Sunday, February 28, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 2 (A tale of elves, skin-changers, dark priests and more)

23rd Jahrdrung

It was a very busy day. Having placed Thesalva into Walter Müller's care I set about to make sure the villagers realized what danger they were in. The chopped-off head of the mutant convinced them of the gravity of the situation. Herr Wald sent a rider carrying the head to the other homesteads, hoping to convince them to seek safety within the village's walls. The head and the fate of the Böhms - the taken family - surely did convince them of the danger.

Speaking of the wall. It was made of dry stone, too low (in some places there was no wall at all, only a wooden palisade), and in poor repair. What had once been a ditch was non-existent for long stretches. I did my best to encourage the villagers to double their efforts. Herr Löw, the village smith and priest was most useful in this regard. Sigmar's priests are no different in the Middenland - work hard, protect the flock. Soon the entire village was either directly or indirectly involved in strengthening the defenses. 

Save the Müllers, it seemed. They were busy cooking supper and caring for Thesalva. I was again invited to their table and could not in good conscience turn down an offer of real food served on a plate, to be eaten with cutlery and washed down with schnapps.

So I washed and put on my good shirt. Thesalva was in a dress, looking as fine as she was uncomfortable. Annika, the miller's wife was just fine-looking. Much too young and fair for a small village and a husband like Walter. Wearing a dress not much more modest than Helga's. She had teeth as nice as Thesalva but didn't smell half as good. A damn fine cook though. Meat on the bone, hot and tender, turnips boiled just right with butter, sauerkraut sublimely spiced, and fresh bread. Ale and schnapps - and wine for the lady elf. A fine table indeed.

Thesalva Uthele

After supper, I walked the lines with Thesalva, now back in her own garb, ears covered. It's important to put on a good show. That's what Freiherr Malthuus always did. I got Thesalva a bow from Wald. At first, he wouldn't give her any, but when he saw she was an elf his tone changed. She's got a good pull for a girl that slender.

Like Walter had said, Herr Wald did speak some elvish. Or Elthárin as the long-ears call their tongue. I asked him to speak to the girl, get her full name and her story. Her given name I already knew: Thesalva. Elves don't have family names like we do. Or maybe they do, but they don't use 'em much. Instead, they have a second given name that's got some meaning to it. Thesalva Uthele: Thesalva, the girl with the heart of a merciless warrior. Not a name I would have guessed. She a sea-elf, like the ones in Marienburg, only from a city we've never heard of, far away. And yes, Iarin and the other elves are not her friends. They are her captors.

Returned to the mill to get a few hours on the feather bed. There was not a lot of sleep but a whole lot of miller's wife if you catch my drift. A most entertaining, if exhausting experience. And here I was thinking Helga was at the height of her craft. The lady seemed pleased throughout. A good thing, surely, but she kept at me until the wee hours. Scarcely any sleep. Again.

The attack

Of the attack, there is not much to say. There was a feint against the far gate but the main assault came where the wall's at its weakest. Predictable. It was also where we had prepared an inner ditch, spiked, and barricaded, with spears and bows waiting. 

Thesalva heard them before the rest of us. We made ready. Our fire-starter was shot dead in seconds. They had archers. Hadn't planned for that. I covered as Thesalva fired the fire-arrows. In the firelight we saw them coming, ten or more hairy beasts, running on all fours, hunched. We killed some but they scaled the palisade - then tore it down. What inhuman strength. The ditch slowed them some but not enough. Soon they were among the militia. Were it not for the timely arrival of Herr Wald and his best men it could have gotten ugly.

The rest of the monsters fled, leaving behind their dead and wounded. Thesalva did the dirty work, unbidden, cutting throats with cold efficiency. I can see where she got her name now. Most fitting. Seven of their dead to three of ours. A fourth there was his guts torn open. I gave him Signmar's mercy to spare him a day of agony. He's in a better place now.

24th Jahrdrung

Went into the hills, hot on the heels of our attackers. Me, Fritz, Jugen, Thesalva, Wald, and his two best hunters. A small party, quick, and quiet. We found one of the mutants bled out in a thicket. One of Wald's men dug out my bullet from the creature's hairy gut. They die to lead and steel, but slower than any man or beast I've ever come across.

We found their lair among the wooded hills, a sort of cave formed by overhanging slabs of rock. Three of the hairy creatures were there. They seemed agitated and distracted. We peppered them with bullets and arrows. They were slow in dying but we had the advantage of numbers and surprise. 

Our enemies were keeping prisoners in three pens. One of the men (six in number), one for the women and children (about a score, I didn't bother counting, including the missing Böhms) and one for a big, bearded fellow (stark naked I might add) who turned out to be Ulfberth, the Norscan mercenary the villagers had hired during the wintertime. Needless to say, we set them free.

The loot was poor. A woman's golden wedding ring - with the name Waldemar Grimm engraved on the inside - on the finger of one of the beasts. No sign of my promised ten crowns or anything else of value. I wanted to push on but daylight was wasting and the prisoners could not find their way back alone, in the dark. I also didn't want to tangle with a dozen or more enemies in the dark...

As we trekked back to Unfer, Ulfberth told of a priest of "the Drinker" and a dark ritual under the full moon that turned men into beasts called "skin-changers." These foul creatures could take the form of men and beasts both. Sounded a lot like mutants to me but he said it was different. They were rare in the Empire he said, but well known in the lands of the Norscans. He also told me they could indeed be killed by ordinary means but were more easily slain by silver. No harder to kill than men. An men die easy to bullets. It sounded a bit far-fetched but I decided to have a few bullets and arrowheads made of silver. Just in case.

It was well into the night when we finally returned to Unfer, Ulrich and the men from Neue Etzel were there, along with the Brettoninan knight, his squires, and the Duke's men-at-arms. The Brettoninan had taken my spot on the feather bed. I slept on a wooden bench at the inn. Thesalva kept me company. Not in that way. Just company. It wasn't too bad.

25th Jahrdrung

We made ready to ride at first light the following day. I was mildly surprised to see Emmanuel Giscard - the knight - and the rest of the men ready to ride out with us. Annika made me a charm to go with the healing draughts she'd given me (she'd been too shy to tell me what they were) the day before. It was a queer little wooden figure. I hung it around the neck. You can never have too many charms against evil.

We made good progress, being mounted men all, and knowing the path ahead of us. Herr Emmanuel spoke some with Thesalva in the elven tongue. Apparently, elves are a lot more common in Brettonia. Like dwarfs in the Empire, I guess. He spoke a little to me as well, calling my actions chivalrous. That the Lady of the Lake would approve. I let him talk. No sense gainsaying your betters.

We left the horses at the mutant's den and made our way up the creek towards the standing stones. We were no longer in the Duchy of Neue-Etzel but with both Sigmar and the Lady of the Lake on our side, we'd be fine. The things we hunted were enemies of all men, duchies, and nobles' quarrels be damned. 

Shot a skin-changer hiding in a tree and another in the gorge who was hurling rocks at us. The silver bullets were doing the trick. They were no harder to kill than ordinary men. Jugend had a sort of fit further upstream. On a whim, I shot a crow flying above. Jugen fell face-first into the creek but soon recovered. I knew the stories of wizards' familiars as well as any man. Maybe that's what it was: sorcery most foul.

The knight pressed ahead, flanked by his squires. They came under attack. Three of the creatures were cut down - or shot dead by silver bullets and arrowheads. When we crested the ridge we were standing on the hidden plateau. A fog so thick it couldn't be natural draped everything in white. Sorcery indeed. Into the mist, the Brettonian's went without delay. I followed, brave Thesalva at my side.

Ritter Emmanuel's sword was glowing now, and the mists seemed to recoil from it, creating a bubble of clarity within the white. It was as strange a sight as ever I saw. Good thing though, as soon we came under attack. More of the beasts attacked from this mist but we saw them come and drove them off with only a squire down. I halted to save the man's life - the knight pushed relentlessly forward - then got back into the fight.

We found the other squire with his face ripped off. Like someone had taken a knife, cut the flesh down the middle, and then peeled everything back. No one stops to do a thing like that in the middle of battle. Not just sorcery but darkest magic. That's what it was. 

The wicker-man at the center of the stone circle was ablaze. A roaring fire too hot to approach. No sign of any priest. Not until a figure with skin as black as coal and burning blood stepped out of the bonfire, silver sickle dripping blood in his hand. The dark priest at last. I had a mind to turn and run then, I can admit as much to my journal, but then I remembered Freiherr Malthuus's words: the Empire was not built on the back of cowards and weaklings. True that, so I shot the sorcerous bastard instead. 

He was long in the killing. Silver had no particular effect on him. But we kept at it with rifle, bow, and glowing sword until at last he fell, reduced to no more than a charred corpse. No sign of any loot, save the silver sickle, which Ritter Emmanuel kicked into the still-burning bonfire. He told me to forget this place and promised rich rewards - in this world and the next - for my bravery if I put it out of my mind. I liked the "this world" part better than "the next."

Annika's charm was but a charred piece of wood after the fight. Had it protected me from an evil spell? Or just caught fire from a stray spark? Neither seemed likely.

As we rode back, Emmanuel told me a little of his homeland, of the Lady of the Lake, and his quest to rid the world of evil things. Not a life I would have chosen. Too much danger and hardly any rewards. The beasts we had fought were called lycanthropes by scholars. Not something I needed to know. Skin-changers sounds more appropriate.

Despite the lateness of our arrival, the entire village came out to greet us. They had feared the worst and their relief was a sight to behold. There were beers and schnapps aplenty. Stew too. Got a few hours of sleep on the bench, Thesalva watching over me. I'm starting to think elves don't sleep as men do. Why didn't I turn her in for the diamonds? I can't explain it. I just didn't and I'm not going to.

26th Jahrdrung

Ritter Emmanuel took his time the following morning. We waited. Didn't want to ride with a small party to Herenhorst. On account of the elves you see. They were still lurking in the woods, I was sure. No way that Iarin chap was giving up so easily. 

Had to endure a lot of grateful villagers while we waited. Even got an offer to take over the Böhm homestead, widow and kids and everything. I declined. If I wanted to chop wood and feed pigs I'd become a farmer, not a soldier. Besides, there was no feather bed at the homestead, and the widow looked like she'd never seen Altdorf. If it was the miller's wife that was the widow I'd consider it.

Good thing we waited. The elves were on the road, sure as sure. But Ritter Emmanuel told them off. No way he was handing a lady over to a band of long-eared brigands. The elves caved and took to the woods. I don't think we've seen the last of them. If I get the chance, I'll put a bullet in all of them and claim the diamonds for me and Thesalva.

We left the rest of the party at Herenhorst and rode on to Neue Etzel, reaching the gates in the afternoon. Had a bath, as did my elf friend. Even she was starting to smell. Come to think of it I wish the Middenlanders had more and better bath houses.

Ulrich and Emmanuel arrived at the gates just before dark. Heavy wagons are slow.

27th Jahrdrung

Got Thesalva a dress. If I can get her to eat more, maybe she'll fill it out. Cost me half a crown but she should blend in better. For the first time, I noticed there are elves living in Neue Etzel. Not many. Just a few. Living ordinary lives.

I went to get the elf bow from the broker. Paid at least three times what I got for it: the Grimm ring and three crowns. I hope it's worth it.

Emmanuel's party left for the Etzelhaus, leaving behind their baggage. Probably as weary from the road as we. A bath and a feather bed in the Duke's castle is better than staying at another flea-ridden inn!

28th Jahrdrung

Fair spring weather. Spent the day with Thesalva. With the dress and the headscarf, she looks almost human. But she's too tall, proud, and pretty to be taken for a common wench. Might have to work on that. But first, she'll have to learn Reikspiel. What am I trying to do here? Am I keeping her? What for?

Started planning the trip to Altdorf. I've three things on my list: pistols, a feather mattress, and a visit to a certain establishment recommended by Helga. Have to bring Thesalva along. Get her away from the elves. From Altdorf, she can take a boat to Marienburg. There she'll find more sea-elves.

Captain came around. Told me the Duke wanted to see me. He'd send his carriage. Not sure if it's a good thing - or a very bad.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Size of the Empire and the Old World

The Warhammer World is a big place, far larger than Earth. No one knows exactly how much bigger but as a rule of thumb, multiply perceived distances by 1.5 and land area by 2.25 (1x5x1x5) or so. There are some maps showing the scale in miles. These are Imperial miles, longer by far than Earth miles 😅

This means that the old World - and the Empire - is bigger than you'd think. The Empire isn't just the size of a slightly overgrown Germany, it's the size of the Holy Roman Empire and all the East European countries put together. Each of the Empire's great provinces is the size of a kingdom. Lots of room for exciting adventures and horrible things lurking in the dark corners of the world 💀

Saturday, February 20, 2021

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 1 (Bad blood among the Five Sisters)


17th Jahrdrung

Charger, my trusted horse, went lame on the road to Unfer. Just as well, as it literally made me step right on the first part of this strange tale!

I tore my boot on the Bailiff's sword and pulled blade and a severed hand - no sign of the body - from a watery rut in the road. Not far from the road I found the tax wagons empty and horse tracks leading deeper into the forest. No sign of the guards or drivers.

On the way back to Herenhorst I stumbled across an elf that was up to no good, sneaking around and keeping an eye on the road. I shot his leg off, saved his life, and brought him to the village. The barber patched him up good, better than most surgeons. If ever I need an amputation, I'll send for him!

I had some schnapps and stayed dry and warm that night, keeping an eye on the elf and making sure the villagers didn't  lynch him. Didn't get much sleep. Nightmares.

18th Jahrdrung

Oleg, a Kislevite living in Herenhorst - all sorts of people living by the forest's edge - rode out early to get the Captain. Herr Ulrich showed up with the Sergeant and three outriders in tow. Put five Crowns into my hand and told me to forget all about the elf and never mention it again. For five gold I can keep quiet about a lot of things.

Captain wasn't too keen on taking the entire detachment into an ambush so it was decided that he'd take the elf back to Etzel in a wagon. I was put in charge of checking up on Unfer, so I took the two least lazy of my fellow soldiers along for the ride. Better me than the Captain. Hard to argue with that seeing as he's the one in command.

We made a detour to follow the horse tracks from the empty wagons. We ended up in the hills where we found a great white oak with dark red, almost purple leaves. Three corpses were hanging by the neck from the branches. A priest of Taal, a priestess of Rhya, and a black-clad man. The latter had had his wrists slit, the other two not. All three had been hanged by the neck until dead. They were curiously intact. A little bloated but untouched by birds or scavengers. Unnatural it was.

We cut them down - I claimed a pair of clafskin boots and a nice belt with a silver buckle - and took them with us to Unfer. The local priest buried them in hallowed ground. The village was still in one piece but the locals were afraid of something. Four hunters, they had lost in the winter, and no one dared go out to find out what had happened. They got a bit agitated when they heard the bailiff was dead and their taxes stolen.

Had some schnapps. Bunked down in front of the fireplace. It was nice enough. Fritz farted a lot. Jugend snored. I didn't sleep too well. Maybe turning down the miller's offer of a bed was a mistake?

19th Jahrdrung

I left my companions in Unfer - neither man wanted to ride alone through the forest - and went back to Neue Etzel alone. On the road, I met four elves. I didn't shoot any of them - nor they me. Their leader spoke some Reikspiel. We had a chat. They were looking for an elf girl, lost in the woods, and were willing to pay in diamonds if she was returned "unspoiled." They also wondered what had happened to one of their numbers. Didn't mention shooting his leg off or saving his life after. No point. His fate's sealed anyway.

When I arrived in Neue Etzel, the Captain was gone. Of course he was. They had taken the elf in a fast wagon and headed for the Etzelhaus, the Duke's holdfast. I could maybe have overtaken them, but I didn't fancy another ride in the dark and the rain, so I paid for a night at the inn, Elsa included. It cost me half a Crown. Well worth it. Didn't sleep too well though.

Almost forgot: the silver ring I found on the black-clad man identified him as a witch-hunter. The priest of Neue Etzel told me so. The man had come through town late in the autumn with three or four good men in tow. Ended his life on the end of a rope. Pitty. Wonder what happened to his companions?

20th Jahrdrung

Getting to Etzelhaus took most of the day. Had lunch in an inn along the way, gawked at the wizard's tower, and chatted with a roadwarden patrol. Etzelhaus is an imposing fort - located deep in the woods, protecting nothing important. The surrounding farms and the village were sad to behold, decrepit and half-abandoned. Talked to the captain. He took the ring to the Duke and secured his aid. I slept in a small cell. Or rather I tried. Strange sounds and nightmares.

21st Jahrdrung

Five plate-armored guards, a Brettonian knight, and his two squires, some attendants, and a very slow wagon. That's what the duke sent. The knight was a guest of the Duke. Never seen arms and armor like his. And his horse! Can't even guess at their cost.

Seeing as our help would take 4 or 5 days to reach Unfer - barring any delays - Captain Ulrich and I rode back to Neue Etzel ahead of the Brettonians and the Duke's men-at-arms. I got rid of the loot just in case. Tried to procure a pistol but there were none to be had so I spent a Gold Crown for a night with Helga. Didn't get much sleep at all.

Well worth the money though. She'd "apprenticed" in Altdorf. The girls in the capital do things the local wenches don't even know about, and they do it well and willingly. It's hard to see myself going back to cheap bar wenches after this! I got the names of a couple of good establishments. When I go to the capital next I'll try them out.

22nd Jahrdrung

The Captain had to remain in Neue Etzel to organize a party. Riding back to Unfer, I decided to check what lay beyond the White Oak. Found the bailiff's body (the elves tipped me). It was mutilated and forest animals had gotten to it, but it was humans with blades who had cut out his heart and carved out the finest pieces of meat. No sign of a fire. Did they eat man-flesh raw? Made me think of campfire stories featuring savage beastmen.

Up by the oak, I found a peasant. He had been slashed to make him bleed, then chased through the woods. He'd come a long way but died of blood loss and exposure. Pitty. Couldn't quite figure out why he hadn't been eaten. A strange lot these beastmen.

Up into the heights I went, where there were no trees, only rocky ground, and rotten snow. A man I found, dressed in skins and pelts. He got nosy, tried to jump me from atop a boulder, so I shot him. That didn't stop him, so we danced. I had my sword, he had claws like knives on his fingers. I hacked off his arm but still, he would not die. I stumbled and hit my head. The sword fell away. We rolled in the snow and mud. He tried to bite my head off. I kept ramming my dagger into his body. Finally, he took the hint and died. I hacked off the mutant's head - surely it was a mutant, big, hairy, claws and fangs - to have some concrete proof. Maybe there would be a bonus?

Should have turned back but my blood was up. Deep into the Five Sisters, I trekked. On the eastern side, I found more men - or mutants, the distance was too great to tell - building a great bonfire inside a circle of standing stones. I couldn't get down to them or pick them off, the ground was too steep and slippery with ice, so I tried finding a way around. Didn't work so well. I heard wolves howling. Found a vantage point and waited. 

To my surprise, out of the woods came the elf girl, two wolves snapping at her heels. She ran with a limp and would soon be overtaken. I urged her forward and up to me. She obliged. Not much of a choice really. I killed a wolf with one shot. The elf started climbing. I didn't see it happen, I was busy reloading, but when I looked up the wolf was gone and another hairy man was climbing after the girl. I put a bullet into him, but like the first mutant, it refused to die. He did give up the chase and run away though. I'll call it a win.

We made our way back to the horse. She was tall but light as a feather. Hardly any flesh on her bones. Charger had no problem carrying us both. Good horse that one. Found his way back more or less on his own. The girl didn't speak a word of Reikspiel. She was plenty warm though. Smelled good - for a dirty girl on the run from mutants.

It was dark now. Only the light of nearly-full Mannslieb allowed us to go on. Behind us, up among the Peaks, we heard wolves howling. The girl had good eyes. Saw paths I didn't and urged me to take Charger along them. We got down into the forest. Found an abandoned homestead with the fireplace still smoking. Bet it used to belong to the dead peasant - the rest of the family was up there in the cold with the wolf-mutants.

Bolted the windows and barred the door. Then promptly fell asleep. Got maybe three hours sitting in a chair before the rooster woke us. I had half expected to die during the night but we were both alive and well come moring. The girl had cooked me breakfast. Didn't taste half bad. A light sleeper that one. And eager to please. If it wasn't for the diamonds I had half a mind to keep her around.

Used a little sign language to explain about the other elves. That got her real upset real quick. If I understood her correctly, she tried to tell me they'd kill her. Sounded a bit far-fetched. I may have promised not to hand her over. She hugged me then. So warm, so sweet. Maybe I'll keep her and diamonds be damned!?

23rd Jahrdrung

Made our way down to Unfer. Told the villagers what had happened. Not sure they would have believe me if not for the severed head. That got them moving. I handed the elf girl to my friend, the miller, and told him to keep her true nature a secret. He seemed willing enough. I promised to swing by for supper.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Die Wachten am Etzel

Die Wachten am Etzel (literally: those who guard/watch over Etzel) is the name of the armed force paid for by the Neue Etzel council. They wear the colors of the Duke of Etzel-Drakzsen but are recruited and paid by the town. It comprises less than twenty people. They are tasked with protecting Neue Etzel (in times of danger the town militia is called out and put at the Captain's disposal) and functioning as the city watch/toll collectors. In addition, there is a small group of riders whose job is to patrol the villages, homesteads, and roads, and to carry important messages. They aren't technically road wardens but perform similar duties.

Key characters:
  • Captain Ulrich: An officer of the Rieksguard who for some reason left the service to settle in a small trading town. The name "Ulrich" is not a very popular boy's in the Reikland.
  • Sgt. Tomas: A local. In charge of the outriders. He's too old to be riding, to be honest. His primary motivation seems to be doing as little as possible, preferably in front of a fire with some schnapps in his belly.
  • Fritz: A local. A ten-year veteran of the Wachen. 
  • Jugend: A local. A five-year veteran of the Wachen.


Could be Unfer if you add a dry stone&timber wall.

The village of Unfer, home to some 200 or so souls, is located about 12 Imperial miles from the village of Herenhorst, the last stop before the forest's edge. There is a road of sorts leading to Unfer, but it's little used, narrow, and in poor shape. A man on a horse can ride between the villages in a couple of hours, less if he wants to go fast. Walking takes a bit longer but it's no trouble to walk back and forth in a day and still have time for lunch and a nap!

There is an inn (with no beds but a cozy fireplace to sleep in front of), a shrine to Sigmar, a smithy, and a mill. Houses and farms, fields, and meadows, and some homesteads nearby. Pretty standard for a Middenland village in the forest.

Characters of Unfer and environs:

  • Heinz: Peasant lad/militia.
  • Marco: Old woodsman/militia.
  • Marius Wald: Middle-aged hunter with steady eyes and crooked nose. He represents the hunters, trappers, and woodsmen of Unfer. Def facto Alderman of the village.
  • Hermann Löw: Anointed priest of Sigmar - and the village blacksmith. Big beard and big hands.
  • Kurt Krank: The innkeep.
  • Walter Müller: The miller.
  • Annika Müller: The miller's wife.
  • Unferth (mentioned only): Merc hired by the villagers to scout the Five Sisters. Been missing for months. 
  • Peter Baden-Vürt: Imperial Witch-hunter. Passed through Neue-Etzel in late autumn. Found dangling by the neck, both wrists slit, from the great white oak.
  • Priest of Taal: hanged by the neck from the white oak.
  • Priestess of Rhya:  hanged by the neck from the white oak.
  • Iarin: Elf with a pocket full of gems. Leader of a team of elves looking for the elf girl.
  • Thesalva: Elf girl. Warm and soft. Smells nice. Perfect skin. White teeth. Glossy hair. Lips that look painted but are not. Probably what passes for a princess among her people. For some reason, she doesn't want to be reunited with her kin...

Das Etzelhaus


Das Etzelhaus - the House of the Etzels - is the ancestral castle of the Etzel clan. It's situated on a steep hill, deep within the hilly hinterlands of the Drakwalk, a full day's walk from the Altdorf-Middenheim road. The fork in the road is impossible to miss: it's right where Albrecht's tower rises above the main road.

The remnants of an old hill fort, probably predating Sigmar, can be seen as you climb towards that castle proper. The current castle is - like so many other holdfasts - a hodgepodge of parts old and new. At the base of the hill, a sad little village sits. There are some nearby fields and meadows, but many of the farms look abandoned. Compared to the road and castle, which are well maintained, the entire area looks neglected, decrepit even.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rules of the game pr. 3 (adapting weapon stats & adjusting armor values)

Mixing stats from both editions won't work very well!

Let's go with 4ed but adapted for use in 2ed.


Armor values are increased.

  • Heavy clothes, furs, hides: 1
  • Leather/gambeson: 2
  • Boiled/studded leather: 4
  • Mail/scale: 4
  • Plate: 4
There are some limits as to what can be worn combined. Check with GM 😅

Wigmar has 2 AP (Leather), except 4 AP on the head (Helmet, Partial quality), and 6 AP on the body (Breastplate and leather, Impenetrable and Weakpoints qualities).
  • Perception -10% when wearing the helmet.
  • Stealth -10% when using the breastplate (but no movement penalties due to Sturdy).
Impenetrable: Ignore odd-numbered crits.

Partial: Crits ignore AP from this piece.

Weak points: If a crit is scored, ignore AP from this piece.


When you take a crit, you can decide to (permanently) reduce AP by 1 in that location. If you do, ignore the crit, but take wounds as normal.

If the attack triggers Partial or Weakpoints qualities, you can't crit deflect!


The base damage of all weapons increased to compensate for armor effectiveness. Overall it's more dangerous to go into battle without armor!

Some examples:

  • 2H: SB+4
  • Sword: SB+2
  • Light: SB+1
  • Dagger: SB
  • Longbow: SB+2
  • Bow: SB+1
  • Heavy Crossbow: +9
  • Crossbow: +8
  • Rifle: +8
  • Handgun: +8
  • Pistol: +7


Minimum damage on the d10 is equal to the number of SL you got on the attack. So if you got 6 SL the die counts as 6 even if you rolled 1-5.

Impact: This quality is NOT used. It's replaced by a plethora of other 4ed qualities!


Any double rolled n the attack is a potential crit (has to hit in the first place though).

Impale: Also crits on "0s".

Ulric's Fury: Is NOT used. It's been replaced by the new crit rules!


You get one Reaction per round that can be used to avoid incoming attacks.

  • You can only try to evade each attack ONCE (parry or dodge).

Dodge: Roll Ag to oppose the attack. If you succeed, the attack is canceled.

Parry: Roll WS to oppose the attack. If you succeed, the attack is canceled.

  • You need a ready weapon to parry with.
  • You can get  BONUS parry if you have an off-hand weapon or shield, or if you use the Parrying Stance half action.
Ranged attacks: Dodging a missile attack requires you to be aware of the attack and you suffer a minimum -20% modifier if the GM allows it at all. The GM can also allow you to "parry" ranged attacks by using a shield to deflect incoming projectiles. The same modifier applies if it is allowed at all.


Accurate: +10% BS.

Precise: +1 SL to any hit (helps with minimum damage).

Reload: It's an extended action (using BS) where you need SL = reload value to get it ready for the next shot.

Hurried Reload (new rule based on player input): Attempt to Reload as a Half-action. The Reload value is unchanged and a failure means the attempt is ruined, wasting 1 ammo and requiring you to start over. A black powder weapon that's been reloaded like this loses all positive qualities (for that shot).

Rapid Reload: Reduces Reload by 1.


Rifles always use bullets and powder.

Impale: Also does crits on '0s'. 

Penetrating: -2 AP from armor (replaces the 4ed version).

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Overland transportation

The most common means of overland transportation is walking 😅 It takes a while to get where you need to be but it's cheap and you get a lot of fresh air. Coaching inns are so common along major thoroughfares that even walkers will find a place to stay the night. If not, there should be a village or farmstead nearby where a few shillings will buy a hot meal and a bed (or a place in the hayloft).

If you can afford to buy and keep a riding horse that's of course way faster and more convenient. A rider with a good steed can cover more ground than even the most determined foot-slogger. For most people, however, that's not an option. 

If you can't ride and don't want to walk, coaches are an option. Coach services run between all major cities and numerous smaller towns (the smaller the settlement, the less often they run). Coaches come in various sizes (most can carry 6 inside and a couple on the roof), levels of comfort, and speed (4 horses is the most common version). The very best lets you ride in relative comfort in less than a quarter of the time you'd use on foot.

Goods are typically transported in 4-wheel wagons like the one shown in the picture. Oxen are sometimes used but in the Empire, draft horses are much more common. If the load is heavy two horses can be hitched up. Some very heavy wagons might require 4 but that's an exception - many country roads can't handle such heavy loads anyway.

But the best way to transport passengers and goods is along the many waterways of the Empire. Major rivers reach all parts of the Empire save the north-central portions of Hochland, Middenland, Nordland, and Osterland. In Reikland there is an extensive network of canals as well.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Rules of the Game pt. 2 (fate & resolve)

These rules are mostly copied from 4ed:

Player characters have a destiny. While their ultimate future is a mystery and there is no guarantee it will be glorious, heroic, or even pleasant, they are seemingly fated for something important.

To represent this, you start with a number of Fate Points. Fate points mark you out from the rest of the denizens of the Old World. They allow you to survive against impossible odds and prevail where ordinary folk fails.

Fortune points are spent to receive minor bonuses, including the ability to reroll failed Tests or gain an edge as luck favors you, and the number you have will likely fluctuate wildly during play. 

Fate determines how many Fortune points you can have. If you have 3 Fate you have 3 Fortune (plus any modifiers from talents and the like). If you later spend all 3 Fate your Fortune is also 0. Which is...unfortunate 😅

You may spend a permanent Fate point to avoid death and survive even the most unlikely situations. 

Choose one of the following two options:

Die Another Day: Instead of dying, your character is knocked out, left for dead, swept away by a river, or otherwise taken out of action; your character will survive, no matter the fatal incident’s circumstances, but takes no further part in the current encounter.

How Did That Miss?: Your character completely avoids the incoming damage by some extraordinary fluke, such as slipping just as a blow is about to connect, a weapon mysteriously jamming, or an unexpected source of light blinding an opponent; your character can continue on without penalty but has no guarantee of survival in later rounds.

You may spend a Fortune point from your pool to turn luck to your advantage: hitting with that difficult crossbow shot when you would have otherwise missed; or perhaps an opponent slips, granting you a chance to land a blow. 

The options are:
  • Reroll a failed Test.
  • Add +1 SL to a Test after it is rolled.
  • At the start of the Round, choose when to act in that Round disregarding Initiative order.
Regaining Fate and Fortune
You regain all Fortune points at the start of every gaming session, up to the maximum of your current Fate. In addition, certain in-game encounters may also replenish (or remove) Fortune points. For very long gaming sessions, there should be some opportunities to replenish.

Your GM may grant you a Fate point for an act of extreme heroism, bravery, or significance. Normally this only happens at the successful end of an important adventure or story arc, so make sure to spend them carefully as they rarely replenish.

While Fate points represent your destiny, perhaps chosen by some distant, uncaring deity, Resolve is an indication of your personal drive and determination to endure and overcome, no matter the obstacles you face.

Resilience points are spent to push through minor obstacles, such as ignoring the negative effects of critical wounds for a Round or removing Conditions. 

Resolve determines your limit of Resilience points, same as Fate for Fortune

Resolve can be permanently spent to push yourself through seemingly impossible situations.

I Deny You!: You may choose not to develop a rolled mutation or insanity. Alternatively, you could make a complete recovery from permanent critical injury.

I Will Not Fail!: Rather than roll the result of a Test, you choose the number instead, allowing you to succeed in even the direst of situations. In an Opposed Test, you always win by at least 1 SL. You can even choose to do this on a Test that already failed.

You may spend a Resilience point to draw upon your inner reserves: maybe confronting a terrifying Ogre without flinching, or ignoring the effects of even the most powerful of blows. 

Your choices are:
  • Become immune to Psychology until the end of the next round.
  • Ignore all modifiers from all Critical Wounds until the beginning of the next round.
  • Remove one Condition; if you removed the Prone Condition, regain 1 Wound as you surge to your feet.
Regaining Resolve and Resilience 
Resilience is regained whenever you act according to your Motivation. During play, whenever you feel you have done this, you may ask the GM if you can recover one or more Resilience points.

The GM may grant a Resolve point for an act of extreme importance to your Motivation, permanently nourishing your soul, but such an event will be very rare.

Rules of the Game pt. 1 (character creation)

Wrong kind of hero

Some of these changes are tweaks to 2nd edition rules, others have been taken from 4th edition, and finally, some are intended to help/boost a lone PC.


Add +10% to all primary characteristics.

So humans start with 30+2D10 (average 41%) in everything.

This gives a better base chance of success so the GM doesn't have to hand out positive modifiers all the time.

Weapons (firearms for example) that do NOT add SB to damage get +1 to their damage profile to compensate.

Then add +5% to all primary characteristics.

Wigmar basically starts with 35+2D10 (average 46%) in everything.

This is a lone wolf bonus. He'll be making more checks than most Warhammer PC so he needs the boost.


Attack: The attack characteristic is not used. 

Replaced by rules for multiple attacks and talents. Similar to how the 40k games work.

Wounds: Do not roll for wounds. 

Add together the bonus for S, T, and WP. 

So if you're S 41, T 45, WP 39 you have 11 starting wounds.

Characteristic Bonuses: All characteristics use their bonuses in some way (same as the 40k games). It's not important to record (there is room only for SB/TB) as it's always the 10-digit.

Fate: After you roll on the table, get +1 point. Lone wolf bonus.

Resilience: New stat from 4ed. Works in a fashion similar to fate, but differently. For now, just roll on the Fate table again and add +1 to whatever you get. Lone wolf bonus.


+10% to Common Knowledge tests related to Reikland.


Savy or Suave (from Reiklander background) +2 random talents.


Some starting careers are rather weird when it comes to advances - soldiers getting no S or T, but +10% to Ag is one example. Starting careers are also rather limited in scope. It should be possible to stay in a career for a while - if you want to.

Here is the new Soldier advance.


















Here are some careers for comparison.





















































Characters get TWO +5% advances instead of one. They must be taken in different characteristics.


Skills will be tweaked a little. Weird stuff like Blather will be dropped in favor of Deceive, for example. Not that important for Wigmar now. More later.


More talents will be added.


The first advance in something typically costs 100 XP but then it gets more and more expensive. XP gain adjusted to compensate. This is done to make it possible to keep playing and advancing for quite some time.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Wigmar Heck

Wigmar Heck was born in the market town of Stimmigen, Duchy of Falkenhayn, Reikland, on 12 Sigmarzeit, 2475. He was the youngest of six sons (and two daughters) Dagna Heck gave her husband, Eldwin Heck.

Eldwin passed of the plague in the summer of 2480, as did Wigmar's brother, the sickly Kleine Emil, and both his sisters. Unable to support her remaining children, Dagna was forced to turn them away. She then killed herself by jumping into the River Ober - she did not know how to swim.

Heller Heck, Eldwin's brother, a soldier of nearby Dunkelberg, took in 5-year-old Wigmar and Kurt, aged 7, and raised them alongside his own three daughters. He was a stern man and short-tempered when drunk but was not an altogether bad guardian.

When they became old enough, both Kurt and Wigmar followed their adoptive father's footsteps, joining the army of the Duke of Dunkelberg. Kurt to serve as a common footsoldier, wielding pike, halberd, and sword. But Wigmar had steady hands and sharp eyes and warranted special training as a hand-gunner.

Heller buried his wife in 2495 and married off the last of his daughters the year after. In the summer of 2497, Heller, Kurt, and Wigmar joined the Dunkle Greifen - the Dark Griffons - a mercenary company recruiting in the Reikland. Together they made their way north, bypassing fair Altdorf (they are not so keen on mercenaries inside the walls) to follow the road up to Middenheim - and beyond, for their employer was an Ostland nobleman.

Wigmar never made it past the town of Neue Etzel, Middenland. The Council was hiring outriders, men who could ride and shoot and take care of themselves. The promise of a horse and gold to go along with a genuine Hochland rifle offered (not that the townspeople knew what a treasure it was) as a sing-on bonus was too much. The warm fires of the inn, the buxom barmaids, the thick stew, the sweet pies, and the ale helped seal the deal.

Still very much the Neuer Mann - the new guy - Wigmar is, ever so slowly, becoming accepted by his comrades in arms and the town in general. If only something could happen, something a little exciting, he could show these country yokels his true measure...

Campaign notes: Wigmar has free food and lodging in Neue Etzel. He has access to the town's small armory if he needs simple arms or armor. He's paid 10 gc per year on top of this. Not a whole lot but after 5 years he's entitled to a bonus: his horse, saddle, and harness (worth at least 100 gc).