Friday, February 12, 2021

Die Fünf Schwester (the Five Sisters)

The Five Sisters is the name of a hilly area covering 150 square miles (400 km2) between the Altdorf-Middenheim road and the River Delb. It sits astride the border between the Duchy of Etzel-Drakzen and the Duchy of Delbrenhof. Much of the area is densely forested but the central peaks (five in number, hence the name) stand barren and jagged above the tree line. Snow can be found on the northward slopes even in summer. 

The area is rich in game but hard to navigate - the combination of heavy tree cover and rugged terrain means that only the local hunters, trappers, and woodsmen know their way around the place. Goblins have been a problem in the past and probably will be again in the future given how they breed and spread like vermin. But, for now, they are not a problem. The late Duke Adalwolf Etzelhaus, Duke Günther's uncle, was very meticulous when he purged the area of greenskins not ten years ago. Died shortly thereafter, some say to a festering wound caused by a goblin arrow.

The southernmost four peaks (the fifth stands alone to the north) form a cauldron, a plateau that's only accessible from the east, going along a rocky stream that meanders between steep cliffs. Here can be found an ancient stone circle from long before the Unberogen ever set foot in the Old World. The Old Faith is gone but occasionally a priest of Taal or priestess of Rya will come to pay homage or a small group of pilgrims make their way there. The locals shun the stones, however, thinking it an ill-omened place.

The Duke's men rarely have reason to come to the Five Sisters. There are no roads, so no road wardens. No settlements - except Unfer - to speak of, so no bailiffs. No enemies of man, so no soldiers. Besides, Etzel and Delbren are not always the best of neighbors, so it's best not to cause too much of a stir on the border.

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