Thursday, May 16, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 82 (Restless legs)


13 Kaldzeit, 2501

Dietershafen, Nordland

I write this from Dietershafen.

When reports came of a Bretonnian plague ship being interred in Dietershafen, I knew I must investigate, if only to rule out any connection to Festus.

On the way, I had the pleasure of rooting out a vile cult of Tzeentch (where were involved in an as-yet undetermined plot involving the Princess Katrina canal project) with the lovely Celia at my side. It is good to know that we will be working closely together in the future. I hardly need any guards but her, to be honest.

The ship was indeed plague-ridden, but the dark presence aboard was not Festus. I was somewhat disappointed, but I suppose I must let the Komission continue the good work. All will be revealed in the fullness of time. 

The ship had come aboard the ship in Bretonnia, and slowly, its filth-induced fevers had killed the majority of the crew. The few survivors managed to get the ship into port but had the honor of raising the plague flag.

It is a fine ship, a galleon of two gun decks, fine lines, and majestic decorations. With the daemon gone and the ship cleaned and well-fumigated, I will take her into service.  I shall name her the Spirit of Mannan, and she shall be my temporary flagship.

PS: Intercepted a Barboza pirate caravel on the way from Neue Liberungen to Dietershafen. They tried to run, but my castle-less ship rand them down and devastated them with gunfire until they surrendered. Her crew was processed, but I have not decided what to do with this scarred, one-legged (there rest of her is very fine indeed) pirate queen Vincenza.

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