Wednesday, May 22, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 84 (Seas of Ulthuan)

11 Nachhexen 2502

Some nautical miles east of Ulthuan

Another storm, lasting three days and nights, drove us far to the south and west into the treacherous waters off the coast of Ulthuan.

Rescued a pair of elven sailors-both willing to take service with me-from the water. They had been sunk by Bretonnian plague ships. More of these vile vessels had struck the coast as well, but had been driven off or sunk. The elven sailing mistress was instrumental in getting us through the shoals in one piece.

Met Prince Eltharion of Yvresse aboard the Spirit (he came out on his griffon). Had a chat about many things, but most pressingly about the kidnapped Everchild, daughter of the Everqueen and the Phoenix King. She had been spirited away by unknown forces during the attack, and the elves were desperately searching for her. I somewhat agreed to help out, if able.

14 Nachhexen 2502

En route to Araby

During one drunken stupor, Uthlass "Eonir," the Envoy of Prince Eltharion, let slip that the Everchild's father may be Tyrion, brother of Teclis, not the Phoenix King. Though interesting, it changes little. To the elves, it is the Everqueen who matters, not the Child's father. 

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