Wednesday, May 15, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 80 (Against the Great Sorcerer)


24 Erentzeit

Altdorf, the Empire

I ride for the North on the morrow, so it is time to update my journal before we leave Altdorf.

I was very well received by Emperor Lutipold, long may he reign, and the citizens of Altdorf. The return of the hammer brings them much joy and renewed faith. I could have claimed the throne in that instant, but I would not, for I did not save the Emperor's life nor KF's just so there could be a civil war! My time will come: I am the Emperor's son, I have the Hammer, and I am a Hero of the Empire. I will be elected by my peers. And KF will be lord of the Riekland but not the Empire. He knows this and accepts it.

The "Great Enchanter" Drachenfels was defeated through the might of the hammer and with the assistance of my good friend Hugg. Defeated, as he has been many times before, I know, but even should he return, it will not be in our lifetimes. And worry not, if the wretch ever does return, a champion of light will be there, ready to send him back to whatever black pit he crawled out of.

From his dark keep, we retrieved many treasures, including the crystal of Water, seizing them from under the nose of another vile necromancer, whose name I cannot give, as it was never given to me. He did call himself the 'Gravelord,' which is as pompous a title as any. The undead will not trouble the Hägercrybs anymore, and neither will the feral werewolves that serve Ahalt, the Drinker.

I am reunited with Emmaretta, which pleases me greatly, and my son Victor, who seems a strong and vigorous lad. They will come with me to Nordland.

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