Friday, October 13, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 58 (Ill met in Salzenmund)


27 Jahrdrung, 2500

Salzenmund, Nordland

We are finally here, in my future capital of Salzenmund, the city of Silver and Salt.

I had not planned on going north before the marriage, and the appointments were in order, but I grew impatient, so here I am.

There is another purpose as well: I've summed my elite regiment and supporting troops to the north, and I must pave the way for them, so to speak. Make sure they are welcomed properly. I don't want to find my own men at war with my own domain. That would be silly!

Speaking of roads, the Nordland roads are atrocious, barely usable outside the dry season. In that, they are not unlike the roads of Middenland, only worse.

The trip to Salzenmund was interesting: mud, a ruined bridge, more mud, a keep filled with lazy soldiers, mud, beastmen having pillaged several villages, lax defenses at Beekerhoven, yet more mud, and finally a warm welcome before the Crimson Gate of Salzenmund. Captain Sigrun of the Salzenmund Greatswords, I think, shall be a welcome addition to my little flock. She's only got one eye, but a lot of big swords.

I shall not bore you with little details. Suffice to say that we are well-established at the castle. Baron Werner von Nikse, uncle to the late Annika-Elise of Middenheim, proved far more agreeable than I have dared hope.

I also made contact with the guilds, temples, and other key institutions, such as the city council. I think we shall all be splendid friends. They are understandably a bit apprehensive, especially with Katarina being a Todbringer and all, but my first act was to LOWER taxes from crippling to merely high. I think that has brought us both time and goodwill.

I have so many plans for Salzenmund - and Nordland.

But now we must leave again. The local - and quite eccentric - lady wizard invited us to witness another strike on Morrslieb last night. I say strike, because, looking through her massive telescope, I saw it for way it was. An attack from the earth on the moon. The same as this winter, but much greater in magnitude. Huge chunks of rock - warpstone - are hurtling towards the ground as I write this. They will be scattered, of course, but the epicenter will be the Middle Mountains.

That is where I must go now.

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