Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Item: Horn of the Norscans


This item can summon the spirits of dead Norscan warriors to fight again. While not inherently evil, any competent wizard can tell that the magic used is both powerful and dark.

Powers: The horn can only be used by Norscan characters or by someone with a Magic rating of 1+

Make a WP check with a +20 modifier. If successful, 1d3+1 (or d3+MR if a mage) Norscan berserkers will appear and fight for the summoner for 1 hour or until they are destroyed. The berserkers have normal berserker stats, except they cause Fear, and have Daemonic and Unstable traits (meaning they are hard to kill - but not impossible - unless you have magic or magic weapons).

On a double on the WP check, the berserkers will attack everyone, including the summoner and his allies, caring not from whence the blood flows. If the result is a double AND a failure, the berserkers will appear, but attack the summoner at the exclusion of anyone else. On a double '0' the summoner also suppers 1 CP (the horn is not of Chaos, but is still a dangerous object to fool around with).

The horn can be sounded once per battle (or possibly multiple times if the battle is very long), but if sounded again before the next full Chaos moon, there is a cumulative -10 penalty to the WP check.

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