Tuesday, May 14, 2024

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 74 (Court life, best life)


Nachhexen 22, 2501

Salzenmund, Nordland

The last of my vassals and their families and servants have left court after 72 days of merriment and politics. It has cost me a pretty penny, but already I feel Nordland starting to take shape. We will do this every year. Two more years, and we will be united - and some of my projects will start to take shape. Twenty years and nothing can break us apart - and all my visions for the realm will be reality.

Katrina is clearly pregnant now. Come summer, we will have an heir. My bastards have been very well received by their new Mother. I would not be exaggerating if I said Katrina is more interested in them than their birth mother ever was.

I also found time to solve an insidious case of corruption, trying to destroy the temple of Shallya from within. I put an end to it - and learned a name: Festus. I am sure it is a creature of Chaos, of the Grandfather, "ascended," if you will, but not about plaguing the world of the living and righteous. I will bring about its demise - and the Komission will aid me. Already, they are searching for a certain Shallyan priestess. I suspect she is more than she lets on.

Pretty sure Anna and Ulfberth did the thing during their stay in Norsca. I've forgiven them. Nothing to fuss over.

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