Friday, September 10, 2021

Nuln, jewel of the Empire

Nuln, the so-called Bastion of the South and the Jewel of the Empire, is the second-largest Imperial city and the largest manufacturer and exporter of munitions and black powder within the entire Empire, earning itself the title as the Armory of the Empire. Sitting at the heart of the Old World's southern trade routes, it stands as an imposing bastion, its fortified walls bristling with enough heavy artillery emplacements to arm a fleet of war galleons. In previous times, Nuln was home to the court of the Emperor and today it remains Altdorf's largest rival, both politically and economically. North of Nuln, the River Reik is too wide to bridge, and the great bridge at Nuln, whose central section can be raised and lowered through an ingenious mechanism, is one of the great marvels of the Old World. Though there are bridges at Altdorf, where the Reik divides into a number of lesser channels, it is a point of some pride in Nuln that none of the capital's bridges can be said to span the entire width of the mighty Reik.

The University of Nuln is an ancient institution, far older than the Univerity of Altdorf, dating back to the earliest days of the Empire. Though its prominence has waned somewhat, especially in the face of the "progressive" colleges in Altdorf, the University is respected and regarded as one of the finest in the world. Part of Nuln's cosmopolitan nature stems from the diverse student body that comes to study here, for wealthy parents send their children from as far away as Araby to study here. The university specializes in mathematics, philosophy, theology, and literature. Of late, the classical sciences have been expanded to include many disciplines considered false or dangerous elsewhere in the Old World. Magic is not taught in Nuln. A student studying in Nuln (as long as he avoids the sciences) receives a fine, classical education, with attention to becoming a good imperial citizen. The student body is predominantly noble, but with an increasing number of the sons of the merchant class in attendance—tuition is high indeed.

Emmanuelle von Liebwitz, Grand Countess of Wissenland, Countess of Nuln and Duchess of Meissen, is the Elector Countess of the Grand Province of Wissenland. By 2498 she's ruled Nuln for nearly twenty years. As the younger daughter of the late Elector Count of Wissenland, she was not considered a likely heir. Two things conspired to put a Runefang in her hands: she had the support of Emperor Lutipold (who they say was more interested in women than gold in his younger years) and the support of the (rich) people of Nuln. Shortly after the ascension Nuln was ceded from Wissenland and became an independent county and free city.

Emmanuelle is probably in her forties but like all the vainglorious rich (and she truly is both extremely vain and very rich) she has the time and means needed to look younger than her true age. It's said that she's personally responsible for the scandalous cut of women's garments in Nuln and the decadent lifestyle of the rich and powerful. She is not married and has no children.

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