Tuesday, May 14, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 75 (Reaving the reavers)

Pflugzeit 13

Neue Liberungen, Nordland 

I returned to Nordland after a successful spring raid up the western coast of Norsca. I was forced to leave the fleet under Ulfberth's able command to journey south for the great tourney. Anna remains steadfast at his side—they have clearly grown close through shared hardships.

Thesalva has been returned to me, carried by the Witch King and his dragon from the distant Wastes to the shores of Norsca. It's part of the deal I cut with the King's mother, Morathi: Thesalva, Aneeshka, and Neshea are all free of any obligation to Naggaroth. The King will send 600 warriors to guard the Forest of Shadows. And we will trade freely among our nations. Elven goods for guns and cannon and powder and shot - but also gunnery experts. Moreover, we will furnish Naggaroth with any... undesirable elements we find in Norsca.

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