Wednesday, May 15, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 78 (The Great Tourney 2.0)


25 Vorgeheim

Grey Lady Pass, Somewhere between Bretonnia and the Empire

I write this from atop top of the remnants of the great dam Zul the Accursed, may his soul forever languish in torment, made not so many years ago. The dam is broken now, its waters unleashed against Übersreik (but the city is safe, thanks to Master Halmstad). So I guess the road is open again. 

The tourney lies behind me - and I am its winner. Things were not so very different from last year, but this time, I was favored and remained the last man on my horse.

The more interesting event of the tournament was a plot by Chaos cultists to unleash the red rage of Khorne upon Parravon. While it was stopped and the city and its nobles made safe, many questions remain. I have detached Brother Paul to look into it as I now travel at speed toward the Black Fire Pass. 

I also leave behind the Saponatheims - let them enjoy their honeymoon in lovely Bretonnia - and my naval experts.

In their place, I've recruited several promising knights, including a questing knight sworn to silence. It did not come as a huge surprise when she was revealed to be a woman. Celia, for such is her name in my service, has accepted the Light and sworn herself to my service, thinking it the right way to fulfill her quest: to bring Bretonnia and the Empire closer together. She's already begun working her charms on me, so perhaps there is something to it.

Arrangements with Herr Drücker concluded in a satisfactory manner. The House of Drücker's assets are joined to Adler's - the man got a good bargain, I think - and Herr D will become the Magister Supreme of the whole thing. He will move headquarters to Bögenhafen and start training Josef and Wilhelmina (more the latter, I suspect) to take over when the time comes.

Onward to the Black Fire Pass!

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