Friday, May 31, 2024

Characters: Bastheth the Leopard Goddess


Bastheth is an ancient magical being dwelling in an equally magical cave (somewhat similar to other magic caves Wigmar has visited, but also unique) outside Al-Adiz. Some would call her a goddess, others name her daemon. The locals call her djinn and consider her benevolent but dangerous (and since none may enter her cave, even if they have the courage, contact is limited). The shairs - the holy men/close students of the law - consider her a part of the natural world order that El has ordained. There is also another similar group of beings, the efreet, who are the enemies of the djinn and God. It's hard to quantify, but it sounds like they may be leaning more heavily into the Realm of Chaos, so they're kind of corrupted djinn.

In the Old Times, before the rise of the Tomb Kings and the Great Betrayal, before the rise of Ankh even, many such beings dwelled in the southern lands. Most were slain by none other than Ankh, according to Bastheth that is (but Wigmar considers it likely to be true), and the source of their power seized by the sun god's priest-kings. Only a few remain, typically those found far from Nehekharan lands, such as this one outside Al-Adiz. Others can be found in the deep desert, the Southlands, or the western mountains.

Bastheth is now joined in marriage to Wigmar and has sworn to serve the Sun. It remains to be seen how pleased Ankh will be with this arrangement. Bastheth has the energy and stamina to keep up with Wigmar. And she's been alone in her cave for quite a while. Unfortunately, she can't really leave. She could go into the desert or visit Al-Adiz, but that's about the limit for her, or she will become greatly weakened. Bastheth can take the form of a leopard, a human, or a combination of the two. She has power over leopards. 

Her Voice into the World is Nadia, a former slave girl turned princess. Her roots are in Kislev, hence her name.

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