Saturday, September 4, 2021

Ankh-akh, the Man and the God


Ankh-akh is an obscure god of the sun. So obscure that Ankh-akh (the man) is the only source of information about this deity. He's also the only worshiper Wigmar has heard about. The way Ankh-akh speaks, Wigmar gets the impression that might be the last priest of the sun god. He also gets the impression Ankh-akh didn't originate in the Empire, but someplace far away and long ago.

Ankh-akh (the god) is, according to his priest, an all-powerful all-seeing god - but only during the daytime (and especially when the rays of the sun touch the ground). In his ankh aspect, he's both a life-giver and a merciless destroyer, distant and uncaring, but also prone to interfering with the lives of men. During the night his akh aspect is ascendant and he transforms from sun god to protector of the souls of the deceased.

There are a lot of rules and taboos associated with the worship of Ankh-akh, many seemingly in conflict with each other or just incomprehensible. For example, followers of Ankh-akh can only sleep with their wives during the daytime - but are allowed to fornicate with others during the night. Both men and women are also free to take multiple wives/husbands.

Ankh-akh (the man) is equally enigmatic. He's easily the biggest man Wigmar has ever laid eyes on, a head taller than Ulfberth (who isn't exactly small) and built like a bull. But he's neither a half-ogre nor a mutant. His skin is a shade darker than Anna's and his hair is jet black. Eyes a pale blue, always bloodshot. 

Of late he's taken to shaving his face and head - claiming his god likes bald people and abhors beards (so not a god for dwarves then). He also talks more freely - and coherently - about his god and beliefs. Where before he seemed a very simple man it's clear that he's nothing of the sort.

Oh, and his divine blessings have actual power. He can call forth daylight during darkest night and the words of Ankh-akh hold power enough to harm the daemons of Chaos. Or is the man a sorcerer of some kind?

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