Saturday, February 13, 2021

Das Herzogtum Etzel-Drakzen

Neue Etzel, rather clean and cozy - compared to other towns

The Duchy of Etzel-Drakzen, a vast forested domain deep within the Drakwald, is one of the primary vassals of Middenland. It's ruled by the Etzel clan from their remote forest holdfast, the Etzelhaus (literally: the house of the Eztels). 

The only large settlement is the walled town of Neue Eztel, centrally located and on the main road. The town sits smack in the middle of a large clearing. The forest has been hacked back by generations of settlers. Farmlands stretch for many miles in all directions and villages and hamlets dot the landscape. It's truly the rural heart of the Etzel-Drakzen. The breadbasket and the primary source of income for the ruling house.

At the last census, the town had 1974 registered citizens but can easily accommodate twice that number within the walls (the result of plague some years ago) and consequently feels much less crowded than most towns. Nominally ruled by Duke Günther, the Rat der Bürger - the Citizen's Council - has day to day control of the town. As long as the Duke gets his trade tariffs he's not inclined to interfere.

The southern border of the Duchy lies about 100 Imperial miles north of Altdorf as the crow flies. The Altdorf-Middenheim road cuts right through the heart of Etzel-Drakzen. A rider or fast coach can reach the capital in as little as two days starting from the border. Most travelers prefer a more leisurely pace. Wagon trains and people on foot take far longer, a full eight-day week at least.

Campaign notes: Wigmar Heck has been hired by the Council to serve as a guard, outrider, roadwarden, and more. It was his skill with horses that landed the job. That ultimately makes Duke Günter his boss, but his employer is the town council.

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