Friday, February 19, 2021


Could be Unfer if you add a dry stone&timber wall.

The village of Unfer, home to some 200 or so souls, is located about 12 Imperial miles from the village of Herenhorst, the last stop before the forest's edge. There is a road of sorts leading to Unfer, but it's little used, narrow, and in poor shape. A man on a horse can ride between the villages in a couple of hours, less if he wants to go fast. Walking takes a bit longer but it's no trouble to walk back and forth in a day and still have time for lunch and a nap!

There is an inn (with no beds but a cozy fireplace to sleep in front of), a shrine to Sigmar, a smithy, and a mill. Houses and farms, fields, and meadows, and some homesteads nearby. Pretty standard for a Middenland village in the forest.

Characters of Unfer and environs:

  • Heinz: Peasant lad/militia.
  • Marco: Old woodsman/militia.
  • Marius Wald: Middle-aged hunter with steady eyes and crooked nose. He represents the hunters, trappers, and woodsmen of Unfer. Def facto Alderman of the village.
  • Hermann Löw: Anointed priest of Sigmar - and the village blacksmith. Big beard and big hands.
  • Kurt Krank: The innkeep.
  • Walter Müller: The miller.
  • Annika Müller: The miller's wife.
  • Unferth (mentioned only): Merc hired by the villagers to scout the Five Sisters. Been missing for months. 
  • Peter Baden-Vürt: Imperial Witch-hunter. Passed through Neue-Etzel in late autumn. Found dangling by the neck, both wrists slit, from the great white oak.
  • Priest of Taal: hanged by the neck from the white oak.
  • Priestess of Rhya:  hanged by the neck from the white oak.
  • Iarin: Elf with a pocket full of gems. Leader of a team of elves looking for the elf girl.
  • Thesalva: Elf girl. Warm and soft. Smells nice. Perfect skin. White teeth. Glossy hair. Lips that look painted but are not. Probably what passes for a princess among her people. For some reason, she doesn't want to be reunited with her kin...

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