Saturday, October 28, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 70 (The lost sea-elf princess)


Erentzeit 17, 2500

Neues Emskrank, Nordland

The true flame of Ulric has arrived, carried by his great champion, Ulfberth the Reformed Reaver. At his side, Anna, the Amethyst Wizard, with her newfound faith in the White Wolf. But alas, Thesalva is lost. They say dead, but in my heart, I do not believe this. But they are both heartbroken, and Ulfberth will no longer carry the flame. So I will do it for him. I can feel it inside me, the power, a tickling that subtly gnaws at my soul. 

I denied Ulfberth's request to go back north. If he does, he will die, and nothing will come of it. If Thesalva is alive, she will find a way back to us. I know it. To make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, I thanked the High Priest of Mannan and paid off the rest of the crew, with farmsteads or a ship of their own.

Ankh admitted to desiring the flame's power, so I offered it to him freely, but he declined. Good for us, or there would be war, no question about it.

We go now to Middenheim again.

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