Thursday, September 30, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 28 (The old tower)

Totally not the Inquisition's rowboat

23 Brauzeit

Came across a small island in the middle of the Reik. It was getting dark (and still raining orks and goblins) so we docked in the backwater behind a stone jetty. Came across a couple of dwarfs all too eager to book passage - Kemperbad or elsewhere, just off the island. Their overseer was not impressed and threatened expulsion from the guild and worse. The workers were convinced something evil was afoot. the overseer insisted nothing of the sort was happening.

The tower the dwarfs were building was part of a chain of new signal towers ordered by the Emperor, running from Nuln to Altdorf. They used a system of powerful lights and reflective mirrors to signal further and more accurately than the old signal fires.

Long story short: the new tower was built atop and older structure. I became convinced there was a way inside but we could not find it. Not until I discovered the disturbed graves for five people. One of the dwarfs had looted the graves and something had awoken inside to tower...

Armed with five special keys taken from the dead I was able to get inside. And behold the secret laboratory and library of a long-dead wizard. We found the gruesome remains of the missing dwarfs, half-eaten and badly decomposed. I was set upon by a foul undead creature (it had another type of key that opened a secret door to the outside). Perhaps the tower's original occupant, perhaps someone else. Put it to rest, looted the place, and sealed it behind us.

After looking through some old papers I've come to belive that the owner of the tower, one Dagmar von Wittgenstein, was after the very same thing we're going to the Baden/Barren Hills to claim. A coincidence? I think not.

25 Brauzeit

It finally stopped raining. We reached Kemberbad in bright sunshine. And what a sight it was: a wall of rock, a cliff as steep as any I've seen running along the entire north-eastern  side of the Reik. The white houses of Kemperbad on the top, a vast network of docks built on wooden pillars below. As we drew nearer we heard the roar of the River Stir running swift and white though a gorge, spilling into the Reik. A series of locks running from the Reik, past the rapids, so that rive boats and barges can more towards the distant eastern lands. 

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