Sunday, February 14, 2021

Rules of the Game pt. 2 (fate & resolve)

These rules are mostly copied from 4ed:

Player characters have a destiny. While their ultimate future is a mystery and there is no guarantee it will be glorious, heroic, or even pleasant, they are seemingly fated for something important.

To represent this, you start with a number of Fate Points. Fate points mark you out from the rest of the denizens of the Old World. They allow you to survive against impossible odds and prevail where ordinary folk fails.

Fortune points are spent to receive minor bonuses, including the ability to reroll failed Tests or gain an edge as luck favors you, and the number you have will likely fluctuate wildly during play. 

Fate determines how many Fortune points you can have. If you have 3 Fate you have 3 Fortune (plus any modifiers from talents and the like). If you later spend all 3 Fate your Fortune is also 0. Which is...unfortunate 😅

You may spend a permanent Fate point to avoid death and survive even the most unlikely situations. 

Choose one of the following two options:

Die Another Day: Instead of dying, your character is knocked out, left for dead, swept away by a river, or otherwise taken out of action; your character will survive, no matter the fatal incident’s circumstances, but takes no further part in the current encounter.

How Did That Miss?: Your character completely avoids the incoming damage by some extraordinary fluke, such as slipping just as a blow is about to connect, a weapon mysteriously jamming, or an unexpected source of light blinding an opponent; your character can continue on without penalty but has no guarantee of survival in later rounds.

You may spend a Fortune point from your pool to turn luck to your advantage: hitting with that difficult crossbow shot when you would have otherwise missed; or perhaps an opponent slips, granting you a chance to land a blow. 

The options are:
  • Reroll a failed Test.
  • Add +1 SL to a Test after it is rolled.
  • At the start of the Round, choose when to act in that Round disregarding Initiative order.
Regaining Fate and Fortune
You regain all Fortune points at the start of every gaming session, up to the maximum of your current Fate. In addition, certain in-game encounters may also replenish (or remove) Fortune points. For very long gaming sessions, there should be some opportunities to replenish.

Your GM may grant you a Fate point for an act of extreme heroism, bravery, or significance. Normally this only happens at the successful end of an important adventure or story arc, so make sure to spend them carefully as they rarely replenish.

While Fate points represent your destiny, perhaps chosen by some distant, uncaring deity, Resolve is an indication of your personal drive and determination to endure and overcome, no matter the obstacles you face.

Resilience points are spent to push through minor obstacles, such as ignoring the negative effects of critical wounds for a Round or removing Conditions. 

Resolve determines your limit of Resilience points, same as Fate for Fortune

Resolve can be permanently spent to push yourself through seemingly impossible situations.

I Deny You!: You may choose not to develop a rolled mutation or insanity. Alternatively, you could make a complete recovery from permanent critical injury.

I Will Not Fail!: Rather than roll the result of a Test, you choose the number instead, allowing you to succeed in even the direst of situations. In an Opposed Test, you always win by at least 1 SL. You can even choose to do this on a Test that already failed.

You may spend a Resilience point to draw upon your inner reserves: maybe confronting a terrifying Ogre without flinching, or ignoring the effects of even the most powerful of blows. 

Your choices are:
  • Become immune to Psychology until the end of the next round.
  • Ignore all modifiers from all Critical Wounds until the beginning of the next round.
  • Remove one Condition; if you removed the Prone Condition, regain 1 Wound as you surge to your feet.
Regaining Resolve and Resilience 
Resilience is regained whenever you act according to your Motivation. During play, whenever you feel you have done this, you may ask the GM if you can recover one or more Resilience points.

The GM may grant a Resolve point for an act of extreme importance to your Motivation, permanently nourishing your soul, but such an event will be very rare.

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