Wednesday, May 15, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 76 (The Darkness in Altdorf)


10 Sommerzeit

Altdorf, Reikland

I am leaving for Parravon, but I must update my journal... where to begin... there is so much to say... but I must be brief:

The Grand Theogonist, Yorri, the 15th of his name, was a heretic of the worst sort, a daemon-possessed wretch enthralled by the Great Corruptor. He has... how do I phrase this.... been replaced by a new Grand Theogonist, Luthor Huss.

A new Arch Lector has been appointed as well, one Volkmar von Hindenstern, previously of Carroburg, to replace the one that was hit in the head by a falling statue inside the grand cathedral. What a curious coincidence, no? Almost as if the forces of darkness were undermining the noble institution of Sigmar's temple right under our noses. 

That all ends now. Huss and Volkmar will bring about a new, more fiery version of Sigmar's faith—one that actually protects the people and puts the Empire first rather than their own grubby needs. Relatedly, Sigmar's witch hunters will now focus primarily on church matters and actual heresy, rooting out evil within rather than burning random villagers. It remains to be seen how effective they will be, but at least they won't interfere as much in Commission affairs.

I've also uncovered an insidious plot to kill Emperor Lutipold, my blood father, long may he reign. It is, as yet, not entirely clear who has poisoned him using the Elixir of Life. It could have been the Emperor himself, but that seems unlikely. The Empress is another candidate, but I think not. But no matter, I'll get to the bottom of it.

Speaking of the Imperial family, Karl-Franz has gone on a harebrained expedition to the Black Fire Pass to retrieve the hammer. Ghal-Maraz isn't there, so he won't find anything, but I suspect a plot to get him out of the city and into harm's way. It is likely Yorri was involved in this conspiracy as well, using Hergard as his dim-witted proxy. With the Emperor dead, KF gone, and the princess in the asylum... the cultists would have had a free reign.

Immanuel-Ferrand, the Emperor's spymaster-mage (and brother), will go bring KF back. I was, for a while, quite suspicious of the man. Why hadn't he seen this coming? Did he not stand to benefit greatly from all of this? But ultimately I do not think this is the case. IF is a loyal servant of the Empire.

On to Bögenhafen, Helmgart, Axe Bite Pass, Bretonnia, and glory!

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