Monday, September 27, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 24 (Murder most foul)

33 Erenzeit

We entered Nuln some time after noon on the last day before the autumn equinox. It was a good time to enter, hardly any delay to get past the throng of commoners waiting to pass through Südtor, the southern gate. The Faulestad was anything but lazy, swarming with people of the lower classes about their business.

Took us most of the day to get to Der Halbinsel. Had a very good conversation with First Magister Felix Frimm based on some papers we had liberated from Hertzen. Fortunately he was not in any way in league with the villain, just an unfortunate business associated scrupulously duped and exploited. Frimm was kind enough to arrange for a small warehouse on the docks in the dwarf quarter. Left Greathammer and his men there to guard the treasure and get some rest.

Then on to the Vine & Grape. Can't have a baronet sleeping in no warehouse. The inn was full but my gentleman captain convinced them to arrange for accommodations. Ulfberth is a good man to have around and not just for killing. He's also good for beating people up - or scaring innkeepers.

Mittherbst, 2498

I have no real memories of the autumn equinox. I had intended to visit the gunsmith but got out of bed late and then got distracted by Joanna. Then someone mentioned today was the two month anniversary of my wedding and there was toasting and cheering. One thing led to another and lots of schnapps. Celebrating my newfound dwarfs and chests of gold. At some points everything blurred together: flesh, drink, and gold. I could get used to being filthy rich.

1 Brauzeit

First really chilly day. Wind and a light drizzle coming from the north. Summer is definitely over but down in the south we're as likely as not to have fine weather for another month. Nuln is so much nicer than Middenland.

Had another chat with Herr Frimm. Some boring business stuff. Names and numbers mostly. Potential associates of Hertzen's and such. That's when he informed my that Waldermar von Wilderstein had been murdered. Richter - Rich - the eunuch ogre had stabbed him and thrown him from the tower. The murderer was locked up in the Iron Keep awaiting execution.

My good friend von Wilderstein dead? At the heads of his own servant? It made no sense and I determined to get to the bottom of the case. No thanks to the city watch I quickly determined that the ogre most certainly hadn't done it. Unknown assailants had come up from the sewers through a narrow tunnel they had dug. They had murdered the master gunmaker and somehow gotten past the ogre. But there was more afoot. Money was mission. Schematics and prototypes also, including the breech-gun. Who knows what else they might have taken.

I did contemplate diving straight into the much so to speak but decided against it. After Bögenhafen I've become rather unhappy with sewers. Besides, the culprits would be long gone and Nuln has such extensive sewers I figured we needed aid from the local rat-catchers to find our way. No need to ruin my boots for nothing.

Popped by the prison to have a chat with the ogre. The guards were not very agreeable but then again it's their job not to be. Herr Feigel, the prison's director, was most helpful however. I was able to question Rick - and have the director promise to put his execution on hold for the time being. The ogre told a rather different tale: a sudden assault by black-clad assassins, fighting to defending his master, smashing the puny things to bloody pulp, then suddenly feeling nauseated and dizzy, then nothing. When he woke up the master was dead and the city watch had him arrested.

2 Brauzeit

Brought Ulfberth up to the castle. A gentleman must have his gentleman's gentleman at his side. Lacking that a Norscan captain of guards will do just fine. We had a good time going uphill, enjoying the sights and sounds, and sampling a few small taverns. Long story short: we got to see Captain von Grethold (despite lacking the seal of the day) and convinced him of my good intentions towards Nuln and the Kurfürstin. I told him of the gunsmith and the wrongly accused ogre. One thing led to another and soon we were deep inside the castle where the good captain showed something recovered from the sewers: a rat-like mutant, badly mangled, as if an ogre had grabbed it by the head and squeezed...

I wasn't convinced the thing really was a mutant though. It looked too much like a miniature version of the huge rat-mutant that rampaged through the Schaffenfest before I shot it dead. It looked altogether too much like the vile rat-men Uncle's housekeeper used to scare us kids with. Perhaps the Empire has it wrong and the housekeeper has it right: maybe the skaven aren't gone from the world.

On my way back to Ulfberth I was attacked by one of the guards. Completely out of the blue. No warning, just a flashing blade that came within an inch of ending my life - it instead hit the finest armor-steel the Empire has to offer. I put the villain down of course. That's when things went south: a daemon-snake attacked me, quick as a viper and fangs dripping venom. For the second time in minutes I was nearly slain but the gods willed it differently and I sent the foul think back to the Abyss.

Chaos cultists within the castle? Was no place safe? The Elector-Countess might be in danger!

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