Thursday, May 16, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 81 (Salzenmund, City of Gold)

26 Brauszeit, 2501

Salzenmund, Nordland

I have returned to court and reconnected with companions, servants, and the court. Nordland has managed well during my absence, and all projects are proceeding as planned, more or less. There are chronic shortages of men, materials, and money, but this is an opportunity, not a problem. High demand will naturally drive prices up - which is both good and bad, but for me and the realm, mostly good - but will also eventually attract more supply, which will only further strengthen what Herr Drücker calls "the economy." Thus, I am confident that I can start even more projects, some rather long-term, without burdening my finances. It is good to be the Prince.

Also, gold has been found on Gausser lands. In an old silver mine of all places. Never in Nordland's history has any quantity of gold been found. It is a surprise, but a welcome one.

I have arranged for Oberst Doppler to accompany Hergard into the East so that he may show his father that he's made of sterner stuff than is commonly thought. That and the fact he's to be married to Indrid Gausser (the younger, not the grandmother) should convince the Empire that Hergard von Tasseninck is a worthy heir to Ostland and not a fop and a queer minotaur-lover. If all goes well, I will reward Dopple and the men that go with him with lands in Westerland.

My firstborn son was delivered in my absence. The boy looks robust and healthy, with no signs of mutation or deficiency. I hope another is on the way soon. If not, it's not for lack of trying. Katrina is an eager and obedient wife.

Anton Schürmann (formerly Sigurd) has taken up residency at the GRAFENRICH school. I am sure he will prove a most excellent headmaster, able to guide his charges in the right direction, even should Anna interfere. Anna and her many projects... can be vexing at times, but she has a good heart, and I am powerless to deny her.

Huggoth - he must have a more formal name at court - has agreed to divide his time between Liberungen and Nordland. To make things more comfortable, he will join Emmaretta at Castle Mittlefast. [GM note: Midfast on the Nordland map]. Viktor will spend time with them there when I am not at court. And so will the infant. Can't have them turning into cats in the middle of the court!

Strangely enough, Anna and Ulfberth are NOT boning—and never were. Instead, they have a much weirder relationship based on... I have no idea what it is based on. They talk a lot and play regicide. Maybe they knit or have a good cry together. Good for them.

I've had complaints about Neshea's organization of the Salzenmund School of Magic. It's just a misunderstanding, is all. She will adjust her curriculum somewhat, teaching the less talented students only the basics, sending those with a talent for Color magic to study at their respective Colleges and focus her efforts on her star student, Bella.

Bella will cease snooping in the Forbidden Section, cease flirting with Chaos, and let her heart be filled by the Light. Or her name goes to the Komission. It will not come to that. Surely, it will not.

Alaric has been invigorated and is focused on forging arms and armor for the coming war. Reminding him that he was the greatest smith to live and that we cannot prevent the End Times unarmed did the trick.

And now, I wait for the court session.

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