreme Lord of Undeath, or simply He Who Shall Not Be Named. 

Unwilling to merely rule all of Nehekhara and the living, he sought to end all life, bring back the souls of the dead, and forever enslave them to his will. He very nearly succeeded, killing every Nehekharan man, woman, and child in a vile magical ritual that also turned the kings of old and their entombed armies into undead. But one man eluded his ritual, Alcadizaar, the true ruler of Khemri, the First City. It was he who struck the blow that ended Nagash - before he too perished.

Nagash was no more, but the damage had been done: the lore of necromancy had already spread into the wider world and there was no undoing the undead state of the kings of old nor returning the people of Nehekhara to life. To this day Nehekhara is inhabited only by the restless dead who slumber in their ancient tombs, rising only to defender their lands against invaders and treasure-seekers.


Ankh-Akh was once the mighty sun god of Nehekhara but the people became corrupt and decadent, and he was forced to punish them most severely. Then came King Settra, who turned to darker gods for power, and the remaining faithful of Ankh-Akh were forced to flee, surviving only by taking refuge in the Great Desert. 

They were thus saved from Nagash's unholy ritual but their trials were not over: the rise of the Arabyans and their strange God and foul Spirits of the desert slowly but surely extinguished the flame of Ankh-Akh. Ankh-Akh's ancestors were among those taken as slaves by the Arabyans. Generations later they were set free by the crusading Knights Panther. Some, including a young Ankh-Akh, were taken back to the Empire to show as trophies - and when the novelty value faded thrown out with the bathwater.

Ankh-Akh may well be the last priest of Ankh-Akh and the last of the Nehekharans.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Nuln, jewel of the Empire

Nuln, the so-called Bastion of the South and the Jewel of the Empire, is the second-largest Imperial city and the largest manufacturer and exporter of munitions and black powder within the entire Empire, earning itself the title as the Armory of the Empire. Sitting at the heart of the Old World's southern trade routes, it stands as an imposing bastion, its fortified walls bristling with enough heavy artillery emplacements to arm a fleet of war galleons. In previous times, Nuln was home to the court of the Emperor and today it remains Altdorf's largest rival, both politically and economically. North of Nuln, the River Reik is too wide to bridge, and the great bridge at Nuln, whose central section can be raised and lowered through an ingenious mechanism, is one of the great marvels of the Old World. Though there are bridges at Altdorf, where the Reik divides into a number of lesser channels, it is a point of some pride in Nuln that none of the capital's bridges can be said to span the entire width of the mighty Reik.

The University of Nuln is an ancient institution, far older than the Univerity of Altdorf, dating back to the earliest days of the Empire. Though its prominence has waned somewhat, especially in the face of the "progressive" colleges in Altdorf, the University is respected and regarded as one of the finest in the world. Part of Nuln's cosmopolitan nature stems from the diverse student body that comes to study here, for wealthy parents send their children from as far away as Araby to study here. The university specializes in mathematics, philosophy, theology, and literature. Of late, the classical sciences have been expanded to include many disciplines considered false or dangerous elsewhere in the Old World. Magic is not taught in Nuln. A student studying in Nuln (as long as he avoids the sciences) receives a fine, classical education, with attention to becoming a good imperial citizen. The student body is predominantly noble, but with an increasing number of the sons of the merchant class in attendance—tuition is high indeed.

Emmanuelle von Liebwitz, Grand Countess of Wissenland, Countess of Nuln and Duchess of Meissen, is the Elector Countess of the Grand Province of Wissenland. By 2498 she's ruled Nuln for nearly twenty years. As the younger daughter of the late Elector Count of Wissenland, she was not considered a likely heir. Two things conspired to put a Runefang in her hands: she had the support of Emperor Lutipold (who they say was more interested in women than gold in his younger years) and the support of the (rich) people of Nuln. Shortly after the ascension Nuln was ceded from Wissenland and became an independent county and free city.

Emmanuelle is probably in her forties but like all the vainglorious rich (and she truly is both extremely vain and very rich) she has the time and means needed to look younger than her true age. It's said that she's personally responsible for the scandalous cut of women's garments in Nuln and the decadent lifestyle of the rich and powerful. She is not married and has no children.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Emperor Lutipold I and his forebears


The Elected Emperors

Magnus the Pious (2304-2369, Nuln): Reunited a fractured Empire. Victor at the battle at the gates of Kislev. Founded the Colleges of Magic. Reaffirmed the ancient "Emperor Elect" tradition.

Leopold (2369-2411, Stirland): Grandfather of Dieter IV. A great administrator and innovator who was responsible for much of the groundwork that made the modern Empire possible.

Dieter IV (2411-2429, Stirland): Wildly obese and incompetent Emperor who sold Marienburg's independence. Universally despised, he effectively ended any hope of Stirland being reelected.

Wilhelm III (2429-2432, Reikland): The elderly and effete Wilhelm was elected either because he was a canny politician or because he was perceived as weak, depending on who you ask. His reign was short but effectively established the current royal line. 

Matthias IV (2432-2438, Reikland): Wilhelm III's nehpew. Father of Mattheus II. A fine knight and commander, he spent a lot of money on the palace in Altdorf and other Imperial properties, from Castle Reikdorff to various pleasure palaces. Disappeared without a trace six years after his coronation after mingling with the people in disguise to learn their true feelings about their Emperor.

Mattheus II (2438-2470, Reikland): Father of Luitpold I. Mattheus II is the archetypical Empire Emperor: martially inclined, personally courageous, a fine battlefield commander, a patron of the arts, and more. It's perhaps hard to believe that one man could be so blessed by the gods but the troubadours still sign his praise nearly 30 years after his death, and the commoners swear by his name.

Luitpold (2470-present, Reikland): Father of Karl Franz. An intensely private person, Lutipod and the rest of the Imperial family rarely appear in public. He's maintained peace and order in the Empire for nearly three decades, which is no mean feat, but he's nowhere near as popular as his father was. In fact, the many new taxes that have been made law during his reign have earned him a nickname: Lutipold the Dragon (a reference to his lust for gold).

Karl Franz: Imperial Crown Prince. He has a sister, Isadora.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Ankh-akh, the Man and the God


Ankh-akh is an obscure god of the sun. So obscure that Ankh-akh (the man) is the only source of information about this deity. He's also the only worshiper Wigmar has heard about. The way Ankh-akh speaks, Wigmar gets the impression that might be the last priest of the sun god. He also gets the impression Ankh-akh didn't originate in the Empire, but someplace far away and long ago.

Ankh-akh (the god) is, according to his priest, an all-powerful all-seeing god - but only during the daytime (and especially when the rays of the sun touch the ground). In his ankh aspect, he's both a life-giver and a merciless destroyer, distant and uncaring, but also prone to interfering with the lives of men. During the night his akh aspect is ascendant and he transforms from sun god to protector of the souls of the deceased.

There are a lot of rules and taboos associated with the worship of Ankh-akh, many seemingly in conflict with each other or just incomprehensible. For example, followers of Ankh-akh can only sleep with their wives during the daytime - but are allowed to fornicate with others during the night. Both men and women are also free to take multiple wives/husbands.

Ankh-akh (the man) is equally enigmatic. He's easily the biggest man Wigmar has ever laid eyes on, a head taller than Ulfberth (who isn't exactly small) and built like a bull. But he's neither a half-ogre nor a mutant. His skin is a shade darker than Anna's and his hair is jet black. Eyes a pale blue, always bloodshot. 

Of late he's taken to shaving his face and head - claiming his god likes bald people and abhors beards (so not a god for dwarves then). He also talks more freely - and coherently - about his god and beliefs. Where before he seemed a very simple man it's clear that he's nothing of the sort.

Oh, and his divine blessings have actual power. He can call forth daylight during darkest night and the words of Ankh-akh hold power enough to harm the daemons of Chaos. Or is the man a sorcerer of some kind?



The Grand Freistadt of Kemperbad is a  trading town on the confluence of the rivers Reik and Stir. A large percentage of all river trade passes through Kemperbad. It's the sixth-largest city in the Empire, after Altdorf, Nuln, Talabheim, Middenheim, and Averheim. 

The only portion of the Reikland on the east bank of the Reik river (other than Castle Reikguard, which remains controlled by the Reikland by means of a treaty of ancient origin), Kemperbad is an old town with roots dating back to the early Empire. Valued for its commanding position overlooking the Reik, Kemperbad has been ruled at times by the nobles of Reikland, Stirland, and Talabecland, through a series of marriages, treaties, and conquests. The town finally came under the rule of the Reikland Counts during the First Millennium but gained its charter and self-rule from Emperor Boris the Incompetent in 1066 IC. Since then, a Council of Thirteen, representing the largest merchants in town plus the temples of Sigmar and Shallya, has governed the city as a Free City.

Its position on the Reik and ability to retain its tax money for itself have made Kemperbad quite a wealthy town. The merchants of Kemperbad are legendary for dressing ostentatiously to an absurd degree, never more so than during the annual Stilwoche. However, this wealth has brought ill to Kemperbad as well. As inevitably happens, organized crime has been attracted to the wealthy town. Kemperbad is said to make the finest brandy east of the Grey Mountains. 



Grissenwald is the name of both a stretch of the Reikwald forest and a trading town at the confluence of the rivers Reik and Grissen.

The forest

The south-westernmost end of the Reikwald branches southwards along the Stirland border and thins out as it heads upriver towards the City-State of Nuln. This wide section of the forest is known locally as the Grissenwald, a tight woodland packed with distorted trees and twisted undergrowth, the depths of which are said to be swarming with beastmen, witches, mutants, and the occasional goblin tribe. Because of this, most local woodsmen travel in groups and seldom stay outdoors come nightfall, and it's commonplace to find fluttering bills posted on roadside trees offering rewards for the retrieval of lost family and friends from the bowels of the forest.

The town

Grissenwald is a large trading town, not quite as populous as say, Übersreik, but still significant. It sits right on the Reik, sixty or so Imperial Miles to the north of Nuln. It is the last major settlement before Kemperbad, a further 160 miles downriver. The river Grissen is navigable all the way up to Dunkelberg by small and medium-sized barges. Grissenwald is entirely reliant on the rivers for trade and transportation. No one wants to go there overland as you'd have to brave both the Grissenwald forest and the ill-omened Black Hills (so named because of the ample coal deposits). Of late the town has become something of a backwater. The Countess Emmanuelle canal (which runs from Nuln and into the Grissen) has become the favored route of trading barges, having been built to accommodate large barges.