Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rules of the game pr. 3 (adapting weapon stats & adjusting armor values)

Mixing stats from both editions won't work very well!

Let's go with 4ed but adapted for use in 2ed.


Armor values are increased.

  • Heavy clothes, furs, hides: 1
  • Leather/gambeson: 2
  • Boiled/studded leather: 4
  • Mail/scale: 4
  • Plate: 4
There are some limits as to what can be worn combined. Check with GM 😅

Wigmar has 2 AP (Leather), except 4 AP on the head (Helmet, Partial quality), and 6 AP on the body (Breastplate and leather, Impenetrable and Weakpoints qualities).
  • Perception -10% when wearing the helmet.
  • Stealth -10% when using the breastplate (but no movement penalties due to Sturdy).
Impenetrable: Ignore odd-numbered crits.

Partial: Crits ignore AP from this piece.

Weak points: If a crit is scored, ignore AP from this piece.


When you take a crit, you can decide to (permanently) reduce AP by 1 in that location. If you do, ignore the crit, but take wounds as normal.

If the attack triggers Partial or Weakpoints qualities, you can't crit deflect!


The base damage of all weapons increased to compensate for armor effectiveness. Overall it's more dangerous to go into battle without armor!

Some examples:

  • 2H: SB+4
  • Sword: SB+2
  • Light: SB+1
  • Dagger: SB
  • Longbow: SB+2
  • Bow: SB+1
  • Heavy Crossbow: +9
  • Crossbow: +8
  • Rifle: +8
  • Handgun: +8
  • Pistol: +7


Minimum damage on the d10 is equal to the number of SL you got on the attack. So if you got 6 SL the die counts as 6 even if you rolled 1-5.

Impact: This quality is NOT used. It's replaced by a plethora of other 4ed qualities!


Any double rolled n the attack is a potential crit (has to hit in the first place though).

Impale: Also crits on "0s".

Ulric's Fury: Is NOT used. It's been replaced by the new crit rules!


You get one Reaction per round that can be used to avoid incoming attacks.

  • You can only try to evade each attack ONCE (parry or dodge).

Dodge: Roll Ag to oppose the attack. If you succeed, the attack is canceled.

Parry: Roll WS to oppose the attack. If you succeed, the attack is canceled.

  • You need a ready weapon to parry with.
  • You can get  BONUS parry if you have an off-hand weapon or shield, or if you use the Parrying Stance half action.
Ranged attacks: Dodging a missile attack requires you to be aware of the attack and you suffer a minimum -20% modifier if the GM allows it at all. The GM can also allow you to "parry" ranged attacks by using a shield to deflect incoming projectiles. The same modifier applies if it is allowed at all.


Accurate: +10% BS.

Precise: +1 SL to any hit (helps with minimum damage).

Reload: It's an extended action (using BS) where you need SL = reload value to get it ready for the next shot.

Hurried Reload (new rule based on player input): Attempt to Reload as a Half-action. The Reload value is unchanged and a failure means the attempt is ruined, wasting 1 ammo and requiring you to start over. A black powder weapon that's been reloaded like this loses all positive qualities (for that shot).

Rapid Reload: Reduces Reload by 1.


Rifles always use bullets and powder.

Impale: Also does crits on '0s'. 

Penetrating: -2 AP from armor (replaces the 4ed version).

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