Friday, May 31, 2024

Characters: Bastheth the Leopard Goddess


Bastheth is an ancient magical being dwelling in an equally magical cave (somewhat similar to other magic caves Wigmar has visited, but also unique) outside Al-Adiz. Some would call her a goddess, others name her daemon. The locals call her djinn and consider her benevolent but dangerous (and since none may enter her cave, even if they have the courage, contact is limited). The shairs - the holy men/close students of the law - consider her a part of the natural world order that El has ordained. There is also another similar group of beings, the efreet, who are the enemies of the djinn and God. It's hard to quantify, but it sounds like they may be leaning more heavily into the Realm of Chaos, so they're kind of corrupted djinn.

In the Old Times, before the rise of the Tomb Kings and the Great Betrayal, before the rise of Ankh even, many such beings dwelled in the southern lands. Most were slain by none other than Ankh, according to Bastheth that is (but Wigmar considers it likely to be true), and the source of their power seized by the sun god's priest-kings. Only a few remain, typically those found far from Nehekharan lands, such as this one outside Al-Adiz. Others can be found in the deep desert, the Southlands, or the western mountains.

Bastheth is now joined in marriage to Wigmar and has sworn to serve the Sun. It remains to be seen how pleased Ankh will be with this arrangement. Bastheth has the energy and stamina to keep up with Wigmar. And she's been alone in her cave for quite a while. Unfortunately, she can't really leave. She could go into the desert or visit Al-Adiz, but that's about the limit for her, or she will become greatly weakened. Bastheth can take the form of a leopard, a human, or a combination of the two. She has power over leopards. 

Her Voice into the World is Nadia, a former slave girl turned princess. Her roots are in Kislev, hence her name.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

To do


Current to-do list:

1. NPC list updates

2. Shadow spells

3. Updates to fleet/army/domain/guild

4. Companion updates

Item: Horn of the Norscans


This item can summon the spirits of dead Norscan warriors to fight again. While not inherently evil, any competent wizard can tell that the magic used is both powerful and dark.

Powers: The horn can only be used by Norscan characters or by someone with a Magic rating of 1+

Make a WP check with a +20 modifier. If successful, 1d3+1 (or d3+MR if a mage) Norscan berserkers will appear and fight for the summoner for 1 hour or until they are destroyed. The berserkers have normal berserker stats, except they cause Fear, and have Daemonic and Unstable traits (meaning they are hard to kill - but not impossible - unless you have magic or magic weapons).

On a double on the WP check, the berserkers will attack everyone, including the summoner and his allies, caring not from whence the blood flows. If the result is a double AND a failure, the berserkers will appear, but attack the summoner at the exclusion of anyone else. On a double '0' the summoner also suppers 1 CP (the horn is not of Chaos, but is still a dangerous object to fool around with).

The horn can be sounded once per battle (or possibly multiple times if the battle is very long), but if sounded again before the next full Chaos moon, there is a cumulative -10 penalty to the WP check.

Item: Boots of the Eonir


Many of these boots were made for elven hunters so that they could better protect the Laurelon forest against greenskins, dwarves, and humans.

Powers: Adds +20 to Perception and Stealth in natural surroundings (i.e. not inside a settlement or underground) as long as the wearer wears only light armor and no helmet.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 85 (Arabyan Nights)


16 Nachhexen 2502

Al-Adiz, Northern coast of Araby


It feels wondrously strange to finally set foot in the Old Country. I've talked about it with Ankh a lot, and dreamed of it frequently, but to be here is different.

20 Nachhexen 2502

Al-Adiz, Northern coast of Araby

Have made arrangements ashore, setting up trade relations with one Hakim ibn-Alim al-Hakk, Master of the Emporium of Heavenly Delight. A mystic by training, Hakim is one of the merchant lords of the city. And, perhaps, one of the faithful. In commercial matters, he will be most useful, I think, but he is also an important source of information about this strange land. Many things have changed since the Old Times and even Ankh does not seem to be aware of everything.

Their god, El, the One, IS the sun and thus IS Ankh. El is not the daemon "god" we have imagined (but there are clearly powerful, perhaps daemonic, entities in the desert, including one outside Al-Adiz, which we have to look into at some point). This is good, but it will be a while before All Araby accepts the fact. But in the deep desert, around the Oasis of the White Palm, there are still some tribes that hold to the old ways (why is it always the hill people that cling to the old ways?). This is where Ankh and Thes have gone.

Hakim's illegitimate daughter Sekhmet now serves me. Of course, this is no coincidence. Hakim has his reasons, I'm sure, but so does the Lord Sun. The girl is uniquely talented in drawing or painting a creature's inner nature, which defines it.

Through her drawings we have confirmed that the Everchild passed through Al-Adiz around two weeks ago. She was in the company of humans and bound. They took her into the desert. I have sent Thesalva in pursuit. We will wait in Al-Adiz for three weeks for Thes and the Child. If they do not return by then, I must sail north, but arrangements have been made.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 84 (Seas of Ulthuan)

11 Nachhexen 2502

Some nautical miles east of Ulthuan

Another storm, lasting three days and nights, drove us far to the south and west into the treacherous waters off the coast of Ulthuan.

Rescued a pair of elven sailors-both willing to take service with me-from the water. They had been sunk by Bretonnian plague ships. More of these vile vessels had struck the coast as well, but had been driven off or sunk. The elven sailing mistress was instrumental in getting us through the shoals in one piece.

Met Prince Eltharion of Yvresse aboard the Spirit (he came out on his griffon). Had a chat about many things, but most pressingly about the kidnapped Everchild, daughter of the Everqueen and the Phoenix King. She had been spirited away by unknown forces during the attack, and the elves were desperately searching for her. I somewhat agreed to help out, if able.

14 Nachhexen 2502

En route to Araby

During one drunken stupor, Uthlass "Eonir," the Envoy of Prince Eltharion, let slip that the Everchild's father may be Tyrion, brother of Teclis, not the Phoenix King. Though interesting, it changes little. To the elves, it is the Everqueen who matters, not the Child's father. 

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 83 (Mission to Barboza)


31 Kaldzeit, 2501

The very first courtiers are arriving. Bored out of my mind. Miss Thesalva, I think, despite present company. Also worry about Ankh, as much as one can worry about the divine sun. 

2 Ulriczeit, 2501

Salzenmund, Nordland

I've ordered the fleetthe entirety of my fleetto be ready to sail in two weeks (this is probably too short a time, but I want to see how quickly ships can be readied, soldiers embarked, and supplies gathered). The target will be announced (spoiler alert: it's Barboza) when we sail. My elven allies are sending two ships and soldiers to assist.

21 Ulriczeit, 2501

Neue Liberungen, Nordland

Fleet assembled, embarking troops and supplies. Nineteen days, all told. Two weeks and three days. Not bad, but could be quicker.

Weather not favorable, omens poor. We wait.

28 Ulriczei, 2501

Neue Liberungen, Nordland

The weather and omens are finally favorable. We set sail on the high tide. If the wind and waves cooperate, the trip to Barboza will take between 8 and 12 days.

11 Vorhexen, 2501

Barboza, Estalia

Wind and waves were not at all cooperative. The initial progress was slow due to shifting winds and high waves. Later, a storm or three scattered the fleet.

I made my displeasure known—verbally and physically—to the priest of Manann. He made some excuses about Manann not guaranteeing anything, but it was hard to make out what he was saying between the grunts and the heaving. Perhaps not my proudest moment, but it is what it is.

Be that as it may. Barboza is in our hands, so it all worked out in the end. Between my own men and half the elven contingent, we made short work of the defenders. Some are dead, some wait to be judged, and some might find a place in the new Barboza.

Vincenza's presence proved to be most profitable. Made the assault much easier. Her general company also turned out to be quite agreeable. The other women also seem to like hereven Nesheaso I suppose that is settled then.

4 Nachhexen 2502

Barboza, Estalia

With the New Year's celebrations behind us, we eagerly await the favorable winds and omens that will signal the start of our journey to Araby. This momentous voyage will commence once the last remnants of our celebratory hangover subside.

All ships except 1 carrack and 1 cog have made it to Barboza by now. The final fate of those ships is unknown. Many ships taken a prize, however. The sea taketh - but generally giveth more.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 82 (Restless legs)


13 Kaldzeit, 2501

Dietershafen, Nordland

I write this from Dietershafen.

When reports came of a Bretonnian plague ship being interred in Dietershafen, I knew I must investigate, if only to rule out any connection to Festus.

On the way, I had the pleasure of rooting out a vile cult of Tzeentch (where were involved in an as-yet undetermined plot involving the Princess Katrina canal project) with the lovely Celia at my side. It is good to know that we will be working closely together in the future. I hardly need any guards but her, to be honest.

The ship was indeed plague-ridden, but the dark presence aboard was not Festus. I was somewhat disappointed, but I suppose I must let the Komission continue the good work. All will be revealed in the fullness of time. 

The ship had come aboard the ship in Bretonnia, and slowly, its filth-induced fevers had killed the majority of the crew. The few survivors managed to get the ship into port but had the honor of raising the plague flag.

It is a fine ship, a galleon of two gun decks, fine lines, and majestic decorations. With the daemon gone and the ship cleaned and well-fumigated, I will take her into service.  I shall name her the Spirit of Mannan, and she shall be my temporary flagship.

PS: Intercepted a Barboza pirate caravel on the way from Neue Liberungen to Dietershafen. They tried to run, but my castle-less ship rand them down and devastated them with gunfire until they surrendered. Her crew was processed, but I have not decided what to do with this scarred, one-legged (there rest of her is very fine indeed) pirate queen Vincenza.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 81 (Salzenmund, City of Gold)

26 Brauszeit, 2501

Salzenmund, Nordland

I have returned to court and reconnected with companions, servants, and the court. Nordland has managed well during my absence, and all projects are proceeding as planned, more or less. There are chronic shortages of men, materials, and money, but this is an opportunity, not a problem. High demand will naturally drive prices up - which is both good and bad, but for me and the realm, mostly good - but will also eventually attract more supply, which will only further strengthen what Herr Drücker calls "the economy." Thus, I am confident that I can start even more projects, some rather long-term, without burdening my finances. It is good to be the Prince.

Also, gold has been found on Gausser lands. In an old silver mine of all places. Never in Nordland's history has any quantity of gold been found. It is a surprise, but a welcome one.

I have arranged for Oberst Doppler to accompany Hergard into the East so that he may show his father that he's made of sterner stuff than is commonly thought. That and the fact he's to be married to Indrid Gausser (the younger, not the grandmother) should convince the Empire that Hergard von Tasseninck is a worthy heir to Ostland and not a fop and a queer minotaur-lover. If all goes well, I will reward Dopple and the men that go with him with lands in Westerland.

My firstborn son was delivered in my absence. The boy looks robust and healthy, with no signs of mutation or deficiency. I hope another is on the way soon. If not, it's not for lack of trying. Katrina is an eager and obedient wife.

Anton Schürmann (formerly Sigurd) has taken up residency at the GRAFENRICH school. I am sure he will prove a most excellent headmaster, able to guide his charges in the right direction, even should Anna interfere. Anna and her many projects... can be vexing at times, but she has a good heart, and I am powerless to deny her.

Huggoth - he must have a more formal name at court - has agreed to divide his time between Liberungen and Nordland. To make things more comfortable, he will join Emmaretta at Castle Mittlefast. [GM note: Midfast on the Nordland map]. Viktor will spend time with them there when I am not at court. And so will the infant. Can't have them turning into cats in the middle of the court!

Strangely enough, Anna and Ulfberth are NOT boning—and never were. Instead, they have a much weirder relationship based on... I have no idea what it is based on. They talk a lot and play regicide. Maybe they knit or have a good cry together. Good for them.

I've had complaints about Neshea's organization of the Salzenmund School of Magic. It's just a misunderstanding, is all. She will adjust her curriculum somewhat, teaching the less talented students only the basics, sending those with a talent for Color magic to study at their respective Colleges and focus her efforts on her star student, Bella.

Bella will cease snooping in the Forbidden Section, cease flirting with Chaos, and let her heart be filled by the Light. Or her name goes to the Komission. It will not come to that. Surely, it will not.

Alaric has been invigorated and is focused on forging arms and armor for the coming war. Reminding him that he was the greatest smith to live and that we cannot prevent the End Times unarmed did the trick.

And now, I wait for the court session.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 80 (Against the Great Sorcerer)


24 Erentzeit

Altdorf, the Empire

I ride for the North on the morrow, so it is time to update my journal before we leave Altdorf.

I was very well received by Emperor Lutipold, long may he reign, and the citizens of Altdorf. The return of the hammer brings them much joy and renewed faith. I could have claimed the throne in that instant, but I would not, for I did not save the Emperor's life nor KF's just so there could be a civil war! My time will come: I am the Emperor's son, I have the Hammer, and I am a Hero of the Empire. I will be elected by my peers. And KF will be lord of the Riekland but not the Empire. He knows this and accepts it.

The "Great Enchanter" Drachenfels was defeated through the might of the hammer and with the assistance of my good friend Hugg. Defeated, as he has been many times before, I know, but even should he return, it will not be in our lifetimes. And worry not, if the wretch ever does return, a champion of light will be there, ready to send him back to whatever black pit he crawled out of.

From his dark keep, we retrieved many treasures, including the crystal of Water, seizing them from under the nose of another vile necromancer, whose name I cannot give, as it was never given to me. He did call himself the 'Gravelord,' which is as pompous a title as any. The undead will not trouble the Hägercrybs anymore, and neither will the feral werewolves that serve Ahalt, the Drinker.

I am reunited with Emmaretta, which pleases me greatly, and my son Victor, who seems a strong and vigorous lad. They will come with me to Nordland.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 79 (Footsteps of Sigmar)


32 Nachgeheim

River Aver, somewhere between Averheim and Nuln

Ghal-Maraz, the Hammer of Sigmar, has been returned to the Empire!

As is Karl-Franz, the son of Lutipold, heir to the Reikland. Long may they reign.

It's been more than a month since last I wrote. I embarked on a treacherous journey, riding hard with only a small party of Lightbringers (Celia included), Annika, Aneeshka, and Glugnur, from Übersreik to Averheim, stopping only very briefly in Nuln.

In Averheim, we did uncover - and destroy - another Cult of the Nine Eyes. Then we rode hard for the mountains, following in KF's footsteps, so to speak, thinking there was little hope of finding the Prince alive after so many weeks.

Into the Black Fire Pass, we went, where Sigmar forged the Empire so many years ago. All manner of creatures we did encounter, from goblins to pilgrims, from preachers to dwarf scouts, from Tilean merchants to a daemonic presence we could not pinpoint.

After days in the mountains, we came upon an abandoned mining site, which led directly into some goblin warrens - and ancient, magical tunnels deeper below. There, we braved many challenges until my companions could follow no further, or their lives and souls would be forfeit.

In the dark, I found an insidious presence—a daemon who had stalked me for way too long, a shape-shifting menace who had appeared in many places, wearing many faces. I eluded me in Bögenhafen and Middenheim, but no more. It is ended, torn asunder, and sent screaming back into the vortex.

Beyond, SHEERARGETRU, great architect of fate, speaker of countless lies, servant of Tzeentch, awaited, bound in this place by the power of the hammer. And Karl-Franz, frozen in place by the ancient magic he had not the strength to overcome.

I seized the hammer, for I am the heir of Sigmar, and we fought in the darkness. Hard and long was the struggle, but the Light will prevail over Darkness, and I smote the thing will all the might imbued in me and sent it screaming back to hell.

We quickly left that dark place and joined forces with Elector Leitdorf, who had arrived with an army. We then set about fortifying our position at a narrow stretch of the pass. Soon, a great horde of greenskins descended upon us, but we fought with faith, magic, and steel, and the horde was broken, as it was in Sigmar's time.

The dwarfs from the World's Edge mountains warned that there would be more orks coming. Let them come. We will be ready and Leitdorf will be the bulwark upon which they break.

Immanuel-Ferrand remains lost to us, perhaps dead, perhaps captured, perhaps trapped behind enemy lines. This is unfortunate, but it is what it is. Either he lives or he dies; either he is a captive or he is not. It is not within my power to change this, so I will not try.

I will now travel at speed to the Hägercrybs, where I will Grand Theogonist Huss, and see what devilry lurks in those dark, forested hills and shadowy mountain valleys.

Then, on to Salzenmund via Altdorf, to see my wife and newborn child.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 78 (The Great Tourney 2.0)


25 Vorgeheim

Grey Lady Pass, Somewhere between Bretonnia and the Empire

I write this from atop top of the remnants of the great dam Zul the Accursed, may his soul forever languish in torment, made not so many years ago. The dam is broken now, its waters unleashed against Übersreik (but the city is safe, thanks to Master Halmstad). So I guess the road is open again. 

The tourney lies behind me - and I am its winner. Things were not so very different from last year, but this time, I was favored and remained the last man on my horse.

The more interesting event of the tournament was a plot by Chaos cultists to unleash the red rage of Khorne upon Parravon. While it was stopped and the city and its nobles made safe, many questions remain. I have detached Brother Paul to look into it as I now travel at speed toward the Black Fire Pass. 

I also leave behind the Saponatheims - let them enjoy their honeymoon in lovely Bretonnia - and my naval experts.

In their place, I've recruited several promising knights, including a questing knight sworn to silence. It did not come as a huge surprise when she was revealed to be a woman. Celia, for such is her name in my service, has accepted the Light and sworn herself to my service, thinking it the right way to fulfill her quest: to bring Bretonnia and the Empire closer together. She's already begun working her charms on me, so perhaps there is something to it.

Arrangements with Herr Drücker concluded in a satisfactory manner. The House of Drücker's assets are joined to Adler's - the man got a good bargain, I think - and Herr D will become the Magister Supreme of the whole thing. He will move headquarters to Bögenhafen and start training Josef and Wilhelmina (more the latter, I suspect) to take over when the time comes.

Onward to the Black Fire Pass!

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 77 (Journey to Parravon)


27 Sommerzeit

Montfort, Bretonnia

Have crossed Axe Bit Pass and arrived in Montfort. The Duke is not home, having left for Parravon quite a while ago, but we have been well received.

The journey from Altdorf was made with all possible speed, only stopping for one wedding at Castle Grauenberg. 

Specifically, it was the wedding of Fräulein Saponatheim, Daughter of the Duke of the Bögenhafen area, to a very distant relative of von Liebwitz. It was a good wedding. Some guests were nice, some were not so nice. There were plots and feuds, a duel, and a murder mystery. There were some Tzeentchian cultists with ties to Bögenhafen and the daemon that possessed the Grand Theogonist. There was a restless Nekharan spirit. There was good food and drink, a bit of the old in 'n out. Overall, it was a very good wedding.

Bögenhafen got a bit of a scourging. I had the new opera burned to the ground, seeing as it was designed and built according to the specifications of this 'Nine Eyes' cult, which is enacting similar ploys elsewhere for some as-yet-not-understood but clearly nefarious purpose. The rest I will leave for the Commission. I have more faith in Bögenhafen now. In fact, I will move the Adler leadership here. It is a much more central and important location than Übersreik.

Crossing the Axe Bit Pass, we follow the path of darkness, venturing into ancient caves full of magic - and the echoes of a vast daemonic intellect. The details of this foray, including journeys into what came before and what has yet to happen, are enclosed in my letter to Liebe Mutter. For this journal, I shall be brief: the daemon willingly shared many things - and I listened, shifting its many lies looking for grains of truth. I do believe I found some worthwhile information.

Ghal-Maraz does indeed reside in Black Fire Pass. Sigmar took it there before leaving for the north and his ascension. He did so for a very specific reason, one unknown to the rest of the world: to guard the manifest form of the daemon - who much desires to be set free, which is why it gave me this information. So KF - and AF, for that matter - is riding into a very dangerous situation indeed.

The daemon, who shall, of course, not be named, as daemon names are not to be thrown around casually, also revealed many details about the Nine Eyes, their cells, and their plots. Turns out that the Master and his servants had a bit of a falling out a while back, mostly because the Master no longer truly served the Great Corrupter with every fiber of his being. Make no mistake, the daemon is as vile and deceitful as they come, but this conflict of interest I take to be very much genuine - and perhaps, somewhat unique.

But enough words. Parravon awaits, and the hour grows late. We must speed upriver on boats loaned us by Valerian, cousin to Lord Montfort- Valerian will also see to it that the Daemon Cave is amply guarded, for it contains many wonders and horrors not meant for mortal man.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 76 (The Darkness in Altdorf)


10 Sommerzeit

Altdorf, Reikland

I am leaving for Parravon, but I must update my journal... where to begin... there is so much to say... but I must be brief:

The Grand Theogonist, Yorri, the 15th of his name, was a heretic of the worst sort, a daemon-possessed wretch enthralled by the Great Corruptor. He has... how do I phrase this.... been replaced by a new Grand Theogonist, Luthor Huss.

A new Arch Lector has been appointed as well, one Volkmar von Hindenstern, previously of Carroburg, to replace the one that was hit in the head by a falling statue inside the grand cathedral. What a curious coincidence, no? Almost as if the forces of darkness were undermining the noble institution of Sigmar's temple right under our noses. 

That all ends now. Huss and Volkmar will bring about a new, more fiery version of Sigmar's faith—one that actually protects the people and puts the Empire first rather than their own grubby needs. Relatedly, Sigmar's witch hunters will now focus primarily on church matters and actual heresy, rooting out evil within rather than burning random villagers. It remains to be seen how effective they will be, but at least they won't interfere as much in Commission affairs.

I've also uncovered an insidious plot to kill Emperor Lutipold, my blood father, long may he reign. It is, as yet, not entirely clear who has poisoned him using the Elixir of Life. It could have been the Emperor himself, but that seems unlikely. The Empress is another candidate, but I think not. But no matter, I'll get to the bottom of it.

Speaking of the Imperial family, Karl-Franz has gone on a harebrained expedition to the Black Fire Pass to retrieve the hammer. Ghal-Maraz isn't there, so he won't find anything, but I suspect a plot to get him out of the city and into harm's way. It is likely Yorri was involved in this conspiracy as well, using Hergard as his dim-witted proxy. With the Emperor dead, KF gone, and the princess in the asylum... the cultists would have had a free reign.

Immanuel-Ferrand, the Emperor's spymaster-mage (and brother), will go bring KF back. I was, for a while, quite suspicious of the man. Why hadn't he seen this coming? Did he not stand to benefit greatly from all of this? But ultimately I do not think this is the case. IF is a loyal servant of the Empire.

On to Bögenhafen, Helmgart, Axe Bite Pass, Bretonnia, and glory!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 75 (Reaving the reavers)

Pflugzeit 13

Neue Liberungen, Nordland 

I returned to Nordland after a successful spring raid up the western coast of Norsca. I was forced to leave the fleet under Ulfberth's able command to journey south for the great tourney. Anna remains steadfast at his side—they have clearly grown close through shared hardships.

Thesalva has been returned to me, carried by the Witch King and his dragon from the distant Wastes to the shores of Norsca. It's part of the deal I cut with the King's mother, Morathi: Thesalva, Aneeshka, and Neshea are all free of any obligation to Naggaroth. The King will send 600 warriors to guard the Forest of Shadows. And we will trade freely among our nations. Elven goods for guns and cannon and powder and shot - but also gunnery experts. Moreover, we will furnish Naggaroth with any... undesirable elements we find in Norsca.

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 74 (Court life, best life)


Nachhexen 22, 2501

Salzenmund, Nordland

The last of my vassals and their families and servants have left court after 72 days of merriment and politics. It has cost me a pretty penny, but already I feel Nordland starting to take shape. We will do this every year. Two more years, and we will be united - and some of my projects will start to take shape. Twenty years and nothing can break us apart - and all my visions for the realm will be reality.

Katrina is clearly pregnant now. Come summer, we will have an heir. My bastards have been very well received by their new Mother. I would not be exaggerating if I said Katrina is more interested in them than their birth mother ever was.

I also found time to solve an insidious case of corruption, trying to destroy the temple of Shallya from within. I put an end to it - and learned a name: Festus. I am sure it is a creature of Chaos, of the Grandfather, "ascended," if you will, but not about plaguing the world of the living and righteous. I will bring about its demise - and the Komission will aid me. Already, they are searching for a certain Shallyan priestess. I suspect she is more than she lets on.

Pretty sure Anna and Ulfberth did the thing during their stay in Norsca. I've forgiven them. Nothing to fuss over.

Location: Al-Adiz, City of Panthers


The ancient city of Al-Adiz, known in ancient times as Hartagosa and more recently as Pantherburg, the City of the Crusaders, lies on the narrow, fertile strip on the northeastern coast of Araby. Nurtured by the sea yet enjoying a fine deep-water harbor, Al-Adiz is fortunate to be sheltered from the worst ravages of the desert by a series of steep hills to the south.

Originally settled during Classical times by the same peoples that eventually became Estalians and Tileans, it was destroyed and rebuilt several times during this period before being abandoned. The ruins were settled by the precursors to the Arabyans, then razed by the Nekheran Empire, but later rebuilt, then razed again, and... you get it.

In more modern times, Al-Adiz was one of the key strong points of the Knights Panthers during the Crusades, but it was later retaken by the Sultan of All Araby. The ruins of the last Panther castle to hold out in Araby, the Pantherversteck (said to be cursed OC), still overlook the city from a particularly tall and ragged cliff not ten miles away from the harbor.

While not the only town on the coast east of Al-Haikk (the capital of Araby), Al-Adiz is certainly the only important one. In population and size, it is comparable to Salzenmund, but it looks very different indeed, and if anything, the divide between rich and poor is even more pronounced. Indeed, such is the squalor of the common people that the city might well hold more people, but it clearly produces far less.

The city is governed by Emir Atmath ibn Summary al-Diddi, vassal to the Sultan of All Araby, governor of Al-Adiz, supreme commander of the garrison, defender of the faith, and a hundred other titles. His main job is to keep the city safe and under control and to make more gold flow to the Sultan. He's got to contend not only with internal challenges but also pirates (it's called the pirate coast for a reason) and vicious desert raiders. Sometimes evil spirits or undead threaten the city, as do cold-blooded crusaders from the far north...

This temporal ruler, who has extensive privileges and wealth, shares power with the Muftis, the cleric-lawyers of El, the twelve Magisters Emporium (guilders), various sects of Sahirs (philosopher-priests), Fakirs (Arabyan sorcerers), criminals, nobles, and many more besides. While everything is alien, it's not materially different from how things work in the Empire.

Item: Vestment of the Stars


This magic robe is sewn with a staggering number of finely crafted silver stars that seem to move around in accordance with the movements in the heavens. It radiates softly of Hysh.

Powers: The robe grants a +10 bonus to all Heavenly magic.

The wearer can attack by hurling stars from the robe. The stars count as magical missiles, hitting automatically and doing 1d10+WPB+MR damage. The robe can either make 1 attack as a free action or MR attacks as a full action. Once per day, the wearer can make the full attack as a move action, allowing him to either attack with something else or cast an attack spell.

Using the robe to attack depletes the number of stars, but they can be slowly regenerated by leaving the robe hanging in starlight.

The robe can reasonably be worn over light armor if desired, but nothing as bulky as medium or heavy armor (so no breastplates - or, gods forbid, full plate).

Characters: Prince Eltharion of Yvresse & Uthlass "Eonir" the Envoy



Eltharion, also called Eltharion the Grim, is the Prince of Yvresse and the Warden of Tor Yvresse. He is one of the greatest of all High Elven lords. Many times, he has achieved what would have been thought impossible. It was Eltharion who was the first of Ulthuan's generals to dare an assault on Naggarond itself and live to speak of it, and he who finally brought about the defeat of Waaagh! Grom. For his valor in that battle, Eltharion was elected Warden of Tor Yvresse, and though he is a dour ruler, the people of that fair city love him dearly.

Eltharion and his griffon steed (yes, they are real, just like dragons) intercepted Wigmar and the Geist von Manann off the west coast of Ulthuan. The prince was clearly moved (or as much as grim high elves betray any emotions at all) impressed with Wigmar's acumen, bearing, and hospitality (or as much as humans can impress elves). It probably also helped somewhat that he and Wigmar are of about equal social standing (in so far as elves acknowledge human nobility). But more importantly, he seemed to think Wigmar was touched by the flame of Asuryan (the head/sun god of the elves - oc known to Wigmar since he has lore). Does this have anything to do with the Flame of Ulric? Or is it unrelated?

At any rate, the prince felt he could trust a human enough to tell of the kidnapping of Aliathra, the Everchild, the daughter of the Everqueen. Which curiously coincided with the attack on Ulthuan by multiple Bretonnian plague ships.


He invited Wigmar to come visit his capital, but when Wigmar had other plans, he sent his envoy Uthlass (whom the prince referred to as 'the Eonir') to accompany Wigmar on his adventures. The reason for this strange nickname was revealed during the trip to Al-Adiz: Uthlass is literally one of the Eonir, a wood elf of the Laurelon - practically a neighbor to Wigmar!

Anyway, Eonir left his home long ago and traveled the world, eventually ending up in Ulthuan and in the Prince's service. Eltharion might think that having been born and living in the Old World makes him an expert on all things human. Or something.

He's also an expert on Ulthuan and something of a gossip (and quite fond of good drink and food). He's confided in Wigmar that the Everchild is a figure of some controversy at court or perhaps only the target of vile slander. That she is not, in fact, the daughter of the Phoenix King but of Tyrion, one of the King's most trusted advisers (and brother to the somewhat famous Teclis).

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Item: Flail of Vengenace


Part of the Drachnefels hoard.

Powers: The flail is magical.

If the wielder has lost any wounds (even self-inflicted) the weapon gains a +2 bonus to damage and +10 WS. If the wearer is heavily wounded (less than 1/3 W left) increase the bonus to +4 and +20. If the wearer has suffered any critical damage, the flail scores crits on any '0' and increases crit severity by 2.crit on any '0' and increases

Item: Gauntlets of the Griffon


These heavy steel gauntlets - recovered from Castle Drachenfels - are finely decorated with gold and radiate potent Amber magic. Wearing them literally gives the wearer ogre strength - but not ogre looks!

Powers: When wielding a 1-handed weapon, increase S by 1 or raise it to a minimum of 6. If a 2-handed weapon, add 2 or set S to a minimum of 8 instead.

Career: Witch Hunter



Witch Hunters are grim individuals who have dedicated their lives to eradicating the forces of Chaos, either in the service of the state or the Church of Sigmar. They prefer to seek out Chaos cultists, Mutants, and heretics that have insidiously hidden amidst the cities of the Empire. However, they will travel far indeed if they think they can strike a meaningful blow against the forces of evil. Witch Hunters tend to be a surly and suspicious lot with no qualms about killing innocents, so long as they also manage to slay the guilty, which means their appearance is often regarded with dread by other folk.

















Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Academic Knowledge (Necromancy), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Cool, Gossip, Initiative, Intimidate, Perception, Ride, Search, Silent Move, Speak Language (any one)

Talents: Lightning Parry, Lightning Reflexes or Marksman, Lightning Attack, Menacing, Public Speaking, Sixth Sense, Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow), Specialist Weapon Group (Entangling), Specialist Weapon Group (Throwing), Stout-hearted, Strike Mighty Blow

Trappings: Crossbow Pistol with 10 bolts, Best Craftsmenship Hand Weapon, 4 Throwing Knives/Stars, Heavy Armour (Full Plate Armour), 10 Yards of Rope

Career Entries: Anointed Priest, Assassin, Champion, High Priest, Judicial Champion, Knight of the Inner Circle, Vampire Hunter

Career Exits: Captain, Champion, Demagogue, Initiate, Knight of the Inner Circle