Tuesday, September 28, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 27 (Along the Reik)


15 Brauzeit

Rode through Nuln on our ay north. Stopped by the castle to pay my respects. Found the Kurfürstin dressed and ready to ride. Going to visit her ancestral lands up by Meissen.

Before she parted wats she showed me a decree made by the glorious Emperor Lutipold I, long may he reign. There are no mutants. They don't exist. They are human like us, citizens of the empire. They are unfortunates that must be cared for an protected. Emmanuelle wasn't too impressed. I'm not sure what to think. I've met more than a few mutants and none of them were even remotely redeemable.

17 Brauzeit

Shot a fine stag in the woods east of the road. Technically poaching but what's a couple of servings of venison among nobles?

Brought it to the Red Griffon Coaching Inn and had a meal prepared. Sitting before the fire with Ulf on one side and Thes on the other, with my own sun-priest talking about how Ankh-Akh first taught men to hunt (according to Ankh-Akh anything good was given to Man by Ankh-Akh)… this is the life. 

22 Brauzeit

Spent the night in the town of Arthdorf (yes, that's it's real name) on the bank of the Reik and continued north the day after in pouring rain. It's been getting progressively colder and wetter sine we left Nuln. The charm of being on the road again has been well and truly strangled.

Later in the day we came across a brightly painted river boat drifting close to the bank, either caught on something underwater or in a backwater. We could not see any crew but the craft itself looked undamaged.

We sent Ulfberth swimming. He's our only swimmer (I have this vague idea that maybe Thesalva can swim if she really needs to but doesn't want to). He got dragged down by something. Blood and ink in the water. He resurfaced and made his way to the boat. We were attacked by a harpy or some such. I shot it quickly lest the rain ruin my powered. It fell into the river and was gone. Ulf slew a couple of unfortunates aboard the barge that tried to murder him. One had a beaked face, the other fur. Not mutants but river pirates. For which the penalty is death.

Found a crewmember alive: Renate Hausier, a young woman of (in my opinion) obvious strigany heritage. She insisted she was nothing but a good Stirlander far from home. The boat belonged to her family. her uncle, now dead, had been the captain. The other crew were also family members, cousins or whatever.

The poor girl couldn't run the boat alone so we decided to go to Kemperbad with her. Ankh will take the horses. He's a big boy. If something happens he can take care of himself.

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