Friday, October 13, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 57 (Into the sewer once more)

11 Jahrdrung, 2500

Middenheim, Middenland 

The Skaven infestation of Middenheim was worse than expected, but it has been dealt with.

How is it that whenever I decide to do something, I end up doing something else instead?

It's those waking nights when the others are asleep. Then, my imagination and creativity run wild.

Couple with a certain tendency to always seek out trouble and jump into the pie with both feet.

We ventured deep underground, where we discovered the lair of Gray Seer (which seems to be a title used for a particular breed of foul Skaven sorcerers). At the lair were both Skaven and human cultists of the Yellow Fang, and some undead. Also, a shrine to the Horned Rat.

Later we followed the path of the ratmen into the deep bowels of the mountain, where my men and the dwarfs, seconded by the Komission, fought a grueling battle in the dark against an entire horde of the things. To think that there was an entire town of the cruel, filthy things down below our streets...

We rooted out every last one of them. That we could find, anyway. And I'm not stupid enough to think they won't be back. The same applies to the abominable Yellow Fang. We've pulled its teeth, hopefully for good, but even if that isn't the case, its "cause" has been set back many years.

We tore down the statues of their black "god" and reclaimed the Flame of Ulric. Which is very much real and a potent artifact of magic, not some gas pipes. I've returned the flame to the temple of Ulric, so now I have a new faction that calls me friend. But there is one thing to ponder: the flame was magic, elven magic. Powerful, yes, but not divine. Quite the mystery.

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