Friday, February 19, 2021

Das Etzelhaus


Das Etzelhaus - the House of the Etzels - is the ancestral castle of the Etzel clan. It's situated on a steep hill, deep within the hilly hinterlands of the Drakwalk, a full day's walk from the Altdorf-Middenheim road. The fork in the road is impossible to miss: it's right where Albrecht's tower rises above the main road.

The remnants of an old hill fort, probably predating Sigmar, can be seen as you climb towards that castle proper. The current castle is - like so many other holdfasts - a hodgepodge of parts old and new. At the base of the hill, a sad little village sits. There are some nearby fields and meadows, but many of the farms look abandoned. Compared to the road and castle, which are well maintained, the entire area looks neglected, decrepit even.

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