Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Legendary items


Magic items are quite rare in the Old World, but they are not as rare as to be unknown. Some items, however, are a bit more special than others. The most special of all items fall into the "Legendary" category.

Such items have a set of starting abilities but have additional "hidden" powers that can develop during the course of play. This is a cool way of keeping items relevant for longer without making them too powerful when introduced.

Current known (others are certainly possible) legendary items: The rune-fang axe and the elven rune sword.

Mechanics: When the owning character progresses his story in a manner that fits the item, it will grow in power. 

Crow Feeder, for example, will grow more powerful if Wigmar furthers the cause of Northland. It could include something as boring as building up the province, but in the case of the axe, that's not really in its nature (turning back a Chaos incursion would be a better fit). And the elven rune sword would probably enjoy slaughtering dark elves since it was made for the Phoenix Guard...

Finally, it will be possible to invest a Fate Point into a legendary item once it is sufficiently attuned to its owner. This will unlock the item's final form.

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