Tuesday, September 21, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 21 (Slow Boat to Nuln)

26 Nachgeheim

We left Übersreik for Nuln towards the end of Nachgeheim in splendid autumn weather. Myself, Ulfberth, Thesalva, Ankh-akh - and Joanna. Joanna sounds a lot like a boring old Reikland name - shouldn't strigany have exotic names like Alexa or Zabrina? I wonder if all strigany hate river travel or if it's just my strigany?

Annika was with her mistress, Fräulein Nacht, watching over her as she slept in Halmstadt's tower. Oh, and Anna is with them also. The amber wizard sort of figured out she was a little witch and took her under his wing. Probably not a permanent arrangement - she's not the same kind of wizard he is. She may have to go to Altdorf to be properly trained. If so I'll miss her terribly - but I can visit and we'll play on feather mattresses and have secret meetings under bridges.

Isolde and Emmaretta stayed at home. Both are pregnant now. One carries my heir, the other a bastard. Each shall have their use and place.

30 Nachgeheim

We followed the Grey Lady and Ober-Stimmigen canals, making good progress and reaching Stimmigen after four days on the water. This was the town I lived as a little boy, before Father passed and Mother jumped into the river. I remember little of the place other than it being a big place. It's not, I assure you dear journal. Hardly worthy of being called a town.

Not much of note happened, but we did have a nice evening slumming in some taverns. One of the  tavern owners, an older but still attractive woman, showed me an old painting of Sigmar. She thought he looked a lot like me. There was some resemblance but I think she was after my gold, my cock, or both. Kind of flattered though. It also raises an interesting question: what did Sigmar look like? I've seen a hundred different versions - there is probably one for every artist or would-be painter and sculptor.

3 Erenzeit

We reached Dunkelberg six days later after some holdups due to a malfunctioning lock. This is where I lived with Uncle and learned to soldier under Malthus. I was tempted to look up the von Dunkelberg's but did not.

Spent a couple of days on dry land to let Joanna get a breather. That did the trick and she was more fun in two days than the last ten. Had to find another barge but there are plenty to be had.

11 Erenzeit

Not entirely sure about the date. Could have been a day sooner or later. But no matter.

We followed the Upper Grissen to the entrance of the new Empress Emmanuelle canal and followed to where it reaches the Reik just downstream of Nuln. In doing so we bypassed Grissenwald but we'll go there by land (Joanna will appreciate firm ground under her feet) as soon as my affairs in the city are settled.

Had a busy few days in Nuln. Arranged for rooms at the Vine & Grape, a rather fine establishment near the river in the Kafuman District. Rather expensive though - if it gets too expensive I'll try to have Nacht pay for it though I should probably try to pay for my own food, drink, and lodging. We'll see what the final tab is.

Placed my order for guns and cannon through a man called First Magister Frimm. And elderly solicitor-turned-civil servant whose job it is to oversee mercantile affairs on Der Halbinsel (the Peninsula)m the part of Nuln situated on the tongue of land between the Aver river and the Upper Reik.

I then went to see the eccentric master gunmaker Waldemar von Wilderstein and his queer-looking eunuch ogre manservant. Purchased a fine set of pistols, an equally fine if not finer long rifle (what to call it? Nuln long rifle? Wildersteiner?), and a marvelous five-barreled repeating pistol. Never seen such a contraption before. I've heard about them, none of it very reassuring, but the master maker told me his guns were better. We shall see.

I also spent a 1000 gold, mine or the Corwn's depending on how things work out, to fund Wilderstein's research into better powders and what he called "breech-locks." If it can be made to work it will revolutionize gunmaking. if not I'll be none the worse for wear.

17 Erenzeit

We left Nuln with the sun at our backs and a warm breeze coming down from the Grey Mountains. It should take no more than two days, three if we sleep late, to reach Grissenwald. 

Finally we'll give Etelka Hertzen what she deserves: the blood eagle.

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