Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Item highlight: Crow Feeder (Krähenfresser), Runefang of the Jutones (Nordland)


Crow Feeder is not a sword at all but a bearded axe in the Norscan style. The Electors of Nordland don't really talk about this much. For one, the Emperor holds this Runefang following the fall of Westerland. Secondly, the Princes of Nordland always carry sword and axe together, probably to make people not think too hard about this issue.

The axe was given to Wigmar by Emperor Lutipold during the Spring of 2500, basically confirming Lord Liberungen's ascension to the high office. This will, of course, have to be ratified by the Electorate when they assemble in Altdorf for Wigmar's marriage to Katarina Todbringer, but that should be a mere formality.

The axe bears a striking resemblance to the Axe of Khorne Wigmar threw away at Brass Keep. Almost like they were twins, separated at birth, with one turning twisted and evil. Perhaps there is some significance to this, or maybe it is a fluke - or just Khorne playing a prank.

Powers: The axe is made from an enchanted gromnil alloy (same as all Runefangs). 

It counts as a magic weapon, does +4 damage, increases the severity of crits by 1, and ignores all normal armor (special armor, such as magic armor, chaos armor, gromnil armor, etc., protects normally). 

If the weapon defeats an opponent without slaying him, the wielder must make a WP +0 test or immediately kill this unworthy foe. If the test is successful, the wielder MAY instead make a bonus attack at full WS against another enemy within striking distance.

If the owner of this weapon is defeated in personal combat, the axe will deem him unworthy, and he suffers WS -20/BS -40 until he has atoned by some extraordinary feat of arms. No known magic has the power to break this curse.

The axe probably has other powers as well that can be unlocked by furthering the cause of Nordland and exploring the legend of the blade itself.

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