Wednesday, May 15, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 77 (Journey to Parravon)


27 Sommerzeit

Montfort, Bretonnia

Have crossed Axe Bit Pass and arrived in Montfort. The Duke is not home, having left for Parravon quite a while ago, but we have been well received.

The journey from Altdorf was made with all possible speed, only stopping for one wedding at Castle Grauenberg. 

Specifically, it was the wedding of Fräulein Saponatheim, Daughter of the Duke of the Bögenhafen area, to a very distant relative of von Liebwitz. It was a good wedding. Some guests were nice, some were not so nice. There were plots and feuds, a duel, and a murder mystery. There were some Tzeentchian cultists with ties to Bögenhafen and the daemon that possessed the Grand Theogonist. There was a restless Nekharan spirit. There was good food and drink, a bit of the old in 'n out. Overall, it was a very good wedding.

Bögenhafen got a bit of a scourging. I had the new opera burned to the ground, seeing as it was designed and built according to the specifications of this 'Nine Eyes' cult, which is enacting similar ploys elsewhere for some as-yet-not-understood but clearly nefarious purpose. The rest I will leave for the Commission. I have more faith in Bögenhafen now. In fact, I will move the Adler leadership here. It is a much more central and important location than Übersreik.

Crossing the Axe Bit Pass, we follow the path of darkness, venturing into ancient caves full of magic - and the echoes of a vast daemonic intellect. The details of this foray, including journeys into what came before and what has yet to happen, are enclosed in my letter to Liebe Mutter. For this journal, I shall be brief: the daemon willingly shared many things - and I listened, shifting its many lies looking for grains of truth. I do believe I found some worthwhile information.

Ghal-Maraz does indeed reside in Black Fire Pass. Sigmar took it there before leaving for the north and his ascension. He did so for a very specific reason, one unknown to the rest of the world: to guard the manifest form of the daemon - who much desires to be set free, which is why it gave me this information. So KF - and AF, for that matter - is riding into a very dangerous situation indeed.

The daemon, who shall, of course, not be named, as daemon names are not to be thrown around casually, also revealed many details about the Nine Eyes, their cells, and their plots. Turns out that the Master and his servants had a bit of a falling out a while back, mostly because the Master no longer truly served the Great Corrupter with every fiber of his being. Make no mistake, the daemon is as vile and deceitful as they come, but this conflict of interest I take to be very much genuine - and perhaps, somewhat unique.

But enough words. Parravon awaits, and the hour grows late. We must speed upriver on boats loaned us by Valerian, cousin to Lord Montfort- Valerian will also see to it that the Daemon Cave is amply guarded, for it contains many wonders and horrors not meant for mortal man.

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