Saturday, February 13, 2021

Wigmar Heck

Wigmar Heck was born in the market town of Stimmigen, Duchy of Falkenhayn, Reikland, on 12 Sigmarzeit, 2475. He was the youngest of six sons (and two daughters) Dagna Heck gave her husband, Eldwin Heck.

Eldwin passed of the plague in the summer of 2480, as did Wigmar's brother, the sickly Kleine Emil, and both his sisters. Unable to support her remaining children, Dagna was forced to turn them away. She then killed herself by jumping into the River Ober - she did not know how to swim.

Heller Heck, Eldwin's brother, a soldier of nearby Dunkelberg, took in 5-year-old Wigmar and Kurt, aged 7, and raised them alongside his own three daughters. He was a stern man and short-tempered when drunk but was not an altogether bad guardian.

When they became old enough, both Kurt and Wigmar followed their adoptive father's footsteps, joining the army of the Duke of Dunkelberg. Kurt to serve as a common footsoldier, wielding pike, halberd, and sword. But Wigmar had steady hands and sharp eyes and warranted special training as a hand-gunner.

Heller buried his wife in 2495 and married off the last of his daughters the year after. In the summer of 2497, Heller, Kurt, and Wigmar joined the Dunkle Greifen - the Dark Griffons - a mercenary company recruiting in the Reikland. Together they made their way north, bypassing fair Altdorf (they are not so keen on mercenaries inside the walls) to follow the road up to Middenheim - and beyond, for their employer was an Ostland nobleman.

Wigmar never made it past the town of Neue Etzel, Middenland. The Council was hiring outriders, men who could ride and shoot and take care of themselves. The promise of a horse and gold to go along with a genuine Hochland rifle offered (not that the townspeople knew what a treasure it was) as a sing-on bonus was too much. The warm fires of the inn, the buxom barmaids, the thick stew, the sweet pies, and the ale helped seal the deal.

Still very much the Neuer Mann - the new guy - Wigmar is, ever so slowly, becoming accepted by his comrades in arms and the town in general. If only something could happen, something a little exciting, he could show these country yokels his true measure...

Campaign notes: Wigmar has free food and lodging in Neue Etzel. He has access to the town's small armory if he needs simple arms or armor. He's paid 10 gc per year on top of this. Not a whole lot but after 5 years he's entitled to a bonus: his horse, saddle, and harness (worth at least 100 gc).

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