Wednesday, May 15, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 79 (Footsteps of Sigmar)


32 Nachgeheim

River Aver, somewhere between Averheim and Nuln

Ghal-Maraz, the Hammer of Sigmar, has been returned to the Empire!

As is Karl-Franz, the son of Lutipold, heir to the Reikland. Long may they reign.

It's been more than a month since last I wrote. I embarked on a treacherous journey, riding hard with only a small party of Lightbringers (Celia included), Annika, Aneeshka, and Glugnur, from Übersreik to Averheim, stopping only very briefly in Nuln.

In Averheim, we did uncover - and destroy - another Cult of the Nine Eyes. Then we rode hard for the mountains, following in KF's footsteps, so to speak, thinking there was little hope of finding the Prince alive after so many weeks.

Into the Black Fire Pass, we went, where Sigmar forged the Empire so many years ago. All manner of creatures we did encounter, from goblins to pilgrims, from preachers to dwarf scouts, from Tilean merchants to a daemonic presence we could not pinpoint.

After days in the mountains, we came upon an abandoned mining site, which led directly into some goblin warrens - and ancient, magical tunnels deeper below. There, we braved many challenges until my companions could follow no further, or their lives and souls would be forfeit.

In the dark, I found an insidious presence—a daemon who had stalked me for way too long, a shape-shifting menace who had appeared in many places, wearing many faces. I eluded me in Bögenhafen and Middenheim, but no more. It is ended, torn asunder, and sent screaming back into the vortex.

Beyond, SHEERARGETRU, great architect of fate, speaker of countless lies, servant of Tzeentch, awaited, bound in this place by the power of the hammer. And Karl-Franz, frozen in place by the ancient magic he had not the strength to overcome.

I seized the hammer, for I am the heir of Sigmar, and we fought in the darkness. Hard and long was the struggle, but the Light will prevail over Darkness, and I smote the thing will all the might imbued in me and sent it screaming back to hell.

We quickly left that dark place and joined forces with Elector Leitdorf, who had arrived with an army. We then set about fortifying our position at a narrow stretch of the pass. Soon, a great horde of greenskins descended upon us, but we fought with faith, magic, and steel, and the horde was broken, as it was in Sigmar's time.

The dwarfs from the World's Edge mountains warned that there would be more orks coming. Let them come. We will be ready and Leitdorf will be the bulwark upon which they break.

Immanuel-Ferrand remains lost to us, perhaps dead, perhaps captured, perhaps trapped behind enemy lines. This is unfortunate, but it is what it is. Either he lives or he dies; either he is a captive or he is not. It is not within my power to change this, so I will not try.

I will now travel at speed to the Hägercrybs, where I will Grand Theogonist Huss, and see what devilry lurks in those dark, forested hills and shadowy mountain valleys.

Then, on to Salzenmund via Altdorf, to see my wife and newborn child.

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