Monday, September 6, 2021

Emperor Lutipold I and his forebears


The Elected Emperors

Magnus the Pious (2304-2369, Nuln): Reunited a fractured Empire. Victor at the battle at the gates of Kislev. Founded the Colleges of Magic. Reaffirmed the ancient "Emperor Elect" tradition.

Leopold (2369-2411, Stirland): Grandfather of Dieter IV. A great administrator and innovator who was responsible for much of the groundwork that made the modern Empire possible.

Dieter IV (2411-2429, Stirland): Wildly obese and incompetent Emperor who sold Marienburg's independence. Universally despised, he effectively ended any hope of Stirland being reelected.

Wilhelm III (2429-2432, Reikland): The elderly and effete Wilhelm was elected either because he was a canny politician or because he was perceived as weak, depending on who you ask. His reign was short but effectively established the current royal line. 

Matthias IV (2432-2438, Reikland): Wilhelm III's nehpew. Father of Mattheus II. A fine knight and commander, he spent a lot of money on the palace in Altdorf and other Imperial properties, from Castle Reikdorff to various pleasure palaces. Disappeared without a trace six years after his coronation after mingling with the people in disguise to learn their true feelings about their Emperor.

Mattheus II (2438-2470, Reikland): Father of Luitpold I. Mattheus II is the archetypical Empire Emperor: martially inclined, personally courageous, a fine battlefield commander, a patron of the arts, and more. It's perhaps hard to believe that one man could be so blessed by the gods but the troubadours still sign his praise nearly 30 years after his death, and the commoners swear by his name.

Luitpold (2470-present, Reikland): Father of Karl Franz. An intensely private person, Lutipod and the rest of the Imperial family rarely appear in public. He's maintained peace and order in the Empire for nearly three decades, which is no mean feat, but he's nowhere near as popular as his father was. In fact, the many new taxes that have been made law during his reign have earned him a nickname: Lutipold the Dragon (a reference to his lust for gold).

Karl Franz: Imperial Crown Prince. He has a sister, Isadora.

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