Wednesday, May 22, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 83 (Mission to Barboza)


31 Kaldzeit, 2501

The very first courtiers are arriving. Bored out of my mind. Miss Thesalva, I think, despite present company. Also worry about Ankh, as much as one can worry about the divine sun. 

2 Ulriczeit, 2501

Salzenmund, Nordland

I've ordered the fleetthe entirety of my fleetto be ready to sail in two weeks (this is probably too short a time, but I want to see how quickly ships can be readied, soldiers embarked, and supplies gathered). The target will be announced (spoiler alert: it's Barboza) when we sail. My elven allies are sending two ships and soldiers to assist.

21 Ulriczeit, 2501

Neue Liberungen, Nordland

Fleet assembled, embarking troops and supplies. Nineteen days, all told. Two weeks and three days. Not bad, but could be quicker.

Weather not favorable, omens poor. We wait.

28 Ulriczei, 2501

Neue Liberungen, Nordland

The weather and omens are finally favorable. We set sail on the high tide. If the wind and waves cooperate, the trip to Barboza will take between 8 and 12 days.

11 Vorhexen, 2501

Barboza, Estalia

Wind and waves were not at all cooperative. The initial progress was slow due to shifting winds and high waves. Later, a storm or three scattered the fleet.

I made my displeasure known—verbally and physically—to the priest of Manann. He made some excuses about Manann not guaranteeing anything, but it was hard to make out what he was saying between the grunts and the heaving. Perhaps not my proudest moment, but it is what it is.

Be that as it may. Barboza is in our hands, so it all worked out in the end. Between my own men and half the elven contingent, we made short work of the defenders. Some are dead, some wait to be judged, and some might find a place in the new Barboza.

Vincenza's presence proved to be most profitable. Made the assault much easier. Her general company also turned out to be quite agreeable. The other women also seem to like hereven Nesheaso I suppose that is settled then.

4 Nachhexen 2502

Barboza, Estalia

With the New Year's celebrations behind us, we eagerly await the favorable winds and omens that will signal the start of our journey to Araby. This momentous voyage will commence once the last remnants of our celebratory hangover subside.

All ships except 1 carrack and 1 cog have made it to Barboza by now. The final fate of those ships is unknown. Many ships taken a prize, however. The sea taketh - but generally giveth more.

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